
Friday, September 14, 2018

Tidbits :: A Mini Break

I've been going full force designing and making quilt tops the past couple of months, and with that comes a stack of quilting that is waiting to happen.  Not too many years ago I never would have considered starting a new quilt until what I was working on was completely finished.  Gone are those days!

These days I have more ideas than ever and feel the need to unleash the monster every chance I get.  Reality inevitably sets in.  I see quilt tops laying all over and realize they aren't going to quilt themselves.  Arguably my least favorite part of the process, but one that must be done!

That being said, I can always fit in something small...a mini...or two!  Something that won't derail my plans, take up too much time and still feeds my need to design and create!

I'm a big fan of paper piecing and I'm a huge fan of reducing patterns.  I also love to make mini quilts and give them as gifts.  A little something to put a smile on someones face, say thank you, wish them a happy birthday or let them know someone is thinking of them.  

One pattern I like to reduce is 'Geometric Alphabet' designed by Quiet Play  I can take one letter and personalize a mini in no time at all.  

Once the letter is finished I like to add my own personal touch to an already amazing design.  

In this case a border using lots of tiny pieces!  With that all that was left was some quick quilting and binding!  

I'm not even sure what size this finished at!  I was on a mission to make, quilt and send it as quickly as I could, that I forgot to measure it!  It needed to hit the mail in order to make it to its destination in time for a very special day!

I thought the itch was scratched after making this one, but that was not the case!  I can get easily distracted!  

6" x 6"
Guess I was in a geometric mood!  Mmmm...K!  At least I remembered to measure this one!


If one was to save scraps on the tiny size, these letters are perfect for those golden pieces!  I just happen to be one of those kind of people!


The border is always the fun part for me and I kept it pretty simple with this one.  But I like it!  I used two colors for the binding and before I knew it this one was also finished!  

Minis like these go relatively quick, and I have to say I'm often left wanting to 'just one more'!  This mini will be gifted over the weekend...more about that later!

I bought myself a present.  It's nothing special and actually it's really a boring, not a big deal and practical gift.  

A new ironing board cover!  Isn't it gorgeous?!  I really would rather not use it and keep it in pristine shape, but that would mean I'd have to give up quilting!  And spray starch!

My last cover looked like a herd of cows in a rainstorm lived on it!  By that I looked like POOP!

I use starch all the time and it really screws up an ironing board cover!  You can't really wash these, trust me I tried on the last one and regretted it, so the only solution was a new one.  Only this time it was not going to let end up like the last one.  

I grabbed some Home Dec fabric and made a mat to go over the board for starching.  Now I can have a beautiful clean cover for normal pressing and have a mat that can easily be thrown in the wash periodically.  

You might be wondering why I just don't use a towel for starching, and to that I say...I have no idea!  I'm hoping by making a dedicated mat it will ensure that I'll actually use it and my cover can stay pretty and pristine for a longer period of time!

Tell me about your ironing board it clean & pristine or does it look like a herd of cows walked across it?!  



  1. I use a board covered in batting and canvas. However, I was attempting to use fabric paint to fix a discoloration (stinkin' blow bubbles from my kid's Easter basket) on my couch. Well the burgundy paint spilled on the canvas. I thought I'd wet it and try to get the stain out. It only spread further. Now it doesn't look like poop; it looks like blood. I wonder if people think I murdered someone in my sewing room.

    1. That’s a great idea having a board covered in batting…even if it looks like a murder scene! It’ll make people think twice when they see it!!

  2. My ironing board covers all go from pristine to rather shabby over time. I actually kind of enjoy recovering it and getting a chance to "redo" a bit of interior decor every now and then. That being said - what fun little mini quilts! Using the alphabet letters for custom makes is a brilliant and fun idea. :)

  3. I use a repurposed drafting table which I covered with batting and canvas. I recover it when it gets too gross.

    I agree about those little projects in between bigger ones. They are very refreshing!

    1. Having a little ‘mini’ break always helps! I just love a clean surface when ironing and I hope having a mat for starching only will keep it cleaner for longer!

  4. Mine is not. It's an aqua Waverly print that is aqua, cream, and SCORCH at this point. LOL! Cut minis!!!

    1. I’m going to see how long I keep the cover clean…I love a nice clean surface! As for the mat for starching, I think being able to throw it in the wash on occasion might keep me on track!

  5. Love the minis!!! In fact, you have given me an idea for future gifts. When you want to make something personal but do not have the time for a quilt, these little gifts are just perfect.
    My ironing board is covered with an old sheet, which gets washed every now and then.

  6. My ironing board cover IS clean and pristine. But that’s only because I just bought a new one a few weeks ago. I was too lazy to pull the old one off (yes, it looks like poop), so it’s currently under the new one. I don’t use starch, but my board still gets yucky. I’ve told myself not to use steam—we’ll see how long that lasts. Your potato chip minis are so, so adorable. I especially like your borders—oh, that purple one! Perfect personalized gifts. And not a bit boring to make multiples because the initials vary and you can go crazy with the borders!

  7. Cute letter minis! My ironing board for sure looks like cows pooped on it! I covered it with my favorite bright tropic bird print, and those poor birdies have definitely seen better days :( Time for a new cover!!

  8. The minis are darling. My ironing board cover was a disaster until I recently recovered it. I should share pics! lol

  9. I have had the herd of cows look several times, but right now I have a piece of flannel covering it. I find that the flannel helps my pieces not stretch out of shape. So yes covering while spraying is a brilliant idea-as long as we remember. Oh yes I love your minis too;)

  10. I'm not a fan of paper piecing. But I love those letters!

  11. My current ironing board is a scorched shredded mess on one end. So I flipped it around until I can recover it. I admit I find some older ugly fabric from my stash for a new top. it usually lasts about a year.

    Thanks for the mini BTW. I love it. I haven't used it yet. I put my glass on the table next to it. I would much rather ruin the table than the mini :)

  12. Gorgeous minis! My favourite detail is the slashes in the purple border. My ironing board cover definitely looks awful, plus it is ripped, lol. I should get a new one, but I haven't gotten around to it yet :) Thanks for linking to TGIFF!

  13. Such cute minis! I am afraid that I am in the dirty and gross ironing board group. I need to make it a new cover.

  14. Loving the letters that you were able to craft out of these quilt pieces, especially the colors that you have included as well! Thanks for the share, have a fantastic rest of your day. Keep up the posts
    World of Animals


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