
Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Inspired By The Original

It's been a couple months (where has the time gone?) since I started a new venture for the year!  I have a feeling I will be pushing my limits in creativity for this one!

I was contacted and asked if I'd be interesting in join an improv bee group inspired by the original Bee Sewcial group.  If you are on instagram, check out these ladies!!  

@shecanquilt @marci_girl @capitolaquilter @quiltsforthemaking @entropyalwayswins 
@astrangerview @aquilterstable @quiltmatters @felicityquilts @spontaneousthreads

I've followed the Bee Sewcial group for years and there is never a lack of inspiration and amazement with each of their prompts or creations.  The simple explanation of the group is this:  The queen bee chooses a theme or inspiration and a color palette using solids.  Each member interprets the prompt and makes a block to send to the queen!  And it's all about Improv!  They are pretty darn amazing I must say!  I hope they know the impact they have on so many of us.  We're inspired by them and hope to push our skills, creativity and imagination.  

These hashtags are worth a look on instagram:  #beesewcial #inspiredbybeesewcial

Very much inspired by Bee Sewcial, we will be using creative prompts to inspire the others in the group to create original modern improv blocks for the Queen.

Introducing our group!  Each of these ladies are amazing...I'm so excited!!

BEE INSPIRED 2018 (Instagram)
Shelby @godshomemovies 
Jayne @twiggyandopal 
Audry @artandstole 
Kathryn @kupitis
Heather @quiltachusetts 
Christine @ccpquilt 
Jenny @pappersaxsten 
Shelagh @stuartmoorestextiles

This is the January prompt by Kathryn:  


“There’s a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in. “
– Leonard Cohen
This month I want you to play with this theme exploring the ways we see light and how it radiates through cracks, behind doors, around clouds, back lighting effects. Keeping in mind the underlying meaning of Cohen’s quote. The beauty in imperfection.

Color Palette:
Dark “stormy” blue that is then transformed into a spectrum of light blues, turquoise, silver grays, white. Corals, yellows, pinks and hints of purple are all welcome.

I thought and thought and thought...put it off over and over again...and then finally an idea came to me!  I'm like that sometimes!  Eager, yet totally lost!

My first block was actually inspired by how the light gets in through my bedroom curtain.  For years I've looked at the light filtering in as I was getting out of bed and always thought it would be so cool to put it to fabric.  You can see I put that off too!  I feel like Scarlet O'Hara - "I'll think about it tomorrow.  Tomorrow is another day"!

For the first block, I wanted to go mostly blue.  So I started cutting (no rulers!) some strips in all shades of blue and a touch of aqua.  It went well until I for the bottom section, but the top angled section was a bit more touchy!  Eventually it did come together and I was satisfied.   The block is about 12" square.  

For the second block I wanted to use different colors and add some improv curves.  The vision that came to me was the sun setting between the mountains reflecting off the water.  

Of the two blocks, this was the one I was most worried about.  I wasn't sure my vision came through and I was sure it was just too weird and out there!

Instagram said differently!  I was shocked and thrilled with the responses I received when I posted this block!  Just goes to show never knows!  After looking at it the next day I found that it had grown on me and it wasn't as bad as I initially thought!

Both blocks are headed to their queen!  I cannot wait to see what Kathryn does with them!

One prompt more on the horizon!  I haven't really quilted using prompts and I found it so difficult!  Talk about pushing the limits!  

I'm sure I'll struggle on the next one and the next one, but I am fully committed to pushing through and conquering!  Stay tuned!



  1. I love to watch how these improv blocks take shape. I must admit I prefer the blue one top, but then I am in blue mode these days

    1. I was sure the blue one would be the favorite or everyone! I was surprised at the response to the second one…much to my delight!

  2. Hooray for pushing your limits, Jayne! I think you interpreted the prompt very well. I like them both.

    1. It was so hard Libby! I can whip up improv blocks left and right, but when it comes to a prompt or theme…I’m dumbfounded!

  3. I think it's awesome you and your group formed - it's a whole new challenge to create this way, isn't it? I look forward to seeing the group's work thru the year. Btw, the one hashtag you mention is 'inspiredbybeesewcial' - you link to the right place, just name it incorrectly. Is #beeinspired2018 your group's official hashtag then?

    1. We’re dipping our toes into it! It is challenging when you have to interrupt a prompt! We’ll see how it goes! Thank you for the clarification on the hashtag. I changed it! We are using the #beeinspired2018 for Instagram. I hope you know how inspiring you and your group are to so many people Debbie!

  4. I found both versions stunning, and it will be fun to see how your group continues through the year. :)

  5. Yikes - what a wonderful interpretation of the prompt!! So cool Jayne.

  6. You are so brave, Jayne. Always pushing yourself! Both of these blocks are wonderful interpretations of the prompt! When do you get to be queen? :)

  7. This is a great idea but equally I can understand the agony..... I’m sure your followers will enjoy not just the prompts but your interpretation. When’s your month? Jenny - the lilac cat

  8. Love your interpretation. These look great Jayne! Beautiful colours.


  9. these are great! I can't wait to see what else evolves from your bee. i recently joined a modern IG bee as well and am anxious to get rolling

  10. It will be fun to see how you handle each challenge as your mind is so creative! Me, I would flounder and die!!

  11. I hope you enjoy being a part of this group. I think you'll fit in just nicely.

  12. This looks like a fun and interesting group, Jayne. I like your interpretations of the quote for both of your blocks.

  13. Great interpretation of the prompt. Very creative.

  14. This is a great group Jayne. I recognise all the names and follow most of them. What a great prompt and I love your inspiration with the chink of light in the curtains. It seems just right! I look forward to seeing the rest of your prompts and blocks.


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