
Saturday, August 25, 2018

Super Star :: Mission Accomplished

It was touch and go at times, but I accomplished what I set out to do!  Make a super sized Evening Star Block surrounded by improv and quilted it the best I could do!

The top was finished at the beginning of August (Super Sized), but I had to work up the courage to quilt it.  So it sat and sat until I gained the mental strength to tackle what I knew would be a tough job to tackle.  I was especially worried about quilting the center of the star.  It needed to have that 'medallion' effect that required free motion quilting, and with it being super sized...well, let's just say I was dreading it!  The rest of the quilt didn't worry me as I knew it would be geometric straight lines.  That I knew I could handle!

48" X 62"
I'm just glad it's finished!!  I can check it off my list and move on!  There is a lot of work that went into this little bugger!  But I know it will be appreciated by the person who requested it and by the person whom it will be gifted to!  Isn't that what makes it all worth it in the end?!  I have to remind myself of that during those times when I get frustrated, but in all honesty...I loved making this quilt!

I do not know how people can do free motion quilting so perfectly beautiful on domestic machines.  Especially with a large quilt.  I try.  And try.  It's just so awkward and cumbersome!  

My thread of choice was Aurifil 50wt in the following colors:  Lobster Red #2265, Neon Orange #1104, Medium Red #5002, Canary #2120, Spring Green #1231, Dark Cobalt #2740, Dark Purple #2545, Jade #4093 and Light Sand #2000.  That's a lot of colors, but needed!

From the back you can see the detail a little bit more.  I added pebble quilting in between the points.  Since we all know real pebbles are never perfect, I nailed perfectly imperfect pebbles!  The medallion center was a bit more complicated and hard.  I used a different thread color and design for each round.  It wasn't easy to quilt or to come up with ideas for quilting.  That's just me though!

All in all...I couldn't be happier with how it came together!  I'm not beating myself up about the quilting at all.  I did me, did my best and that's all I can do!  Perfection in my eyes!  And of course, wash...dry...crinkle helps a tremendously!

The remaining area was filled with geometric lines.  I'd mark a section on a side and replicate it on the remaining sides.  When the sides were filled, I duplicated the top and bottom sections until that was filled up.  As long as the quilting fits with the design, then I'm good!

I have also accumulated a few more quilts to quilt...oh joy!  It wasn't but a couple years ago that I would never ever start a new quilt until the one I was working on was finished.  It motivated me to finish one and it felt like the reward was getting to start a new quilt. These days are different!  Now I have too many ideas!  A blessing or a curse?   


  1. I like how you quilted the star, and perfectly imperfect pebbles are perfectly fine.

    1. All in all I’m very happy with how it turned out! I was most worried about the center, but I powered through!

  2. I think we all just rubbed off on you-creating UFO's, hahaha. I think you did a fab job, be proud!

  3. beautiful quilting on this! I'm with you these days, the ideas are coming faster than the finishes! eek!

    1. I’ve been wishing I had a friend with a long arm machine in my pocket so I never have to quilt again! But, since I don’t I’ll just plug along and do the best I can!

  4. it looks like you quilting turned out ok to me. I do not do free motion but just straight lines and the larger the quilt the harder to do on a machine I find but some seem to be able to do any size!

  5. It came together beautifully, Jayne, and I love the crinkle and texture it has after being washed. Congratulations on stretching!

  6. It seems to be a personality thing with quilters-we are all so critical about our work ! Your free motion quilting is awesome! And you are so right - free motion on a domestic is a pain-wait till you try a king size on a domestic!

  7. I subscribe to the Perfectly Imperfect Theory, too! That's quilting. This quilt is beautiful!

  8. Definitely a curse, but an oh so guilty pleasure curse, or is that a "quilty" pleasure?

  9. I agree about FMQ but you have done an admirable job! ;-) This turned out really lovely and is so unique!

  10. Everything about your quilt is beautiful! Sometimes it’s good to take a break...

  11. I think your pebbles look wonderful, and I'm impressed that you keep trying the FMQ. The practice must pay off! I also find it tough to wrangle a big quilt for any kind detailed quilting - and I just use my walking foot! Your super sized star quilt is beautiful!

  12. Your quilting is divine! Someone is getting a gift they will cherish forever.

  13. Wow! The details you put into every quilt is inspiring. Great job!

    Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  14. I love all the quilting as well as the Evening Star itself. That medallion in the center is just awesome. Great job. Your quilting just gets better and better. Letting something sit and rest awhile really is not a bad idea. I think it's like having a place for the eye to rest in a quilt. My mind gets too saturated sometimes when I try to push through too quickly and then I don't necessarily do my best.

  15. As much trouble as you might have had quilting on your domestic, it's not necessarily any easier on a longarm. Besides that, I think you did a beautiful job!!

  16. Beautiful! The scrappy neutral background is wonderful. Your FMQ looks great and I see big jumps in your skill every time you tackle it :)

  17. This piece looks fantastic! The quilting and piecing complement one another really nicely, and I especially love the quilted star in the center of the pieced star. Nice job!

  18. What great quilting!!! I love all the motifs you used. And the colored thread was a very daring move. You're much too hard on yourself. It looks absolutely perfect!


  19. Lovely work, Jayne! I love that scrap background with the pops of colour! And the quilting is magnificent.

  20. Oh wow! Love the quilting in the center! Your pebbles are perfect! I love your blog!

  21. Lovely quilting, Jayne! I loved seeing back of this wonderful quilt too.


  22. I think the quilting is great! It's such a cool quilt, so much detail and so many interesting quilting ideas. Perfect or imperfect, as long as we like what we've done it's all good!


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