
Friday, November 17, 2017

UPDATE :: Diamond Hexie Stars

This project has been going on for a while, but then that was the goal in the first place.  A long term English Paper Piecing Project.  When I went to Oregon the beginning of August, I wanted a simple and quick EPP to keep me occupied and out of trouble.  It did just that!

I just finished my ninth round of hexies.  Nine rounds!  When I say rounds, I mean I cut fabric for 6-9 diamonds and hand stitch the hexie diamonds completely together before I start another round.

Round six ended up having eight stars.  I have to say I love picking out the fabrics for each one.  It can be time consuming, complicated, confusing and crazy...but so much fun!

It appears I was slacking when I did round seven...really Jayne...only six?!  I feel like the Kaffe Fasset fabric was exactly what these needed.  Not just what they needed, but what I needed at the time.  It was a difficult August for me and the bold and bright colors of the fabric helped.

Round eight.  Another slacking moment!  Nearly every night I'll pick up this project and stitch for a couple hours.  My thumb is a mess, and why is it there is always one spot where the needle hits every single time?!  Painful, but worth it.  

This would be round nine.  I will say my stash of Kaffe has dwindled to a holy mess!  Fussy cutting will make a mess in a hurry. 

I have round ten cut and ready!  Beyond that I haven't a clue what I'll do.  Most likely scour my fabric and see if I can squeeze out even more.  

I thought this block was rather interesting.  I  like the oval circles!

I'm waiting to get back in to my sewing room so I can put them on the design wall.  I'm so curious as to what they will look like!!

I'll be heading to Ft. Lauderdale for a few days of fun and sun!  My daughter pretty much insisted I go with her and who am I to deny her the pleasure of my company?!

Besides, I am!!  I need a break from the chaos, grime and having people in and out of my house every single day!  

I've needed a laptop sleeve for a long time now.  My sisters laughed at what I was using, a large bubble mailer from Aurifil thread...what's wrong with that?!  

I used this tutorial from Sew Mama Sew as my guide, Simple Laptop Sleeve by Elizabeth Hartman.

Very simple indeed!  The outside is a Home Dec weight fabric from Ikea.  I love the graphic nature of it.  It has fusible fleece and a flannel lining as well.  Not armor, but perfectly fine and it probably looks better than a bubble mailer! 

No more laughing at me Debbrah and Kathie!!  



  1. Heeee (the bubble mailer is something I would do - too many quilts to work on to make a carrier, so good for you!!) That's an awesome stack of hexie flowers you're holding up. I'm sorry August was so hard for you, and sure hope things are looking better now. Isn't it great how some good fabric is really therapeutic? How long is the construction supposed to last? Will it go into Christmas? And here's to those enduring sore-spot divits in our fingers from all the hand work! (Mine's on my right middle finger)

    1. You know how we all love to make things for others…we just never find the time to do something for ourself very often! It seemed like the perfect time to make a sleeve and if I ever go on another trip…I’ll be prepared! I mean…the bubble mailer did work very well! It just wasn’t that pretty! My thumb will heal or at least it’ll hold out for as long as I need it too!

      The majority of the remodeling is finished. The last section of floor is getting laid today, a huge plumbing project finished up yesterday…baseboards and a lot of touch up after I get back and after Thanksgiving. It’s a huge mess right now and I’m itching to get things back to normal and clean!

  2. These are gorgeous! Hope you have a nice time away! Soak it in!

  3. The bubble mailer was practical, but the new case is sleek and beautiful. The EPP project is so bright and vibrant. I am curious to see how many blocks you can make before you run out of ability to fussy cut.

    1. We never seem to make things for ourself and this was an easy quick project. Plus it really was needed! I have taken more trips the past 6 months than I have in the last five years! I’m determined not to buy more fabric for these blocks…I’m just as curious as you are!

  4. Your EPP is lovely, I can see the attraction, I'm just not that patient. Have a lovely time with your daughter, and use your laptop sleeve with pride, your sisters will be wanting you to make some for them now.

  5. I'm looking forward to seeing all these blocks together ! So bright and bold fabric choice for this project. I love your new laptop sleeve as well. Enjoy your stay Jayne !

  6. Love your paper piecing.. I can't seem to manage diamonds.. just hexies.. I know what you mean with the needle hitting the same place every time.. you couldn't do it if you tried, and yet it happens! xx

  7. I don't always come over to comment but the hexie diamonds pulled me over! I am still working on my long term project from you, those skinny pointed hexie stars. Thank you for being an inspiration!

  8. These blocks are amazing. I wish you had shared a photo of your laptop in the bubble sleeve. I love it!!

  9. You are making great progress on this quilt. I haven't gotten my EPP out in ages. Something I need to do this winter. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  10. These are lovely, Jayne! Beautiful stars and I love that you used solid backgrounds for them. Fabulous laptop sleeve too, and there’s nothing wrong with using bubble mailer if it protects the laptop :)

    Hope you had a wonderful time with your daughter away from the construction.



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