
Sunday, July 1, 2018

Fun With Bonus HST's

Half square triangles are just plain fun, but bonus half square triangles are perhaps even better!  I make a lot of quilts with HST's because they can be used to make so many different patterns.  The possibilities are endless!

After making a massive amount of Flying Geese blocks, I was left with an option.  Bonus HST's or toss them in the trash.  If you know me, you know I'd never toss something that could possibly be sewn together and used.  I don't believe its in my DNA!

43" x 63"
It was on retreat back in February where I started making flying geese, and it was April 1st that I decided to sew a quilt with the bonus HST's (Bonus HST's For The Win).  I was left with three sizes of blocks that were trimmed to 1 1/2", 2 1/2" and 3 1/2".  After some fiddling around, I settled on a design I was happy with and promptly pieced it together.

The top was finished and has been pinned together waiting for the end game...quilting.  Putting off quilting has been my practice these days!  I've gotten in the habit of having two, three or four ready to quilt before I actually will sit down and do it.

The three squares were quilted in the ditch on the diagonal creating a grid design.  Three different HST's, three different grid sizes. 

It was finished with 1" horizontal lines across the top two squares on each side and vertical lines for the largest square.  

Grids and lines!  I had one spool of thread that was the closest to the background (Kona Celestial) as I could find in my thread stash.  I had exactly enough to quilt the entire quilt!  Phew!  I was sweating bullets when the spool ran out, but my bobbin was full enough to split and complete the job!  There is nothing more frustrating than running out of thread!

My mind is always thinking about what else could I do?!  Adding a few scraps of color here and there around the binding happens to be one of my favorite things to do.  I picked a few colors from the prints and randomly popped them in.

And of course there is always the back.  There are many times when I don't have enough backing.  I've adapted to those situations by adding scraps by making a vertical or horizontal strip.  It's also the best way to use the bits and pieces of fabric scraps accumulated from the quilt top.  I really don't like to let them sit around! 

You know when you buy the same color of fabric on separate occasions and when you put them together and there is a noticeable difference in color?  I'll add a strip of some sort on the back separating the fabrics and viola! you'd never know the difference!

For those who make flying geese (and other blocks), here is a diagram for sewing bonus HST's before cutting them off of the original block.

With a square aligned on your rectangle for Flying Geese, stitch from corner to corner, sew another line 1/2" from the original line.  Grab your rotary cutter and ruler, and cut between the stitch lines.  Now you have a bonus HST ready to rock and roll whenever you are!

I like to sew the extra line before cutting weather I'm using the bonus pieces right away or not.  If I'm not going to use them immediately at least they are sewn together for the future!



  1. you're like the energizer bunny! love this

  2. Love the way you used your HST's. It gives me loads of ideas to use all the tiny ones I've been saving.

    1. I don’t think there will ever be a day I give up on bonus HST’s! Every time I turn around I see another inspiring idea!

  3. I like the simple way you quilted this

  4. Lovely quilt! Love the intensity of the colors -- very striking. Nadine W. N. California

  5. Another winner! I have some small triangles I am tempted to send you just to see what you create with them. LOL!

  6. I always put off the quilting for some reason, too, but this one was worth waiting for! It's so pretty - I especially love the colorful hsts with that beautiful blue background!

    1. The quilting part has never been enjoyable to me! I use to make a quilt and quilt it before I would start a new project…not so much these days!

  7. How creative you are!!! This an amazing quilt! I love everything about it! I have recently started saving the bonus HST's and can't get over all those I chucked in the past! Oh well! I often use the extra HST's in some kind of pattern on the back of the quilt! After seeing your beauty, I will save them for something new!! Well done!

  8. The quilting finishes it off perfectly. Is it the quilting you are putting off or the basting?? (For me, it would be the basting, haha.)

    1. It’s always been the quilting part for me! I never use to put it off, but lately I keep making tops and they do add up! I don’t mind the basting part too much! Although my knees don’t like it much these days!

  9. Another lovely finish Jayne. I really like that color of blue.

    If I do plan on saving my HSTs, I sew the double line too. But I currently don't save anything I can't get a 2.5" square out of. But you might change my mind someday :)

    Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  10. Oh, Jayne, I love hst's! You’ve really used your imagination and made perfect use of yours! While I’m digging through my 'stuff' and come across my container of bonus hst's, I’m going to be inspired to finally do something with them all after seeing this!

  11. Not a scrap wasted and a really fun quilt!

  12. I have a basket (little one) of the triangles that come off clipped bindings and other such leftovers. I've made pincushions out of them (fun) but have never thought to tackle a whole quilt. Very impressive of you!!!

  13. This design is absolutely incredible! The colors that you used complement each other so well, loved checking out this blog, thanks for the share. Hope you have a nice rest of your week, keep up the posts.
    World of Animals

  14. What a great use of bonus HSTs. Well done!

  15. What a great way to use them! LOVE the colors!!!

  16. You come up with some of the best ideas for using up scraps! It's so cool, and that shade of blue is beautiful.


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