
Monday, December 17, 2018

Closet Stuffer II

It's usually the time of year to think about Stocking Stuffers, I on the other hand have been focusing on my Closet Stuffers!  This could possibly be that last one, the last one for this year seems more like it!

52" X 61"
This one was held back with the intention of writing a pattern for it.  Big surprise!  That didn't happen.  If there's one resolution I'll make this year it will be never talk about or promise to make a pattern for one of my designs!  I'm not saying I won't, I'm just saying mums the word until it's finished!

I designed and made a small version of this paper pieced design way, way back in January.  You can check it out here:  Black & Orange.  I tried the design with a small quilt first just to work out all the details and to see if it would come together.  And it did.  That motivated me to give the design another chance and go bigger!

It also gave the the opportunity to use a stack of hand dyed fabric my daughter Britt made me long ago.  Gotta wait for just the right project to come along before cutting into our favorite fabrics sometimes!

There was a variety of gorgeous color in that stack from aqua to lime green!  I choose Kona Nightfall because I thought it would be a good background to highlight the colors of the hand dyed fabric.  My last blog post I used Nautical, this time Nightfall!  It seems I went through a dark blue phase!  

For reference, Kona Nautical is the darker of the two shades.  

When I began designing this quilt, I wanted stacked triangles in some form or another.  I ended up with a block that was rectangle and then the fun began!  There is a lot of maneuvering and color play that happens when designing.  I couldn't imagine doing with out my EQ program!  

I was happy with the layout, the way the big X landed squarely in the center, how the triangles seem to float around the edges and the millions of color possibilities! 


Once you settle on a design you have to go with it.  At least for the first version!  I haven't yet, but I look forward to the day when I can revisit this quilt and scramble the design to see what other options are possible!

I wonder why that aqua strip is on the side?!  My usual "I'm just this much short" seems to always make an appearance!  Don't get me wrong, it bothers me not at all!

You can't make out the quilting design on dark blue, but on the aqua you get a sense of the geometric design I did.  It's effective and did it's job of unifying the entire quilt.


The color in this photo is not even close to what Nightfall is in real life!  But you can get a better sense of the quilting that was done.

Paper piecing is so satisfying!  Right now I'm working on another paper pieced project I designed and hope to make it my first finish of 2019!  Planning ahead!  It'll be a color palette that I rarely visit, but one that is kind of pretty!  Stay tuned!

Do you make New Year Resolutions...that you keep?!  



  1. I understand being torn about sharing a quilt and writing patterns, Jayne. This is a gorgeous finish and looks like the perfect quilt for the special hand dyed fabrics. I don't usually make resolutions, but occasionally I do and stick with them (a few years ago I made a resolution about flossing my teeth that has been a good healthy change - not exciting, but true!).

  2. I like your aqua strip!! I rarely have a "one color/print" back. Whether it is one strip or a back full of blocks/stripes ... it's fun! I love the quilt, incidentally!! I always have to-do list for the year ahead and am thrilled if I just finish one or two. LOL Happy Holidays!!

  3. Love the colors in this version, Jayne!

    1. Another stack of fabric was finally used instead of collecting dust for this one! There’s something satisfying about that and wonder why I don’t do it more often!

  4. Oh zowie, Batman, are you sure you can't write a pattern for that beauty?! Love all the triangles. Clearly I need to focus on learning more of my EQ8 program in 2019. Thanks for sharing, Jayne!

    1. Thank you for that enthusiastic comment! I’m not ruling out a pattern in the future for this design…I’m just not going to broadcast the possibility! It’s one area I don’t have much success in following through with! EQ8 (actually I designed this quilt on EQ7) makes changing layouts and colors so easy. The bad part is you come up with so many options you can’t decide which to go with!

    2. Such a dilimma! Do it, do it! I would love to make this quilt....

  5. what an interesting design! I love it

  6. This one really sparkles Jayne. What else do you have hidden away :)

  7. What a stunning quilt Jayne! I agree with Cynthia’s comment - it does sparkle! Congratulations on a wonderful finish. I’m sure there would be takers for a pattern if you ever felt inclined ;-))

  8. Another gorgeous finish! I just love your work, Jayne. It makes me happy to see all the saturated colors and bold geometrics that you gravitate to :)

    No worries about writing a pattern. I can hardly remember what I had for dinner last week, much less what another blogger said she *might* do, ha ha!

    Have a wonderful holiday season!

  9. A wonderful quilt and lovely colors! :-)

  10. You have challenged me to do something with my hand dyeds. I have several sets from different sessions, so I have a rainbow of opportunity just sitting in my stash!! Gorgeous quilt.

  11. I love love love this. Flying geese are so versatile and an interesting block. When I draw my designs I distort and stretch them to see what effect I can add. The thing that fascinates me, the points. The center or top point almost glows against the background fabric. Did I say how much I love this quilt?

  12. Oh this is just stunning! I look forward to seeing you scramble it and come out with a whole new design:)

    1. You know it will happen, just not this year!

  13. I love this design, how all of the triangles are angles and fit together makes such a graphic design!

  14. Hi Jayne! You certainly have been inspiring me. Both in paper piecing as well as EQ8. Your quilting on this is just perfect and stunning. It really highlights your design, and isn't it just cool that you can step back and say to yourself that you designed this?!! And that nautical fabric - wowee - I need to expand to dark blue! LOVE this. And I hope that you get around to a pattern some day, as well as the mixed up version. Happy Happy Wednesday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  15. What a wonderful quilt! How about once you create the pattern for us (hint hint) you host a quilt-along? Aren't I good at assigning you work? lol

    1. Thank you Karen…and thanks for the gentle prodding!! I can’t say I haven’t thought about writing a pattern for this quilt and actually designed it with that in mind. Maybe I’ll take you up on the challenge!


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