
Thursday, May 2, 2019

Slow Going :: But it's Something!

Some days (or weeks) it feels like I've done nothing in the way of quilting.  You can call it a creative block, lost mojo or whatever you like.  It happens to all of us at some point.  I feel like I haven't accomplished much of anything, yet I've done a few things.  They just don't feel like much an accomplishment!

The results of no mojo also impact my blogging.  I hate to not blog!  We all know that the art of blogging has steadily decreased over the years with the introduction of other social media platforms.  I feel it's important to carry on with blogging when so many others have abandoned it.  So, when I can't or don't blog, it feels like I've let myself down whether or not others read my posts.  I'll just say I'm going to work on that!  

One small finish I can share is this bonus half square triangle wall hanging.  This quilt was make from the bonus HST's from the baby Esme quilt I recently finished.  (New Baby :: New Quilt)

18" X 18"
The baby quilt used many fabrics from my Cotton + Steel stash, which I was more than happy to finally use!  My main goal with the quilt was to use my stash, use my X-Squared block and make a lovely quilt.  All those goals were accomplished!  


Not one to waste even the smallest of pieces, I saved the HST's and threw together a mini quilt.  After trimming the HST's to 2", I then had to figure out a layout.  Easier said than done!  There are so many options available, but leave it to me to make it harder than it really needs to be!  The easy way would have been to go totally random with the placement of the blocks, but I choose to group like prints together.

I don't know how many times I rearranged each 2" square!  It snowballed and I couldn't stop myself!

My mind was set on starting with a focal point, in this case this cat skeleton print.  From there, I branched out mindful to keep the prints together.  Eventually I got there and it was time to sew the rows together.


With so many (144 to be exact) blocks to piece together it seems inevitable that there would be one or two that were accidentally flipped or turned during the process.  As was the case with the teal Sprinkles fabric.  Of course I didn't see it until all 144 blocks were sewn together!!

I thought about letting it go but in the end I just couldn't!  Fixed and happy about it!!  

I pulled out my 50wt Mint (#2830) thread and quilted 1/2" lines starting at the center of the focal point blocks.  The mint is pretty subtle and blends nicely with the prints.  

I have to say...I love this mummy fabric!  It's worth a close up so you can see what I used for the binding!  

I'm not a theme or novelty print kind of person, and Halloween isn't my thing whatsoever...but these guys are 'all that and a bag of chips'!

Hopefully I'm on my way to a full recovery from the dreaded mojo-itis bug!  I've asked this question a time or two:  what's your solution when you can't find your mojo?  



  1. It's hard when your mojo goes, been there! just be patient with yourself. This layout is awesome and I love your little quilt

    1. It really is! It’s happened before and I know it’ll come back in time. All is not lost though. I’ve done plenty of other things to fill in the gaps until the creative juices start to flow again!

  2. I hope your mojo comes back- sometimes we just need to take a couple days off. I too like blogging and hope enough of us continue to do it! I am on instagram but find you really do not get to "know" the person like you do with blogging. i find it hard to keep up with people on that.

    1. It’s very true about IG versus blogging. I enjoy the longer interactions through blogging and the relationships formed. My mojo will come back…it’s happened before. I think it needed a vacation!

  3. Such a cute mini! I totally agree with you about blogging. It's not always about a pretty picture; sometimes it's more about the story behind it and what it means to you. And I understand how much not sewing can affect your ability to blog when your blog is all about quilting. My April was like that. I hope you've got your mojo back now.

  4. I've lost my mojo so many takes me forever to get it back again. I've started organizing things (again!) so that I can finish/bind a baby quilt that DIL made many years ago. We are tickled that this will be for the baby and we will both have had a part in making it! I enjoy your blogs and other quilting blogs so hope they don't disappear. Love the colors in this mini. Nadine W. N. Cali

  5. This is SO cute! I feel ya on the quilt mojo thing -- I do so much better with things with deadlines than on my projects for my own enjoyment.

