
Monday, July 29, 2019

Free Motion Quilting With Angela Walters :: Book Review

Not long ago I was contacted by CT Publishing and asked if I would be interested in doing a book review of Angela Walters Free-Motion Quilting book.  They offered me a free e-book for the review and naturally...I jumped at the opportunity!

Many of you know my struggles with free-motion quilting!  I've tried with some success, and other times not so much.  The opportunity arrived at the right time for me as I've been trying to fine tune my quilting skills, knowledge and variety.  

I didn't want to give a review until I was able to put in to practice some of the designs and tips Angela shares throughout the book.  I was finally able to sit down and do just that, and plan on sharing my test pieces with you!  Bear in mind that I didn't practice enough to have each design burned into my memory!  It was more to see if I would be able to do it if I took the time to practice.

The book has three sections with detailed instructions, illustrations, tips and variations.  The designs range from simple to complex and is a fantastic guide to get you started with free-motion quilting.  

Here is a sample of a Basic Swirl design with illustrations, instructions and notes.  Angela walks you through the steps with easy to understand directions.  


I really enjoyed seeing the tips throughout the book too!  It gives you ideas and sparks your imagination.  

Angela clearly states that practice is a good thing.  I really should try that!  You'll see what I mean with my practice pieces!

I am such a 'herky jerky' free-motion quilter!!  Swirls, loops and oval pebbles were some of my first designs.

Then it was the double swirls with pebbles for added interest.  I am a pebble fan, so this was a fun one to try.  Although not perfect, it could be with practice! (note to self!)

This is the mash up version of all the designs I tried, and a few that I made up!  I did a little of each just to 'whet my whistle'!

What happened to me while practicing Angela's designs was it gave me other design ideas.  I guess you could say it sparked my imagination.  And that I liked a lot!

This part isn't related to the book other than the fact that the rulers are by Angela Walters!   


One day long ago...I bought two rulers in hopes of doing some ruler work quilting.  I went with these rulers because, well...they bear the name Angela Walters!  

The rulers are 1/4" thick and require a special 1/4" quilting foot.  My basic explanation:  the rulers are thick and if you don't have the special foot you are going to be sorry!  The key is to keep the ruler against the foot and if you didn't have the special foot and rulers, you would be breaking a lot of needles and probably swearing here and there!

I've been practicing.    

How awful is that?!  I have a hard time keeping the ruler against the foot.  Plus if you want a line to hit a certain spot, like in a corner, you can't just place your ruler and call it good!  You have to position your ruler 1/4" from said point allowing for the 1/4" foot!  

Complicated?  For me it is!  But it's worth a try!  Free-motion or free-motion with rulers gives me a whole new respect for quilters!  

If you are new to free-motion quilting, or not so new but are looking for ideas, I recommend Angela Walters Free-Motion Quilting Book. 

I'll continue to plug along trying to learn more and more about FMQ.  I may complain along the way or become frustrated, but it won't stop me from trying!  

As Angela always says:   Finished is better than perfect!



  1. I’d say you’ve done pretty darned good! FMQ takes a lot of practice. A lot!

    1. I semi-tried! It’s one thing to quilt on a tiny piece and another when it’s a big quilt. One day I might actually be comfortable enough to take it to another level!

  2. So true that practice is the key to success. Sometimes we don't like hearing that as we want to be really good right away. I think you are off to a good start, keep it up. Try 15 minutes a day for a couple weeks and you'll see and feel a major improvement, there will be no stopping you now;)

  3. I downloaded a couple of craftsy classes on fmq. They were very good, but by the time I went to do it, I had forgotten again! You got on really well

    1. That’s my issue too! I don’t FMQ often enough to become and maintain consistency! I’m still going to try, but it just might not be perfect!

  4. I think you did a very good job. You do have to practice a lot. She has some great videos that are helpful on her utube channel.


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