
Sunday, January 5, 2020

New Year :: New Adventures!

Here we are again!  A New Year,  a new decade and new old ideas!  My goal for the end of 2019 was to finish all of my WIPS.  I am here to say...I did just that!  

While I accomplished that goal I will say that that is about the only goal I manage to complete with ease.  Which is why I don't often burden myself with goals, nor do I make New Year resolutions.  Do you?  More often than not I hear people say they started with a bang and ended soon after!  That's me and I accept that!  That being said, I'm ecstatic that I get to start the new year with new projects! 

One of those is my Stacked Wiggles baby quilt.  It's a total scrap-tastic quilt!  Scraps of prints and neutrals that seem to accumulate year after year.   

34" x 45"

This quilt is the baby version of a lap quilt (Stacked Wiggles Lap Quilt) I made just about a year ago.  I was looking for a way to use my stash and create my own design in the process.  Its no secret that quilters have stacks of fabrics, some we love and some we don't.  Scrappy quilts come to the rescue time and time again!  They let us use every print, every color and every size, but mostly they let us do what we love to!


You might be surprised to learn there are 64 different prints in this small package!   I'm not even kidding!  

The basic idea of this design was to use three different widths of prints and solids.  Basic, without a doubt.  If I can manage to cut my scraps to these three sizes throughout the year. I'd be able to use my scraps and make a lovely quilt at the end of the year.

Everything and the kitchen sink!  After I finished this baby version, I caught my daughter looking at it.  It was so much fun to see her go print by print and say 'that was mine' or 'I remember that one'!  

Which made me think that it could also be documentation of all the prints you used during the year (or two).  Not that I use prints very often!  But if I did, and if I had enough discipline I'd cut a rectangle of every print I used and by years end I could assemble a lovely quilt!

I quilted simple straight lines from top to bottom using a neutral thread.  After that task was done, I thought next time I'm going to use all my 'scrap' thread.  We all have partial spools of thread, right?  May as well use them!


What would a scrappy quilt be without a scrappy backing?!  At this point I'll use just about any prints I have on hand and you know what?!  It feels so good!

Welcome 2020!  

I hope all of you have a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year!



  1. love your stacked wedges - this gives me ideas for some of the scraps that I have

    1. I’m glad this quilt inspired you. Sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration to get the ball rolling!

  2. What a way to begin the New Year, Jayne. Your quilt is SEW fun with all of its scrappy goodness!! Enjoy all of the wonderful NEW projects you choose to create this year.

  3. That is such a great design for using up leftover pieces in different sizes! I need to remember something like that because don't we all have those pieces?!

    1. We all do have those scrappy pieces! This patterns is about as simple as it gets and that’s what I like most about it!

  4. It looks great. And great idea to use "scrap" thread. Good way to use up leftover fabrics.

    1. We always talk about using our scrap fabric, but who doesn’t have many random partial spools that need to be used too?!

  5. Scraptastic it is! One of the reasons I love making scrap quilts is revisiting projects that used that fabric or remembering where that scrap came from. I can remember them all! (But not where I put my keys.)

    Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  6. What fun, and congrats on meeting your WIP-be-gone goal (heehee). I am not much of a goal setter, since I feel hemmed in and antsy because I make them too high. This year, I've set some soft goals, though, and will encourage myself to keep at it. Great way to use your scraps, Jayne!

  7. You can't go wrong with scrappy! Your Wiggles pair are so fun. Happy New Year, Jayne! :)

    1. You really can’t go wrong with scrappy! I love this design as it uses a bunch of scraps and it’s as easy as it gets!

  8. I love it! I rearranged my sewing room last week and discovered that I actually have about five large shopping bags of scraps - I did start making it my mission to use up leftovers from large quilts straightaway for baby/NICU quilts, but must admit I have ten years of scraps to use up as well! I like your idea of keeping a rectangle of every fabric you use as an 'album' of the year...adding that to my goals for 2020. Now, am away to do some sewing (scrap sorting is going to be done when my machine goes in for its service).

  9. Congratulations on finishing all your WIPS, that's super! I look forward to seeing what you make in 2020. :)

  10. I had to do a double take when I saw your quilt, I knew I had seen it somewhere. That somewhere was on my guild's FB! LOL It was suggested as a pattern for use when we get together to sew charity baby quilts this month! Now I know which pattern I will use.

  11. I can't believe you finished all your works in progress! I can't even imagine that for myself....and you managed to make all sorts of new things as well. Have a great 2020.

  12. such a sweet little quilt and a great idea to cut a rectangle of each fabric used throughout the year. brilliant! No resolutions here either. Just to let my creativity loose and see where it takes me.... looking forward to seeing what you come up with next

  13. My intention for the year is to finish all these projects that have been in bags waiting for ages.

  14. I'm with you - no resolutions or goals on New Years. I tend to make them up as they occur to me, which takes out the stress.

  15. Yes! This is a fabulous -- and easy -- way to tame a pile of scraps. And I like the idea of a scrap quilt as being a record of a year's projects. Looking forward to a productive 2020, Jayne!


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