
Thursday, October 25, 2018

Michael's Garden :: The Finale

Getting to the other side of a long process is both rewarding and bittersweet.  Without going too deep into the details, this quilt took well over a year to finish.  It was a year of real quilt therapy full of happy and sad moments.  Hand stitching every single piece was my way of working through what life had thrown me.  But let's not go there!  It's a happy quilt that I will cherish forever and I'm sure it will bring me only happy thoughts from this day forward!

If you'd like to read about every step of this quilt, these are the links to all the previous posts:
August 2017:  Star Light, Star Bright
October 2017:  Diamond Hexie Stars
November 2017:  Diamond Hexie Stars 2
December 2017:  The Real Work Begins
April 2018:  Hexie Diamond Update
July 2018:  My Therapy Quilt

58" x 78"
The final piece to the puzzle was the quilting.  I knew I could never do it justice on my own, so I enlisted the services of Jill Zollinger @sewsouthern_jill who is a member of our guild and a crazy talented long arm quilter.  I knew she would nail the quilting so I gave her free reign over the design.  

My one request was to do a different design in the gray star that represents my brother Michael.  Jill added lines in the gray and the black received triangles.


This is a bright and busy quilt!  It's so hard to get good clear shots of the quilting when there is black (Kona Pepper) and a saturated busy print such as these Kaffe Fasset fabrics.  

You'll have to trust me that it's amazing and I love it!  

I'm so happy that I threw it in a pile on the floor!  Actually, the happy part is true and the pile on the floor is a photo shot I just love to take of any quilt! 

Looking back, I don't think there is anything I'd do differently.  It started as just a project to keep my mind occupied and grew into something I never imagined I'd ever do!  Who would have thought I'd ever hand stitch a quilt from beginning to end?!  The extent of my English Paper piecing projects have been small pieces.  A pillow, a wall hanging...but this one was so different.  Let's just say I was compelled to keep going...or maybe it's a testament to my need for therapy! 

The edges had me on edge so to speak!  I wasn't sure what to do.  I ended up trimming right to the diamond hexies on the sides.

The top and bottom starts and ends with a point (triangle) of the star to the edge.  

I added a corner label using the letter setting on my machine.  It isn't perfect like a super fancy embroidery machine would do, but I like it!

It's final resting place for the time being is tossed across my couch in a big heap!  It will receive the ever important wash and dry for the crinkle effect and it will absolutely be used on a regular basis!  It may have taken a year to complete and fully hand stitched, but that doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't be snuggled under and used!

I very much doubt I'll ever make another hand stitched quilt of this size again!  Been there, done that rings in my ears!



  1. It's a beautiful quilt, and handstitching seems like a fitting way to work through grief. I expect this quilt will bring you Joy and comfort each time you snuggle with it.

    1. It was a long process, but one that helped in so many ways. I have no doubt it will bring many years of comfort and memories!

  2. Oh Jayne, I am so happy that you have completed it. Your memories are all wrapped up in a lovely quilt now, which you will cherish forever. Hugs to you.

    1. It’s hard to believe its finished! Every stitch made was a step forward in the healing and I couldn’t have done it otherwise! It will be one I cherish forever…no doubt about that!

  3. This quilt cured ME of all my ills :-) Love every single thing about it. Kudos on a spectacular finish. It was worth every minute you put into it.

    1. That would be the power of quilts! Thank you so much Preeti. This was a quilt I never thought I’d do. I never saw myself ever hand stitching an entire quilt. But, it was the right time and something that just had to be!

  4. That is a stunning quilt. Congratulations on a beautiful finished project.

  5. This is absolutely gorgeous, Jayne. I have a feeling it will just keep on blessing you.

  6. It is beautiful, Jayne, and I can tell how much the quilt means to you. I know once it is all washed up and has its amazing crinkly goodness that you will spend many hours with it soaking in loving memories.

  7. This is a beautiful and a very special quilt. I hope the warmth it provides brings you much comfort.


  8. This is just beautiful, Jayne, and absolutely should be snuggled under. I think your brother would be happy to know you are doing so. What a neat way to honor him.

  9. What a gorgeous quilt! Those are my colors and the quilting designs are just right. Congrats on a beautiful finish!

  10. It's beautiful, and I hope it gives comfort to you.

  11. this is a remarkable quilt and accomplishment:)

  12. Wow!!! What a beauty! Bound, finished and all! I'm sure it will continue to be a comfort to you.

  13. Wow! This is stunning! The colors are amazing, the quilting superb, and then you learn its story, and everything is . . . so much more, you know? It looks terrific with the pillow friends, too.

  14. Congrats on a stunning finish! Sounds like it brought you much needed sanity over the last year.

  15. She did a great job with the quilting. Enjoy snuggling underneath it.

  16. It is beautiful Jayne. A treat for the eyes and a comfort for your heart. I am glad to hear you are going to use and enjoy it. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  17. Simply gorgeous and I love the beautiful glowing colours. Congratulations on making this thing of beauty all by hand, in memory of your brother Michael.

  18. A lovely tribute to your brother and testament to the value of quilting therapy. And yes, it needs to be used because that’s therapy and joy, too. Thanks to your stellar photography, I can see the quilting clearly, even in the pepper. Wonderful!


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