
Friday, July 27, 2018

Filling Time With Mini Mini's

I love a good challenge and what better way to challenge yourself than making some mini mini quilts?!  Sometimes after making a quilt or a block that I love, I'll see if I can take it a step further and try it on a small scale.  It usually happens when I'm paper piecing because there is always a template involved and it's easily reduced to whatever size my little heart desires!

In my last post I took you into the world of Mondrian art.  There seemed to be a lot of interest in making the blocks into a paper pieced pattern and I'm happy to say that that is happening!  Lift your jaw off the floor...I'm actually doing it!  I'm just about finished, but with all my patterns I seem to obsess over every detail.  I have a couple volunteers who will be testing my pattern before it hits the Internet, so let's give it another week before it is finished.

ALL that being said...I decided to take the blocks, reduce the pattern to 4" and see what would happen!

4" X 4"
They look exactly like the 9" blocks, but much smaller.  I threw in a few 'tools' for perspective and will state again...these are 4" x 4".  Seems like the perfect size for coasters to me!

Perhaps the hand model shot conveys it better!  I'm thinking of adding the 4" paper pieced template as a bonus in the completed pattern.  In case anyone wants to give it a try.

The quilting is very simple.  I thought because of the geometric nature and size, it was appropriate.

I rarely have little 'trinkets' on had that go with any given project for the sake of a photo, but when I saw the chicken I couldn't resist a lighthearted shot!  

The day I made these I had just finished up the last flower bed/bark dust project and was feeling the effects of hoisting bag after bag.  But when there is time before having to make dinner and no other sometimes quilts a little something!

The other mini's I made came after I had finished my paper pieced Kite quilt.  Reduce, reduce, reduce!!

4 1/4" & 3 3/4"
The paper pieced pattern is quite simple, so I knew it would make for a semi easy piecing session.  (even at 4 1/4" and 3 3/4" finished!)  They might look familiar if you are on instagram or if you are a member of The MQG you may have seen them in the July News & Happenings newsletter.  

I really have a hard time trying to resist making anything into a rainbow.  These seemed like another opportunity to go small and gloss it up with color!

This photo is in the binding stage.  I always use a 1 1/4" wide strip and sew it on as if it's a double folded binding.  After which I'll flip it over, fold the raw edge over about 1/4" press and finish by hand stitching it to the back.  

Cute as a bugs ear I think!  

I've been working on so many quilts and ideas lately, this was a nice post diversion!  I have a custom quilt guessed it...a rainbow theme!  It also includes a super sized block and low volume improv.  I'm excited to make progress on that!

I also have that pattern...

And I have an amazing two color quilt that I am so excited to see if I can make for QuiltCon.  The colors nearly slap me in the face every time I look at the drawing...kind of interesting.  I can't really say more than that at this time!

Oh, and I just finished zig zag stitching (applique) lots of leafs on a quilt I inherited from my daughter.  She started it years and years ago.  This year...I plan on finishing it!

Stay safe, stay tuned and seriously...this girl needs a beer!  Wink!



  1. I always find your passion so inspiring! Your mini minis are just perfect, particularly the Mondrian block, I love exploring an idea and seeing how far I can go with it. Thanks so much for sharing, and good luck with your huge pile of WIPs! :)

    1. I was so happy that I finally designed the Mondrian blocks so that I could go back to it over and over! And then I had to give the mini’s a try…just for fun!

  2. Your minis are fabulous! I never expected to get into making minis, but found that once you make a couple it's easy to get hooked! Like you, I love taking a paper pieced pattern and making it smaller. Smaller is always cuter, right?

    1. It is true that once you try mini’s there is no going back! Paper piecing patterns are the best for making mini’s…so irresistible!

  3. Cool reductions!! I need that kite pattern in my life!!!

  4. I love that you have so many ideas to share ! You keep me motivated 😙

  5. You make the best minis day I'll give it a try. I can see how addictive they could be!

  6. These are so darn cute! You'll have the best looking coasters. Love the chicken.

  7. Where did you find the world's smallest rubber chicken?? Too funny! Such a great batch of mini minis, Jayne. Not only could those Mondrians be super coasters, they could hang in Barbie's Dream Home as modern art :)

  8. Each is a tiny treasure!! They are precious!!

  9. Fantabulous! I love reducing patterns and working small.

  10. I've made a couple mini minis and they are so fun to make! I love Mondrian art and your coasters are so striking. Thank you for linking with TGIFF.

  11. I'd love to see the Mondrian placemats and smaller mini minis (coasters) together. It might be a bit Twilight zone-esque!

  12. I love these - both sets! Tiny piecing and all that color are just irresistible!

  13. Your minis are amazing! Such cute patterns, even cuter because they are so tiny

  14. I always love to see what you are up to. I wish I liked making minis. I might actually finish something if it was small :)

    Thanks for sharing your lovely projects with Oh Scrap!

  15. Oh, my, I'm on cuteness overload right now. Thanks for sharing your measurements for the binding on these cute bits.

  16. I'm glad you put the spool of thread in with the chicken. I would have been a little scared of him! Darling bits of fun, though!


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