
Friday, November 1, 2019

HST's to the Rescue!

There is no denying HST's (half square triangles) make amazing quilt designs.  With so many possibilities for layouts it can be hard to settle on one...but we manage I think!

I've been revisiting several of my designs lately trying to revamp and remake them because sometimes it's just worth it.  It also lets me see if they are worth further exploration or let it go and move on. 

36" x 48"
There are several reasons I love HST's.  Possibilities, color options, design, and for me it makes choosing a quilting design is so much easier to come by.  How to quilt something has always been a struggle for me.  With the geometric design I feel comfortable and often eager to get down to business right away!

It's no secret that my favorite color the past couple years has been pink.  So it was an easy choice to try out this baby quilt design using loads of pink and a splash of coral/peach.  

I used two shades of pink for the square and rectangle shapes.  They add interest visually and give this quilt that geometric design that I love.

I think I used 8 -10 other pink/coral colors for the background.  I like to have a variety of shades...the more the better in my book!

The square and rectangle has concentric 1/2" to 3/4" lines quilted using pink thread.  I think there are numerous possibilities for how those could be quilted.  I just haven't gone there yet!

The centers have a 1" grid, but the fun didn't stop there!  I have a bit of everything thrown in.  Diamonds, rectangle/square grids, 1/2" lines, e/4" lines!

I may go a bit overboard when it comes to quilting geometric!  I love the texture and interest it creates.  Also, there's no denying it looks pretty fabulous after it's washed!

It isn't easy to see the quilting on the back of the Kona Bright Pink, but I think you can see just enough.  You can see the madness and then some!

Here is a close up of the back for a bit more clarity.

This isn't the best picture, but this is a lap size of the same design.  For the lap size I added one more square and rectangle to fill the space.  The background HST's are a combination of teal, aqua, green and lavender.  I love that combination!

As of today I still have to quilt the lap quilt, quilt my Shoo-Fly quilt, quilt my Half Circle quilt, write a pattern or two and fill my Etsy shop with holiday favorites!  It didn't help that I had to leave town for a week to visit relatives...but I'm doing my best at this point to keep my head above water!



  1. love all your straight line quilting on this - it suits it so well

  2. Your quilting is so amazing. I love the variety!

  3. I love everything about this design! It's so modern and eye-catching! Perfect quilting too!

    1. I love the bold design and it’s so much fun to quilt…at least the smaller quilts!

  4. Congrats on your latest finish and best of luck working your way through that task list!!

  5. I’ve heard it said that limitations are a springboard to creativity. You certainly do embody that with your HSTs and use of solids. I look forward to seeing your posts regularly.

  6. What a great design with the square and rectangle so boldly taking center stage! Love this!

  7. Great quilts with HSTs. Thanks for sharing and inspiring.

  8. I love how you placed the dark pink to form the rectangle. I only wish I had time to play with scraps and cut out a bunch of HST's. When you leave for a week do you shut down your Etsy shop?

  9. Looking at your pink quilt got me wondering - did you know ahead of time that you wanted the square and the rectangle in it and make the HSTs accordingly, or did they just come together as you played on your design wall? Fun to look at your quilting up close, too!

  10. You do the best things with HSTs! I love that teal and lavender combination. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  11. Great design and I love the quilting in it. Are the fabrics all solids? It looks like it to me but thought I would check.

  12. Hi Jayne! This must be the result of your mega HST making experience. Now you can just sew, sew, sew to your heart's content. Ooh, that baby quilt it SO gorgeous. I just want to reach through the computer and touch it. ~smile~ Roseanne

  13. Both quilts turned out beautifully! I'm a cool color girl so the blue and teal is my favorite of the two.

  14. Great job on both quilts - I'm not sure which colorway I like better!


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