
Sunday, December 2, 2018

Block Printing :: Sweet Surprise!

It's been a weeks worth of projects that scream 'gotta get it done', which has left me with no time to blog at all!  Happily I've completed the ones that were a top priority on my list.

Months ago I designed a paper pieced block using EQ8 and recently revisited the design to see if it was something that was worth pursuing.  I tweaked the design a few times, played with layouts and the real fun part is always the color!  It's one thing to design and entirely another thing to execute!  I am never quite sure my ideas will work until I dig in and give it a I did!

24" x 24"
When I plugged in the grey and red in EQ8, I knew immediately those were the colors I had to use.  I was struck how vibrant they came across on the computer screen and could only hope it would translate in real life.

I didn't realize I had so many different shades of red!  In the end I settled on Kona Rich Red and Kona Steel.  After printing the 6" templates I marked the sections that were going to be the red fabric.  It helps to avoid confusion and frustration while piecing!  

Another thing I like to do when paper piecing, and especially if I'm doing a lot of the same block, is to calculate the size of fabric pieces needed for each section.  That way I can cut what I need and basically 'grab and go' knowing I won't have to worry if the piece is the right size every time.  


It wasn't until all my blocks were finished, trimmed and laid out that I discovered the design looked like a block print.  At least to me it does.  I find it funny how you can look at a design all day long and not see the obvious!  

I didn't have to worry about how I would quilt this one!  It was as obvious as the nose on my face!  However, with being a non planner when quilting there are always moments when you paint yourself into a corner and have to figure out how to make it work!  

The majority of the quilting is with Aurifil 50wt Light Blue Grey #2610 and hints of Lobster Red #2265 accents.  Because it was a small quilt I had very little trouble maneuvering the quilt while quilting.  It was actually fun and I don't say that too often about machine quilting!

You most likely notice the red sections on the back!  I couldn't call it complete without a pieced binding.  It seemed like the perfect way to cap off the design!

And with that, this design is a wrap!  Or is it?!  Maybe there is a 'Block Print' series in the works, or maybe not!  Ideas are endless, time is not!  Sometimes I want to lock myself in my room and spend the entire day working on ideas!

It's been a productive couple of weeks!  I finished this quilt, I finished my Secret Santa gift (soon to be revealed), I put up my Christmas tree (three weeks earlier than usual), I made two mini Rubber Duckies which I hope to quilt today and I'm ready to make another quilt which is not too surprising!

Around this time every year it seems like I'm in a rush to finish projects.  Old or new, holiday themed, gifts or scraps to assemble.  In a way it's refreshing and rewarding because I know exactly what I have to do and I can check it off my list.  By the New Year I'm ready with fresh ideas and a clean slate!




  1. this is so much fun! and the pieced binding is the perfect finishing touch!

    1. I was excited to finally go from a design on the computer screen to an actually design in fabric! Matching bindings can sometimes be tricky, but it’s always worth it if it works!

  2. sounds like you put your tree up super early! I really need to do that today. I think your pattern and the quilting turned out great. Love those colors I did a whole quilt in those colors years ago - one of my daughters has it if I remember right, I know I haven't seen it in years LOL

    1. The tree went up about three weeks early! I’m not sure what possessed me to do that! I’ve always love a red and grey color combination and think it was a good choice for this design.

  3. I'm impressed that you matched the red in the binding to the pattern design of the quilt! And I love the design! Perhaps the world would benefit if you did, indeed, lock yourself away in that room for one day to let your creative juices just flow!

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words and encouragement Barb! I need to make a deal with my husband so that he won’t ‘bother’ me for a day! And I believe there is a lock on the door in order to keep him out or me in!!

  4. There is so much about this design to love, Jayne! The bright red design against the gray background, the quilting, the pops of red in the binding that go along with the design - I love it all!

  5. I love the touches of red in the binding, it does finish it off nicely. I know what you mean about wanting to enter the new year with a blank slate, too. The quilting is perfect and I love how you can read the design on the back because of your color matching thread choices as a result.

  6. Another amazing finish Jayne. Your color choices are spot on. I don't know how you do everything you get done!

    Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  7. What a stunning piece. Very vibrant and electric.

  8. Your quilt is beautiful, love this bright red ;) Great binding too!

  9. This is stunning. I didn't know you could do paper pieced patterns on EQ8. Is it hard?

  10. Wow...amazing. I love that you matched the binding. I hope you slow down and enjoy Christmas.

  11. I am very impressed with this . You are just rocking with your designing.

  12. WOW!!! This is such a great design!! It looks soooo perfect in the bright red and grey!! I am blown away with the whole thing - design, piecing, fabrics, quilting, and that binding - oh my!!!!

  13. So neat, Jayne!! Those sharp points and high contrast colors just make this one so edgy and bold. Great finish :)

  14. What a fun quilt! Boy, those colors just shine, and I love the quilting. How do you display your quilts?

  15. I am in love with this design! So intricate and sharp yet also so delicate. The choice of the red contrasting with the gray is perfect.

  16. I noticed right away that you carried the design through into the binding. It makes it look so finished I think. Or think of it like one of those endless pools-I think that is what they call them;)

  17. Hi Jayne, your design is really stunning.

  18. It's a beautiful block! It does look like a block print. Hope you can find a few minutes here and there to have some fun and start a new project.

  19. This is stunning! Love the red and gray together.


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