
Thursday, November 30, 2017

Refreshed :: Invigorated :: Ready

I'm back!  I've missed blogging, missed quilting, missed sharing these past couple of weeks!  My little world has been in a state of chaos for the past month and I'm ready to get back on track and get back to normal again!

This post will be not be about quilting.  I don't have anything to show for myself right now, but with a promise there are a lot of things in the works!  I have so many things I want to do, many things I need to do and a several things I have to stay tuned!  

I had a wonderful time at the beach!  My daughter Britt whisked me away to Fort Lauderdale by the Sea and it was gorgeous!  It happened at the perfect time and while I was not thrilled when it was first presented to me (because of remodeling chaos), I was chomping at the bit when the time came to leave.

We had four days of gorgeous weather and plenty of beach time.  Ice cream for lunch, delicious dinners and touristy shopping!  For me, the best part was spending time with my daughter.  That alone would have been enough for me.  I love the person she has grown into and enjoy all my time spent with her!  This will be remembered and cherished for the rest of my life.

If I could live anywhere it would be somewhere just like this!  

Britt is a quirky kid!  In a very good way.  She has always been that way and I'm sure always will be.  Case in point:  she love collecting rocks and shells.  She would scour the beach for 'treasures' braving the waves crashing around her feet.  I had to laugh by the end of our trip at the pile of shells she wanted to bring home!

This is only a fraction of them!  She also had to bring home a bag of sand.  Her intention was to share with her 'kidlet' friends!  I was the lucky one who had to carry them in my suitcase when we headed for home.  No problem!  Well, unless you go through security and they pull you aside to check whats inside.  It didn't dawn on me that a baggie full of sand could be an issue when going through the x-ray!  It had to be pulled out and a drug test was performed on it.  I know...why would I mix drugs with sand?!  It was quite funny!

Heading home was bitter sweet.  Neither of us wanted to leave.  But we had to.  We had Thanksgiving to do and a house to get back in order!

Anyone who has gone through remodeling knows what a mess you have to go through before its finished.  Construction guys are not the least bit concerned with cleanliness.  They are there to do a job.  I spent weeks following behind them wiping crud off of wall and door frames.  Touching up paint, sweeping up muck and cringing at every turn! was worth it to have beautiful new wood floors!  When I got back from Florida, I started cleaning.  Washing down walls, washing everything in sight, touching up paint and moving things back where they belonged.  There is still a lot of touch up work to be done, but that can happen later.

My beautiful new floor!  I was so excited to get back everything back in my sewing room!!  I missed having my space!


I'm back...and the funny thing is...I didn't know what to do first!  I told my husband that I've been so excited to get back in to sewing, but I didn't know where to start.  My list was to long and I couldn't make a decision on what was first!

It didn't last long and I'm officially working on 'something'!  My double design wall is working great.  I even added my old design wall which you can see rolled up in the first picture.  A spare will come in handy.

I rearranged my shelf full of fabric, framed my sewing machine print and finally got the machine humming!  My room is small, it isn't anything other than a spare bedroom...but it is my 'sanctuary'.  And now it's my 'Sanctuary By The Sea'!  

Thank you for indulging me with today!!  I'm anxious and ready to start sharing quilting projects!  Stay tuned!


  1. Missed you, Ms Jayne! So glad you had a fabulous time. Living through reno is no fun but the end is worth it.

    1. Thank you Libby! I had a lot of fun in Florida and am also enjoying the end of construction!!

  2. Glad you had a fabulous time! And welcome home, we missed you! Those floors are beautiful.

    1. I am very happy with the floors and will not miss the horrible carpet! Florida was a much needed break and so much fun. I’m glad to be home back to normal (almost) again!

  3. I know the chaos of a remodel was tough, and I hope you really can settle in and enjoy your "new" space now. The trip sounds like a wonderful time, and I hope that a bit of a break helps you come back refreshed and inspired. :)

    1. After a long and stressful year…I’m looking forward to just ‘hanging’ in my sewing room and seeing what I can come up with! It was a tough remodel, but beautiful new floors makes it worth it!

