
Tuesday, February 27, 2018

EEK! Meet Mr. Squeak

I am not a fan of rodents.  Of any kind.  Never was and I never will be!  Then again, there are exceptions.  This time the exception being Mr. Squeak.  I couldn't resist him, he's paper pieced, adorable and it was another 'palate cleanser' at the retreat.

Mr. Squeak
7 3/4" x 12"
As far as paper piecing goes, this one is pretty easy and quick.  Just what I needed!


I came home with a 5" x 9" block and didn't waste much time in finishing it up.  After all, he needed a little sprucing up.  If I'm going to have a mouse in the house he will have to be a cute one!

The first thing I did was add a dark grey 1/4" border.  It picked up where the tail ended.  I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to see a mouse with a tail that long...but its all about the the flow!

Finishing it off with a bright pink 1 3/4" border was where I decided to stop.  I easily could add border after border after border!  There comes a time when less is more!

Since I was going less with borders, I went more with free motion quilting.  Stippling (again) for the body, which I think gives great texture as fur, and pebbles in the background.  Again, more texture!

It was at the very last moment that I thought what's a mouse with out cheese?  Stereo typical mouse scenario!  I grabbed a small piece of 'cheddar' and pieced a wedge of cheese into the binding.  I wish I had made it a tad bit smaller so that the entire wedge was on the front, but I think the message comes through loud and clear!

Another scrap from the pile for the backing and viola!  Done!  I really enjoy small quick finishes and if it's paper pieced...all the better!

Like I said, I'm not a rodent fan except for this mini quilt!  But I'm sure there are plenty of fans out there...are you a mouse lover?!

Mr. Squeak is another free pattern by Unicorn Harts.  Click here for the pattern link:  Mr. Squeak



  1. Oh my word I can't believe how cute this is, thank you for the pattern link I just have to make this one. Great fabrics choices Jayne, you have such a good eye.

    1. There wasn’t a need to get crazy with color on this one! Pink and grey were the perfect color choices for Mr. Squeak!

  2. He's too cute! I got the cheese at first glance.

  3. Adorable! I don't like rodents either but this one could hang out anytime.

  4. Another cute finish, but I'm leaving Mr Squeak alone, not a fan of real or imagined!! LOL Having always lived behind corn fields I have had too much interaction with the Mr Squeaks of the world.

    1. I know exactly what you mean! I’m fine with mice living outside, away from the house and as long as I don’t see them!!

  5. OMG! he's adorable and the cheese is the perfect finishing touch!!!

  6. So cute ! I love the cheese touch in the binding. A fun addition !

  7. I do like mice, but not in the house. You have enticed me to try paper piecing. last time did not end well...but I have a friend to hold my hand!

    1. Thankfully you have a friend that will help you through it! For the most part this mouse is fairly easy!! Good luck!

  8. Oh, that cheddar in the binding is so clever! GREAT finish, Jayne!

  9. This is so adorable! I love all the little subtle things you have added like the texture and the cheese. Thanks for the pattern link!

  10. That's adorable and just the way I like my mice!! Quilted and/or stuffed. Such a cute pattern and, though I don't paper-piece, I am going to make it!! Thanks ... cheddar, colors, perfection.

  11. He is adorable! I love the addition of the cheese in the binding. You do the coolest things with bindings :)

  12. Another fun finish! But you better hang Mr. Squeak a long way from Mr. Fox, or he'll disappear in the night :)

  13. Goodness, he's sweet! The cheese, though - too cute!

  14. Nope I am not a rodent lover either, but he is really a cutie pie. If we have to have a mouse in the house he is the best ever!

  15. He's sweet! And I love the baiting cheese on the binding. :)

  16. I'm not a fan of mice either, but he is too adorable. You've been on fire lately with all your projects. Well done.

  17. He's cute! And I'm glad he's in fabric. I'm not a fan of rodents either, and never understood how people could have rats as pets.

  18. No, I am not a mouse lover. But I do LOVE your work including this mouse. Jayne, seriously, no one ever called a mouse a palette cleanser. EEEEEWWWWW. Makes me wonder what were you eating before that???

  19. Very cute mouse! I really like the addition of the cheese into the binding.

  20. Cute! It looks so easy to make. Thanks for sharing the pattern. God bless!


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