  6. Until recently I've not made many hst but after seeing your finish I understand you comment. As for a creative block, sometimes I feel like I cannot make a decision. Much like you with deciding on placement, I excessively changing things up. In the end I have created some wonderful designs that I can use in other quilts. I guess what I am saying is I don't have a creative block just a creative overload.

  7. I really appreciate blogs and those who are still putting effort into writing. Slumps happen, and I'm glad some scraps were able to inspire you to create.

  8. I think a lot of bloggers had a major mojo slowdown at the end of April! I know I did. Sometimes a small project is just what the doctor ordered. While I love novelty prints, Halloween isn't my thing. And yet, these prints are just too cute! I like that the colors are not the normal orange/black/purple. Very sweet little mini, Jayne :)

  9. Wonderful result from using up leftovers! I usually look at other's projects online or dive into the stash and see what fabrics spark my mojo. Or sometimes I just turn to my other crafts and make things with other fibers.

    1. I love using leftover bits and pieces. I think it isn’t a bad thing when creativity or mojo are in a funk. Most of the time it’s kind of a nice break and it allows me to get other things done that I usually neglect because of quilting!

  10. This is a beautiful, soft palette. The different directions of the HSTs give it great movement. And I hear you on the slow sewing = slow blogging. There have been so many things taking my attention away from my sewing and blogging lately.

  11. I love this one, Jayne! All those HSTs and the minty colors - I really love green. I'm so glad you're not giving up on blogging - I enjoy your posts about your projects so much. You always inspire me to try something I haven't tried yet!

  12. Sometimes I get bunches of fun projects done and then get hit with just, nothing. It's like I need a day or two to just rest and recharge. On those no-mojo days, I just make fabric crumbs. Usually it will lead to something, but if not, it's there for another time. Love that mummy fabric; I think I need some of that mint thread! The baby quilt is a great finish; so fresh and lovely!

  13. Great use of HSTs...very creative layout. I usually just ride it out...and eventually my mojo comes back.

  14. oh this turned out great. Some good impulse improv usually gets me going again.

  15. Your quilt is beautiful! Your mojo is just fine, by the looks of those triangles headed in all directions. When I'm feeling uncreative, I'll drag out a bag of scraps left from a particular quilt and play with them. Oh wait, that's just what you did. Looks like you're on the mend.

  16. I love the feeling this quilt gives me—energetic pattern, but such calming colors. Funny, I never think of you losing your mojo because you always seem to have something to show. But I do understand. Blogging has always been hard for me—but important to keep up somehow. Lately it seems I almost only blog about something after a finish. I’ve lost something that way, but it’s what works for now. I’m terribly inconsistent with iG and it’s just not the same to me as reading/writing blogs. I don’t know if this fits your style, but I find that when I finish a project, I clean up all my sewing stuff (and even, sometimes, the house). For some reason that gives me a blank slate to start again. The best thing I’ve found, though, for getting my excitement back is to be forced to be away from sewing for a few days. Then I just HAVE to get back to it.

  17. It is lovely quilt, Jayne. Mojo is like the ocean. Sometimes it is high tide and sometimes it ebbs. All part of the rhythm, I say. I got plenty of deadlines at work. I will do exactly as I please when it comes to sewing etc. I believe it is fun to find little surprises and treasures on closer scrutiny - like the mummy ;-) Hope you have a great weekend.

  18. Great use of scraps in your half square triangle baby quilt! Great pattern.

  19. What a lovely way to keep a piece of Esme's quilt with you!

  20. That is a lot of tiny HSTs! But the finish is worth all the work. It turned out great.

    I start to clean when I lose my mojo. It comes back pretty quickly :)

    Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  21. What a great fun quilt!! I love the geometric look of it!! Be nice to you - relax - it will comeback!! but don't stop blogging - I LOVE blogs ( way more than IG or FB)


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