
Wednesday, March 27, 2019


One thing I'm never lacking is ideas.  If I had a nickel for every idea, I'm quite sure I'd be a very rich woman!  

My latest 'idea to table' came to me in the form of long spikes.  And with many ideas they aren't always planned ahead of time.  I usually grab some fabric and see what will happen before I commit to an entire project. 

This is what happens.  A two toned spike, dark red and black to be exact.  The background is a cut of Moda Grunge.  It was originally suppose to be for an idea that formed years ago, but never made it to the table.  Grunge seems to be the kind of fabric you either love or not.  I love what others do with it, I'm just not that into it.  

The spikes are approximately 12" tall and 3" at the base.  

I drew the pattern on Freezer paper so I could achieve consistent shapes and to be able to reuse the template.  Freezer paper for paper piecing is amazing!  Especially for designs that don't have a lot of sections.  And it eliminates having to tear out the paper at the end!

That was the easy part.  Each spike has it's own personality, so to speak.  From all black for the first one, to varying degrees of the dark red for the remaining six.   

The next phase was circles.  Again with red and black and each one using different degrees or each color.  I wasn't sure I'd be able to pull off the circles because of their size.  Finished they measure 2 1/2" across.  My first attempt was a success, so another six eventually made it to the pile.

I used the Six-Minute Circle method to make the circles.  It was a slow and steady process because of the size, but worth it!

Two steps complete!  I was sure that was the end of my grunge, spikes and circle adventures...

I ended up with the circles balancing precariously above the points, but I wanted more.  This might have been a good lesson in stopping before things get out of hand.  I couldn't let it go!  I did let it sit for a couple days, plenty of time for me to come to my senses, but I didn't!

One more idea!  Plus, there still was some background fabric left!  If I don't use it now, I won't ever use it.  

The strips I added finish at 1/2" and are about 6" tall.  

The end results of one little idea that grew and grew is this.  A 31" x 21" piece of something!  I have it pinned and ready to quilt, yet surprise of surprises...haven't decided on how to quilt it yet!

I'm going to have to cut 2-3" off the bottom before I can finish it because I'm not loving how the right and left spike sides have been cut off.  First quilting!

It's really hard to see how the red and black merge together in my photos.  I hope I'll be able to get better pictures of that when it's finished.  

The thing I keep doing over and over is having and idea, starting it, it grows, I love it and then I'm not completely happy with my fabric choices.  Or, it grows and grows and I don't have enough fabric to finish it the way I want to!  It's a vicious cycle!  Maybe one day I'll learn the lesson, but I doubt it!    

Do you plan out your quilt idea from start to finish before you begin?  Or do you fly by the seat of your pants like me?!  



  1. So interesting. I often do like you. But I have many blocks in a box, hopefully coming to use sometime. Sometime I open the box and look at them, eventually use some of them. Fun.

  2. I usually have a plan first. I will never understand how your brain works, but keep it up girl, I love it!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Sometimes I plan…just not often! My brain works in mysterious ways!

  3. this has possibilities! yup fly by the seat of my pants here too. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't

    1. I think thats the part that I love the most, the possibilities. When it doesn’t work the first time half the challenge is making it work another way!

  4. Start to finish with help from EQMini for verification. But I don't always verify I have enough fabric for said project. LOL!

  5. Those 2.5”mcircles are amazing, that is quite a feat even using the magic of the 6 minute circle. But I love the way you run with your ideas.

    1. I get on these tangents and sometimes find myself in a bit of dilemma on occasion! I don’t think I’ve ever done circles that small before and I wasn’t even sure I’d be able to accomplish it even with the 6-minute circle!

  6. I loved seeing how this quilt slowly came together. The 6 minute circle link does not work in the UK :(

  7. I love how your spikes are all marching in a row!

  8. Well, you know I think this is fun. Sometimes I plan, sometimes I don't. Sometimes what I plan takes a big curve or change while making it. Those spikes are very fun!

  9. Hi Jayne! I am a fan of Grunge, and love how this turned out. The small thumbnail I saw made me think of a backgammon board. I would love to hear more about this freezer paper method for paper piecing - and no removing of the paper, if you'd care to write a post. I am getting back into PP and recall that I stopped the first time eons ago because of removing the paper. Only if you feel like it, of course! ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. You most definitely do not have a shortage of ideas. LOL You have such creativity. Keep going!!

  11. The piecing is neat, but I'm really drawn to the additional piecing detail and tug of war feeling between the black and red!

  12. This one is so very interesting Jayne. I look forward to seeing how you quilt it.

    I am entirely by the seat of my pants. Not having a plan and living on the edge is what makes it fun!

    Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!


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