
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Wayward Transparency :: QAL

Every once in a while we see a quilt we just have to make.  That was the case with Wayward Transparency, a quilt designed by Yvonne @Quilting JetGirl.  When Yvonne announced she was going to have a quilt along with this pattern, I knew I wanted to participate...hopefully!  And that 'hopefully' turned in to I'm 'doin' it'!  And it's a free pattern! 


I've admired and been inspired by Yvonne for a long, long time.  So, joining the QAL that was all about 'transparency' was an exciting and anxious prospect! Exciting because I love the transparent aspect of quilts, anxious because I had to pick the right colors to make it work.

After scouring the fabric shops, I finally came up with my colors.  It wasn't easy my any means!  I picked, ordered and waited patiently.

I ended up picking Kona Blue Bell, Kona Deep Blue and Kona Hyacinth.  

Cutting and organizing is essential in most any projects.  I have to say I had fun with this part!  Who doesn't love to organize, right?!

This quilt was a breeze to piece.  The hardest part was picking the colors!  Oh, and then you had to decide on on-point or traditional settings.  The instructions were clear and easy to follow.  

I don't think it's a secret to anyone that I prefer rectangle quilts to square, unless they are mini quilts.  During the piecing, I kept thinking about what I could do to keep the integrity of the quilt, yet change the shape.  I thought and thought and then, thought some more!  By the time the quilt was pieced I pretty much had a plan!

46" x 73"
There are more times than not that I get a quilt pattern and then modify it.  Not that there is anything wrong with the original at all.  I just like to put my stamp on it even if it's just a little bit. 

I pulled a section from Yvonne's design (the top and bottom triangles), and made my modification.  I believe it stays true to the design and doesn't change the original concept.  I'm pretty happy with it!!  I's a rectangle!

***The pictures are a combination of before and after washing.  Winter sucks for photos!  You take what you can get sometimes!


You know when I said picking fabric was the hardest part...oops...I forgot the quilting part!  Letting a top sit for a while is always a good thing.  Eventually an idea comes to you for the quilting.  

Let's talk quilting!  I thought long and hard about this!  I decided 1/2" concentric squares in the center.  I also had to think thread.  I decided I would go with Aurifil Dove Grey (2600).  Simple.  Except I used a 28wt in the top and a 50 wt in the bobbin.  The 28wt is heavier and kind of gives a more defined stitch line.  Because it's thicker, I use the 50wt in the bobbin for ease of quilting.  

After the center was finished, I continued the lines outward.  Except this time I went with a 1" width.  This is just the way I work.  I start a section and figure out the next move after each brainstorm.  Much like chess!

I think the texture with all the different angles of quilting work well with the design.  They also scratch my 'geometric straight line itch'!

I'd like to think I 'enhanced' the design to fit me, and I hope that Yvonne is okay with that!  I loved making this quilt and feel that I have come away from it with more of an understanding of what transparency means.

The back give you a better idea of how it was quilted.  Symmetrical.  Geometric.  Quilting.  

Right now there is a link up showing a huge variety of Wayward Transparency quilts.  If you want inspiration or color ideas, check out this link:  Wayward Transparency Link Up.  



  1. I love it!! I don't think I've seen any others that have modified the pattern so far, so yours definitely feels unique :-) which is just how it should be :-)
    E xx

  2. Very cool finished quilt, Jayne, and your straight line quilting looks fantastic. Do you quilt on a long arm or on a sit down machine? For me, it's not the quilting that's the hardest part. It's the STARTING on the quilting that's the hardest part! I have a quilt on my frame that I have been avoiding for weeks now because I'm afraid to quilt it. It's amazing how much exercise and housework gets done when I'm procrastinating on a quilt! Congrats on a lovely finish.

    1. I use a domestic machine for all my quilting. I agree that starting to quilt is hard…and the design idea! But once you get going there’s no stopping!!

  3. Jayne beautiful finish. The back really does show off that great quilting. I love how you rectanglized this quilt.

  4. Neat modification and color combo!

  5. Beautiful! I love how you extended the design into a rectangular shape.

  6. I definitely love the way you took the design and made it your own, Jayne! This design is perfect for a bit of self expression with the different ways the blocks can be rotated and the way even just adding more borders can float the design differently. I am so glad you joined the QAL and feel like it was a good learning experience!

    1. And I didn't even talk about the quilting! The concentric squares are definitely inspired and I think the quilting really helps the pattern stand out. :)

    2. There really were a lot of options when it came to this quilt design. I was so happy I was able to join and actually finish the QAL! It really gave me a clearer idea about transparency designs and designing, and designing in general! Thank you so much for that! A learning experience as well as fun!

  7. Well done! Love the modification you made to show your personal style with the pattern. Very pretty!

  8. Your quilting is perfect. The layout is spot on. The blues you chose are some of my favorites. Once again you have done a splendid job. Nadine W. N. Cali

  9. I am really enjoying seeing all of the Wayward Transparencies and their quilting motif's. I bought this pattern a loooong time ago to make for my son (haven't even started it yet, bad MOM!). But at least I'll have a lot of quilting ideas now! Your version is beautiful and VERY symmetrical. Hee! Hee!

  10. Your version is stellar, Jayne! I love the symmetry of the quilting over the asymmetry of the piecing. A little quilting frisson, there :)

  11. Beautiful quilt. I love the way you created your own version without compromising the integrity of Yvonne's pattern. The blue looks wonderful. I, too, enjoyed participation in this quilt along. Wonderful quilting.

  12. Just gorgeous, I love blue quilts and don't see enough of them.

  13. I love what you've done with adding the extra sections to the design. I love the shades of blue you've used, gorgeous!

  14. I love your modification. Now I want to do that! LOL I agree...very easy to piece. Hardest parts were deciding on colour, layout of blocks, and quilting plan. I kept my quilting very simple.

  15. You really nailed the transparency concept, and the quilting absolutely enhances the design. Beautifully done!

  16. I love your addition to this quilt and the way the top and bottom arrows draw your attention into the center. And I LOVE the quilting!

  17. I love your color choices and how you altered the layout. (I like rectangular quilts better, too.) Your quilting decision is excellent here and very well executed. Congratulations on this beautiful finish!

  18. A wonderful vision of a great pattern Jayne. I couldn't join in this year and now I have seen this wonderful version I want to make it even more. Love how you quilted it.

  19. Love what you did with the pattern. looks great!

  20. I like how you added your stamp to the pattern Jayne. Good for you.

  21. Taking a pattern and putting your own spin on it is fun. Your quilting really set it off. Love it.

  22. What a lovely variation on Yvonne's design - nice job! As for your quilting, it's fabulous.

  23. I had no doubt Yvonne would approve of your work. It's stunning! Love that you made it your own AND the quilting accentuates the design wonderfully!

  24. Just love this Jayne! Very creative way to make her quilt into a rectangle. Funny, you're like Jasmine of Quilt Kisses in that regard; hadn't known anyone else like her until now. :-) Great straight line quilting too.


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