  4. I love you both so much and this post makes me so happy!!

    1. Britt and I had a really fun and memorable time! She knew what I needed and made me do it…dare I say she was right?! Don’t tell her I said that! I love you too!

  5. I love your new studio and gorgeous wood floors! I don't think I'd ever get any work done in there- I'd be admiring that beautiful, colorful wall of hexagons and such!

  6. Hi Jayne, it's so great that you had that special time with your daughter. And it's just as well that you weren't home cleaning up after the construction guys. Your studio looks awesome! Is your double design wall the same concept as your old one? can you roll it up too?

    1. oh, and doesn't everyone bring home rocks and sea shells? I even have my daughter bringing me some home from her holiday :-)

  7. Oh, wow!! This is really great! You have an *awesome* room now! I loved reading about your trip with your daughter. I've got a daughter living in Florida, and I try to meet up with her somewhere in the country once a year to have a nice few days in a locale where she's gone to do some athletic thing or another. She's also a rock and shell collector, so I know all about that. :) The sand at the airport - how hilarious!

  8. We love Fort Lauderdale, too, and are heading there in the next few weeks :) Your sewing space is so fresh and clean and new...inspiring!

  9. You don't have enough color in your room, you need more, hehehe. It's a beautiful space and what a gorgeous floor. I usually feel the way you do after the holidays and the craft shows are done...what do I work on!!

  10. Having your own sanctuary is wonderful! I love going into my space and creating. Your beach photos are beautiful!

  11. I was just thinking about you this morning and thinking it been a while since I read a post of yours! Glad to see you back in the saddle. Your sewing room is lovely! I am especially mesmerized by the gorgeously beautiful bright quilts on your design wall. Throw everything you have to work on into a hat and randomly pick something out! :)

  12. The two of you look so happy in the photo! Lovely vacation photos and that is a great collection of shells. The story of your being pulled aside for security check made me smile. I got pulled over last time because I had candy in my backpack. Go figure! I am happy to hear the remodelling is over, your flooring looks gorgeous. I am sure you are super happy to have the sewing room back again. It’s beautiful!! Enjoy :)


  13. Glad to see you back Jayne. Those floors are divine and your quilts hanging on the walls are beautiful! I'm very jealous

  14. Love those design walls...what are they made from and what do they hang from?

    1. The design walls are fantastic! I did a post about them here: They work perfectly for me and allow me to take them down when needed!

  15. So glad you have a good time away with your girl - I love when I get to do that too!! And love your floors! We did that a couple of years ago and are so glad we did!! Good luck getting back in your groove!

  16. Great post with lovely photos of FL and your new sewing studio. I just moved into a smaller apt. and need a new design wall which will need to be like your old roll up one. Do you have any hints on making it? Thanks. Howland no space quilt no space at gmail dot com.

  17. Your sewing room looks great! Bright, clean, and organized.

  18. I need to rip out the carpeting in my living room and redo the floors. I have been dragging my feet because I don't want the mess. But seeing your new beautiful floors makes me think it might be worth the pain.

  19. I'm happy to hear you had such a wonderful time with your daughter and created so many happy memories. I love your floor and the peak into your sewing room, so tidy and organised with that wonderful design wall. Your room may be small to you but it's twice the size of mine, but are we not lucky to have a space for ourselves no matter what the size. I'm happy you are back safely home and I'm looking forward to the next creations you surprise us with.

  20. Sweet recharge! It was fun to see your pics from the beach, while we escaped to a cabin in the mountains at the same time! I can only imagine how special that time with your daughter was! Welcome back to your beautiful, clean home! Ahhhhh!

  21. It sounds like you had a wonderful break. We need to remember to do that from time to time -- make time for ourselves.


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