
Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Mini Quilt :: Curated Quilts Mini Challenge

I will not lie...I have a hard time follow the rules!  It isn't always a bad thing especially when it comes to quilting.  But when you are hoping to play along with a challenge and you do all the work only to discover (DUH!) you didn't read the very clear rules, it kind of aggravates me!  This is the second time I've made a mini quilt for the Curated Quilts challenge and the second time I flubbed it up!

All that being said, I'm kind of glad I broke the rules because I love this mini!

12 1/4" x 12 1/4"
When I saw the color inspiration for this challenge, I couldn't wait to dive in!  I think it's a gorgeous combination and love the sophistication of the color palette.  So excited I didn't read the rules!  

The colors are cream, yellow, mustard, navy, moss and gray.  I may make another mini if I can find the time.  Check out the link:  Curated Quilts for the details.  The deadline is June 14th, so I do have time.


I designed this block in EQ7 and used it in a previous project (Cipher).  I reduced the size considerably and quickly did a mock up using the specific challenge colors.  The block is paper pieced and after my last couple projects of improv, it was a nice change switching to something much more structured.

The block is 2" square and once the pieces are sewn together will become a whopping 1 1/2" finished.  Wanting to give myself every advantage of matching up the sections, paper piecing was the best option for me.

The plan begins to take shape!  After I printed my templates I thought I could make it easier on myself by coloring in each section so I could grab and go!  Let's just say that idea didn't work!  I took my time to ensure I wouldn't have a big confusing mess when it was time to put it together!  I'm happy to say I didn't!

With the blocks trimmed and laid out, I set it aside until the next day.  The next morning I noticed the middle sections had popped up a bit (like a bun in the oven), and it gave me an idea...just how successful it will be was yet to be determined!

The idea was to add two extra layers of batting in the centers, hoping it would add some amazing texture.  It sort of worked, but not as much as I was hoping it would.  Some is better than none!  I used a glue stick to keep the batting squares in place.

There's always a little thrill that runs through me when I look at the back of a top, especially with paper piecing.  I think one day I'll flip the script and use the back as the front!


It must be time to quilt!  My favorite part...not!  I wish I had a broader imagination and the skills to do something amazing!  Instead...I'll go with what I know and what I can do!

Simple!  It works for me!  

I had a bunch of thread burying to do when the quilting was finished, but I have to say I enjoy it!

Rules aside, I really like how this turned out.  Classy, sophisticated and a mini!  I would like to believe that I'm not the only one who jumps in to a challenge only to discover I didn't follow the rules, so please...tell me...I'm not the only one!

There seems to be a blogger issue throughout our blog world!  Some people are not receiving notifications when visitors leave comments on their blogs.  I discovered today that I am among them.  We are all hoping the issue gets fixed...and fast!  In the mean time, I apologize if I haven't responded to your comment on previous posts.  Computer woes are not fun!  Please be patient!



  1. It's a lovely mini Jayne ! I recognized the palette when I saw the picture of the block you posted on IG. Since obviously that wasn't improv I thought you had decided to use this combination without taking part in the challenge. I should have asked ... ;-)
    ps : I have the same issue with comment notifications ...

  2. Now I have to go find out what rules you broke! But no matter, I think the piece is wonderful with the broken rules. Great job.

  3. Darn Blogger! Comment notifications are still not being sent! For the time being I think I can receive future comments in a round about way by commenting on my own post and checking the 'Notify Me' in the bottom right corner...

  4. I agree, rules aside this is a fabulous quilt! I don't think you should beat yourself up about quilting, Jayne. What you do with quilting enhances the quilts, finishes them, and always compliments the design in a lovely way. Plus, it's your style and aesthetic. I hope the Blogger email issue gets resolved soon.

  5. Lovely mini, I love this pattern and your colors! So beautiful

  6. Oh Jayne, this is WONDERFUL!! And who cares if you can't quilt like someone you admire, your designs and simple line quilting are always done to perfection. By the way, inquiring minds wanna know. What rule did you break?

