
Friday, February 9, 2018


I've got a stack of quilts that are waiting to be quilted, but I put this one at the very top so it would be the first to be finished!  I was a little excited to see this one to the end, even though I really didn't know how I was going to quilt it!  On the fly quilting.  Figure it out as I go designing.  It'll all come together mindset.

21" x 21"

Besides having difficulty coming up with quilting ideas, I also have a very hard time naming my quilts.  I don't think all quilts need to be named.  Do you name your quilts?  I think there are quilts that deserve a proper name.  Which is not my strong suit.  So I was thrilled when Rebecca Grace @Cheeky Cognoscenti  suggested the perfect name for this quilt.  

The occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.
'a fortunate stroke of serendipity'.
synonyms: happy chance, happy accident, fluke

In a previous post (HERE), I talked about how this quilt came about.  How it started, how it kept growing and how it took on a life of its own.  I followed the 'quilts' lead and when it was time to stop, this quilt told me that too!  It was a happy accident this quilt!

You might think that's crazy talk!  Maybe it is.  Haven't your quilts talked to you?!  Please say yes so I don't sound crazy!

Quilting began with some of my favorite thread colors:  Aurifil #1231 Spring Green, #1148 Light Jade and #2730 Delft Blue.  I started in the middle section with dense straight lines and before I knew it I saw a beautiful plaid design emerging.  Another happy accident!

I was enjoying the process and figured if it wants to be plaid, than so be it...lets keep going.  The Light Jade and Spring Green stand out just the right amount and fit so well with the colors of this quilt.  

The back is Kona Celestial and is fast becoming one of my favorite colors.  It won't replace my all time favorite grey shades, but it's a good diversion!

This was the perfect opportunity to add some spice to the binding!  By adding a small pieced section, I was able to tie it together with the piano key border in the middle.  Its a nice touch and a nice change for a binding idea.  Something different.

Now to get back to that pile of quilts!  I think I have the two biggest ones left!  



  1. Yes, it did all come together, and in gorgeous fashion! I love it! The piecing in the binding is a great finishing touch.

    1. I like to add a little twist to my bindings on occasion and really love how this binding ties in with the quilt!

  2. Do you ever throw anything away? So clever and yes, quilts do talk to you although you have to listen to hear them. I love seeing what you make with your tiny scraps and you never disappoint. You are obviously a very good listener, a wonderful finish jayne.

    1. I’ve tried throwing away more and more, but every once in a while I find some pieces that require my attention! This one was very ‘loud’ at letting me know what it wanted…I couldn’t sew fast enough!

  3. It is adorable!!! And I love the plaid quilting, mist incorporate that in one of mine.

  4. I love this one, Jayne! I have had only one or two quilts take me on a ride like that! It is a super cool, fun thing, for sure!

    1. It doesn’t happen often when we are guided by that voice, but I sure love when it happens!

  5. I have a horrible time naming quilts too, Serendipity is perfect for this one! Love the finish and that pieced binding is the perfect finishing touch!

  6. This turned out great! What a fun quilting plan you went with - I love the different threads. And that binding bit - perfect!

  7. Great name, quilting, and binding detail! Congratulations on getting it finished. :)

  8. Its gorgeous - I find myself naming them stupid names like Blue RSC, or KTQ - but it makes sense in my head - Good thing I only had 3 kids - no telling what their names would be ;-)

  9. Serendipity is an appropriate name for this quilt. From start to finish you nailed it! The quilting finished it off just right and the addition in the binding gives the extra punch of color. Sometimes I name my quilts but never really clever names. I usually save all tiny bits of fabric from my quilts and throw into a bin for when I make stuffed bears for giveaway ---- they are perfect for the heart of the animal. Nadine W. N. Cali

  10. I love how you quilted it, especially in the four corners ! One more interesting Finish !
    ps : My quilting projects are always speaking to me ... Weird, isn't it ?!

  11. Love the quilt. A small art quilt with a beautiful story. And great listening skills you have - I think I could work on mine. And finding quilt names... no, really not a strong suit here either.

  12. Love your quilting!!! And yes, my quilts talk to me, too. Sometimes it's a whisper.

  13. Gorgeous! I love everything about this- the design, the colour palette, the quilting! And the name is perfect too! I love naming quilts, and have this word Serendipity waiting its turn for the 'just right' quilt!

  14. That is gorgeous. I guess those teeny, tiny HSTs did not want to be all alone. And of course my quilts talk to me (wink, wink)!

  15. What’s that saying: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts? Maybe true, but in this case I love looking at all the little details that went into this gorgeous little quilt,

  16. I love a good straight line quilting motif! Plaid is a most excellent choice, and Serendipity is a most excellent name!

    I name most of my quilts, although a few seem to be nameless. I don't label them with their names, though, just with my generic labels. And yes, they talk to me. Usually what they have to say is who the recipient is. If they tell me while I'm actively sewing them, I stitch good thoughts into the quilts with that person in mind. If they are silent, I just trust that later the finished quilt on the shelf will stand ready, waiting for just the right person!

  17. Great finish! I love how you combined the different thread colors to create the plaid quilting design.

  18. A wonderful finish! I love the quilting and the many colors of thread. I love it when quilts speak :)

  19. Beautiful finish! I wish more of my quilts talked to me. Half the time, I'm stuck on what to quilt and a little suggestion on the quilt's part would be helpful.


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