
Monday, September 3, 2018

Geometry Lesson Quilt

I've gotten so bad about taking pictures as I'm working on a quilt!  When I was ready to share this top and started looking for the pictures, I found one.  One lonely little photo!  So in order to make this a post with pictures I flung the top on my design wall and quickly snapped a few shots.  Ignore the shadows behind this one!  I have all the parts and pieces on my wall for another quilt and I didn't want to take them off.

50" X 65"
While I was playing with designing my Mondrian blocks, my mind kept wandering.  That's not seems to do that a lot these days!  I can't say that it bothers me too much, as it generally leads to new designs and ideas.  

My idea was to modernize Mondrian and come up with something that in a loose way represents the art, but is totally unique.  I played with ideas and even in piecing the design together I continued to make changes along the way.

Mondrian art usually uses squares and rectangles, but I wanted to add different shapes.  Drunkards path, half square triangles and half rectangle triangles seemed to be the best options.  I randomly added the shapes throughout the quilt design and hopefully created the perfect balance.

I'm not afraid to admit that I'll hoard a bundle of fabric until the perfect project comes along.  Since that hadn't happened for my March Madness 'Prosecco & Cream by the Sea' bundle, I designed this quilt to showcase those gorgeous colors!  

Colors from left to right:
121-121 Linen121-049 Coral, 121-068 Rosebud, 121-028 Fuchsia, 121-066 Lipstick, 121-146 Dare Devil, 121-127 Burnt Sienna and 121-077 Moss

The only color in the bundle I didn't use was Linen.  I instead went with a Moda Light Grey, which doesn't look grey at all!  But it worked!

I really love these colors!  And I'm so happy I finally got the chance to showcase each color in this quilt!

I do have some other exciting news that I can't share right now...secret involves this exact color palette.  I'm excited to share that bit of new in October.  

Throughout the quilt I also tried to distribute all the colors evenly.  I needed to control myself!   

I think I ended up with a good balance of color, shapes and negative space.  You know what I'm going to say next, don't you?!

How the heck should I quilt it?!  That is always the million dollar question for me!  I'm not opposed to having you quilt it for me though!!  I'm sure something will come to mind and one day I'll take that deep breath and get started!

I'm including the design I made in EQ8 so you can see the changes I made during construction.  You never know how something will turn out until you are in the middle of it, at least that's been my experience!

Since I like the design so much, I designed a baby quilt size that I'd like to try one day.  It's similar to this one, but not exact!  Ideas...too many...not enough time!



  1. This is very cool. I love seeing all the exciting design work you are playing around with and I love the colour palette.

  2. This one may be my favorite yet! The color palette is so refreshing.

    1. I was in love with the color palette when I picked it and even more so when I saw it in person! And, I think the design showcases the colors just as I had hoped it would do!

  3. Oh. My. Goodness! It’s amazing! You are so gifted and talented!

  4. you are on a roll lately! I love this.... the colors are amazing

  5. OMG I think it is awesome and it will be so fun to quilt! You should follow Jodi Robinson on FB, I see some of her designs working in this.

    1. I’m kind of excited about quilting it, but I certainly don’t want to mess it up! I think I’ll let it sit for a while longer. I follow Jodi on Instagram and did purchase one of her rulers recently. I’ve even saved many of her quilting pictures for reference…I’ll have to revisit those before I take the quilting leap!

  6. Ah, Jayne, this is lovely! I can see that you had so much fun in the design process. Just keep 'em coming! And have fun quilting it.

  7. I really like how the double lines divide up and define the space, Jayne. Lovely!

  8. This is such an intriguing design!

  9. I had forgotten about this color bundle. It was definitely just waiting for this design! I like Mondrian, but this is just so, I don’t know, festive.

  10. The colors are fresh and really complement the design Jayne. It looks great!

  11. gorgeous! I love the colours and the pattern that manages to look random and organised at the same time.

  12. Well done!! It's a great piece. The quilting will eventually come to you.

  13. This looks so good! Can't wait to see how you finish it. It seems as though you are just bursting with there anything you can point to that feeds your imagination/inspiration? As someone who too often struggles to come up with ideas, I'd love to hear how you keep the proverbial light bulb turned on. Maybe a blog post?

    1. It seems I have more ideas than time these days! I’m not sure where or how I get inspiration. I wish I could explain it or pin point how it happens. It wasn’t until later in life that I realized I had a passion for quilting and an artistic bone in my body, so I’m going to chalk it up to ‘making up for lost time’! Many times my ideas come from something I’m already working on. It’s almost like a snowball effect!

  14. Wow, that is fabulous! Maybe a tiny bit of Picasso thrown in there?

  15. Very interesting design! The colors are not something I would have pulled but you always make them work. Have fun with the quilting!

  16. This is a work of art - I love the colors and the design.
    Look forward to seeing the quilting...

  17. I think it's a fantastic design Jayne! Right up my alley at the moment. And I absolutely love the palette!

  18. Ah, so perfect for the end of summer! Like savoring the very last visit by the ice cream truck. These are colors to look at again in the dark of winter for hope and inspiration :)

  19. that is one stunning quilt! Congratulations!

  20. Gorgeous little gem of a quilt. Beautiful colors and a sharp design!!!

  21. I seriously love everything you've been up to lately! Keep letting your mind wander! :)

  22. I love this quilt! I love the idea of drawing inspiration from the great painters. That is a beautiful palette too! Fabulous!

  23. What a beautiful quilt and fabrics. I love the art-influenced design.

  24. Such a fun idea, executed beautifully. Love your color palette!

  25. Beautiful result. Really like the design.

  26. Wow! What a design, and in such a bright array of colors - but it all works! Well done!

  27. Another beautiful design! You have an amazing talent to combine different elements of shapes and sizes into one cohesive piece. I love it!


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