    1. I know what you mean Janice! I’m always hard on myself when it comes to quilting! The rules were make a mini that was improv. Mine was as far away from improv as you can get…paper pieced! But I don’t care! I love it!

  7. a well pressed back is ALWAYS my favorite!

  8. Your quilting is so you! And I dare say that it is the envy of a lot (maybe all) of us. I love the front of your mini, but the back gives me thrills, too. I bet you would be the one to pull off something exciting flipping a top over someday. Yes, this blogger issue is frustrating. I feel like I’m losing contact with quilters. I’ve also been wondering if people who don’t use Blogger are being blocked from commenting, although I haven’t looked into it yet. (Too busy sewing for the aggravation of trying to figure it all out.)

    1. What a nice thing to say! I know I shouldn’t be so critical of my quilting…I just can’t help it! Blogger is not playing nice these days! I found a work around for now: comment on your blog post and click the ‘notify me’ box at the bottom right. I receive email notices, but it is only a temporary fix. I hope they fix it soon!

  9. I really like this mini quilt.............the colors are gorgeous and the quilting is perfect for the blocks! Well, if I read all the rules to a challenge I probably won't do it correctly anyway. Although I am a rule follower, sometimes I can't help myself and have to go another direction. Even if you don't do another quilt for this challenge you have made one that is perfect in my eyes! Nadine W. N.Cali

  10. Wow! I love everything about this mini! And rules be damned- this is perfect in my book! And that back view would make a great front, maybe as a contrasting panel in a bigger quilt?!

    And Blogger better fix this issue because so many of us are affected. I can get around it for most commenters but it takes much longer to reply! Ugh.

  11. Another winner! OK, maybe it can't win this challenge, but that doesn't mean this gorgeous little piece isn't winning over hearts and minds all over the QBS (Quilt Blogo-Sphere)!

  12. Well 'goof' aside, this is pretty darn awesome! Lovely how you used color with the cool little block!
    Oh and thanks for confirming what I had just discovered about blogger comments - ugh!

  13. Hi Jayne,
    I'm not sure what rule(s) you broke, but I would say who cares?! This is gorgeous, and kudos for working with 1.5" blocks. That is not my cup of coffee - too small and too much room for error. Your quilting is just perfect for this piece, I think. Skills aside, perfect is perfect. ~smile~ Roseanne

  14. To heck with the rules. I love your mini. It's sophisticated in color, quilting and overall look. Pat yourself on the back and enter it in one of the big shows! I'm glad you like to bury threads I hate it...and I've lived to regret that I didn't do some tying off and burying threads. Enjoy your finish.

  15. Who cares about the rules...this is amazing. Well done!!

  16. I think you were better off not following the rules this time around, Jayne! This mini is fabulous. I think it would be great fun to see you use the back as the front one of these days :)

  17. Next time try using a puff poly or wool batting instead of the 2 layers of what looks like cotton. They may give you the definition you are looking for.

  18. Agreeing with the others Jayne, Lucky thing you skipped over the improv rule because this is stunning. If they ever hold a contest for the best "back side of a quilt top" you win hands down. Yikes your precision is just incredible.

  19. that is a wonderful small piece and great idea to press your seams open

  20. I love that little block you designed, and how perfectly the squares come together! The colors are so interesting,too - I know those were chosen by the challenge, but who knew they would look so good together?!

  21. Beautiful mini! Which rule did you not follow? I love the tiny piecing and hear you on the blogger issues, I hope that they will fix the comment problem soon.

  22. Rules are not for trend setters - that is why you have a hard time following them :)

    I love your mini. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap! My intent was to submit something this time too but I just got to the fabric pulling stage.

  23. I love your mini. I'm thinking using the back as the front might be a very cool thing to do, actually.

  24. just love the colours in this, yellow is so happy and zingy, especially with grey and navy. Makes my heart sing, unlike blogger which is a pain in the proverbial, though I know it is because a change in EU data protection laws.


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