
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

It's A Gem - In the Rough

Everything appeared to be going so well.  I was flying high!  All my pretty, pretty blocks were finished and I was just about ready to start assembling ... when everything screeched to a halt!  I realized I forgot to add what I felt was a crucial piece to my design.

Once I was aware of the mistake I knew I would finish what I started regardless.  However the enthusiasm for what I was making wasn't there.  Instead I pieced the blocks together with very little care or concern resulting in a less than stellar finish!  
17" x 20"
If you close one eye and stand back it isn't that bad!  Open both eyes and the misaligned seams are glaring!

What I learned was I should always finish with the same care and precision as I can.  If only for the practice!  That even though it wasn't the 'plan', it can be just as good or perhaps better.  Who's to know it wasn't intended all along?  And lastly, even though it wasn't the best I could do, it was still worth finishing.  From piecing to quilting.  I haven't a clue what I'll do with it not that it's finished...but it's finished and I did have fun!

I'm sharing this photo so you can see how 'off' I was with the alignment.  I was so frustrated with myself for doing that!  Next time it will be different!  Some of the sections I quilted 1/4" lines that carried through the grey background.  

I free motion quilted funky squares throughout and 'phantom' lines connecting the Kona Pepper strips.  Still my favorite is the 1/4" lines that go through the grey!

The back is always the best way to show quilting!  For someone who can't verbalize clearly, having the visual helps! 


You're probably wondering what was the design suppose to look like, what was the piece I forgot about.  Was it really that big of a deal?

This is the quilt design:

The missing piece is seen better in the block.  The diagonal black line.  That darn little piece!  I think if that piece had been included everything could have connected better.  How will I be sure?  Guess I'll have to make it again!  

Live, learn and move on!   I will make the design again to prove to myself I can do it!  

That's my story!  Next time the ending will be different!  The next one will be as designed and go according to plan!  




  1. You gave yourself a difficult challenge in the first place. I don't think I would have noticed the mismatches if you hadn't pointed them out. Very brave of you to admit in public, and very kind of you express your thoughts.

    1. I don’t mind admitting when something doesn’t work or turn out right. It’s all a learning lesson…and you can teach old dogs new tricks!! Thank you very much Libby!

  2. I rather like it just the way it is for some reason....

  3. We learn something with every quilt we make, but don't be so hard on yourself. I admired the quilt as a whole, and didn't notice the misalignment until you pointed it out. Stand back, see the beauty in this modern jewel and tell the quilt police to get out of your head.

    1. Words of wisdom!! I seem to struggle with quilt policing myself!! I’m happy with how it came together and really love the over all concept. Next time I’ll keep myself in check and take a little more time and care! Lesson learned are not always easy, but welcome!

    2. Carole, you are spot on. It is gorgeous and I also couldn't find the misalignment until she pointed it out. Jayne, be kind to yourself. This is really pretty and I would love to hang it. You should be proud of it. It is really a striking quilt.

  4. I like that quilting! and the design is really nice and modern too

  5. I am quick to point out all my mistakes, too. But I've found that the viewer doesn't really 'see' them. Unless they are glaring. Which yours are not. I agree - everything we make includes a lesson of some sort. Enjoy this little gem.

  6. I am so confused, for I don't see the missing part? It was an interesting experiment and you learned something from it, it's all good!

  7. The colors are bold and fun. Sometimes the quilts that aren't perfect but where I learn a lot end up being my favorites. I don't know if you will find this a favorite, but my guess is that the next one will show all the lessons you learned!

  8. I love this so much! I never would have known it wasn't what you intended. It's bright, fun, and abstract. It's truly a piece of art.

  9. Okay, I still don't see it, even though you say there's a mistake. So, if you have to tell people there's a mistake and they don't see it on their own then it's not a mess up - it's a design choice! :) Either way, it's a fun piece!!

  10. I agree with Beth-what mistake!! It looks great:)

  11. Hi Jayne, I didn't have to squint to see that it was great. It was only after to said that it didn't align that I found them. As you say, it's all about learning. Don't be too hard on yourself. I think that the finished one has more emphasis on the negative space - not necessarily a bad thing :-)

  12. Like my Skull, the next one will have all the "waves" facing upwards. Love those bright colours together, will your next one have the same fabrics? Thanks for visiting my blog.

  13. What?! You don't like it? I think it's stunning! I love the colours and design and that quilting - love the separate designs in the sections. Yes the seams are off but they are actually a good part of the design, I definitely thought they were intentional.

  14. We are our worst critics for sure!!! I love this quilt! The bold colors and the fabulous gray background! The pattern is great and the quilting is too! I love it and wouldn't notice any of the issues you mentioned. You know if you can't see the problems from the back of a galloping horse, then are they really there?!?

  15. I will echo others here, we are our worst critics. I also did not see the misalignment until I pointed it out and I saw the close up photo. Even though it is not what you intended, it still looks wonderful. Congratulations on a lovely finish!


  16. Ditto to what the others are saying. I had to look pretty closely to see what you were pointing out. I love the quilt as it is, and it has a story all its own. I agree with Carole about the quilt police :-) I am learning that, slowly. I really like this quilt, Jayne. It just makes me smile. Enjoy it!

  17. well I just love it. why are we so hard on ourselves? can't wait to see when you make it again, but seriously this first one is a treasure

  18. I love it too. I think it is super dynamic and bold. I think the misalignment was a design plan. :)

  19. Sometimes it happens, but I wouldn't have noticed until you pointed it out. I, too, think of it a design element. Otherwise, it's bright, bold, and full of energy - enjoy it!

  20. I love this too. I can't really tell where the diagonal should go but wish you luck in the next rendition.

  21. This is such a striking piece! I love your use of the quilting. You always have a knack for enhancing with thread!

  22. It's a stunning quilt! Too bad that all you see is the mistake, because the misalignment didn't jump out to me at all. Two lessons learned from this one: be more careful with obvious seams and stop beating yourself up. Love it!

  23. It’s stunning! How lucky that a 'mistake' can still finish up as so beautiful. Mine wouldn’t! Do you think you’ll revisit your original design idea and attempt another one?

  24. OMG It is brilliant...forget the "mistakes" Wonderful work

  25. I really like this design. I know that you can see that it is missing an element that you had wanted in the quilt, but from someone who is looking at the design with no previous knowledge, it is very striking and wonderful!

  26. Just give it a good wash and let the crinkle hide the small imperfections. Enjoy the good in it - the colors, the design and the lessons learned. Then dive into the next project :)

  27. I had to laugh when I read that you quilt police yourself. YES YOU DO!! This quilt is WONDERFUL just as it is and since it is one of those abstracty kind of things, who is to say that isn't exactly how it was meant to be? It is visually striking and I love it. So there! Get off your back! (grin)


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