
Saturday, January 18, 2020

Wonky Baby

No disrespect to babies!  Wonky Baby is officially my first 'new' finish of the New Year.  It's a wonky block baby quilt using tons of Low Volume fabric and seven different Polka Dots fabrics.

I'm going to try very hard this year to work through my fabric stash.  I know we all say that and many of us actually do, but this year...I'm not going to hold back!  It's now or never.  Good, bad or that special magical fabric, it's all fair game!

The truth is I've been wanting to make this design and use my polka dot fabric for many, many months.  I'm sharing this quilt first because it's actually finished.  It all started with a lap size quilt, a different colorway and a determination to deplete my stash.  

34" x 47"

I used seven different polka dot prints in this quilt and a variety of low volume prints for the background.  I didn't have quite as much of a variety of polka dots as the lap quilt, but I can happily say that my dot stash has been trimmed down to 1/4 the size it was!

In case you are wondering how I get the 'wonk' in the blocks, I have a tutorial for that!  You can check it out here:  Wonky Block.  The tutorial uses 5" charm blocks and gives you specific measurements for the background strips, plus a quick tried and true way to trim each block.  If you have a pack of charm blocks and wonder what to do with them, you might consider this block.  

Scrap busting didn't end with just the front!  I was able to use the remainder of some low volume scraps and polka dots on the back.  Solids are not immune to scrap busting either!  

I decided it would be a good time and a good size quilt to play with FMQ circles.  I grabbed the 2 1/2" quilting circle ruler (Amanda Murphy) and began a semi successful try at circles.  Since the blocks are wonky I decided to continue the theme and quilt flowing circles across the rows of polka dots.  I knew full well that I would have issues when I started!  But I didn't let that stop me.  

One of the issues I encounter when trying to do ruler work is keeping my foot against the ruler!  You may see a few bobbles or overlapping circles here and there, but I didn't mind and I don't mind it at all!  I may never master the technique of ruler work, but it's nice to have an option for quilting on occasion.    

Scrap busting doesn't end with the top and back!  I took it one final step further and added a scrappy binding.  There are always plenty of strips in my stash!  I rummaged through the scraps and found enough strips that I could trim to 2 1/4" for the binding.  

As far as the low volume fabric stash?  It's not as much of a priority to reduce as some of my other fabrics!  Nothing is immune from busting any longer!!



  1. I like the wonkyness! so many of us in quilt blogland are trying to use more from the stash - the fabric stores will need to bribe us soon to buy more fabric!

    1. I can remember not too long ago when there were collections coming out every other day! I have to say I’m glad it has slowed down (or at least I feel it has) and the pressure is off! Being a quilter is an expensive endeavor! There is no need to shop anywhere except our own stash!

  2. I love your drive! I'm trying to do the same this year - so far only two quilt backs from stash. But hoping for a baby quilt as well soon!

    1. Quilt backs take a lot of fabric so you are well on your way! I’m determined to work through my stash, but aren’t we all?!

  3. A great use of those polka dots. Thank you for the tutorial. I've thinking about wonky settings but hadn't done the research into how to do the sashing. So now I'm ready to give it a try. Good luck on the stash busting. I'm trying the same thing.

  4. Thank you for this! I will be starting my own Wonky Baby quilt from stash tonight! So glad I saw your tutorial, love the quilt, it's just perfect timing!

    1. I’m so happy you found my tutorial and hope it gets you on your way to that wonky goodness!

  5. I think the circle quilting is genius for this design! It mirrors the polka dots and wonks right across those rows. Love it! And doesn't it feel sooooo good to bust that stash?? :)

  6. I've been trying to sew my stash lately too, and was thinking today that I should keep a list of all the quilts I finish this year using my stash. Might be fun to see at year's end - or not. Haha! I like the wonky blocks, and the quilting. I haven't tried rulers yet, but hope to at some point!

  7. I absolutely love your wonky quilt and especially love the quilting you've done. It's just perfectly fun and full of character. I've not tried quilting with rulers before, but you've inspired me to give it a try one day.

  8. What a fun baby quilt, I love the polka dots against the LV prints and your quilting is so fun on it. The circles look great!

  9. It looks like you had a LOT of fun with this quilt, Jayne! Good work on the stash busting on a number of levels/stash types. I think you did a super job with the ruler quilting (because it's not as easy as one might think!)

  10. Your wonky blocks make such a great quilt! I love the colors you chose and the dot fabrics make the whole thing quite whimsical! What a fun finish!

  11. I love this pattern. I made it once...maybe have to revist. This turned out great, and I love the quilted circles.

  12. This is a wonderful pattern for those dotty prints. I have been pulling from my stash for years and it never seems to diminish much. I hope you have more success :)

    Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  13. So fun with the dots! Your quilting just adds to the fun too. Ruler quilting sounds hard - I think I won't try that. I don't think I'm that coordinated!

    And good for using stash - so many of us seem to be doing that. I have enough to last me for a few years, at least!

  14. It’s a great quilt! I do have some charm packs that need to be used! Thanks for the inspiration!

  15. Polka dots are my FAVE, so I love,love, love this quilt. The colors are wonderful, too. Great finish.

  16. I love the polka dots and the quilting they inspired. Fun!

  17. Yay for stash busting!! I just need to decide to use up those specials and not fear depleting them! What are they there for if not to use. Love the circles in the quilting, I need to practice my ruler work. Maybe that's a goal for this year?

  18. It looks really cool and well done for getting stuck into your stash - that is my mission this year too. I have a baby quilt gift to make and I think I'll use your tutorial as I love the wonky look. Thanks!

  19. I think a baby will love the sense of motion in this quilt as well as the colors. And the backing is great too, it's a two-fer!

  20. Hi Jayne! I was just saying to another blogger that I don't do wonky . . . or random. Well, in a controlled way, I guess. This is controlled in my mind because all the centers match, and the added borders can be random because they're neutral. Anyway - who cares about that?! This is fabulous. And an inspiration for those of us out here who think wonky sounds scary. I'll be getting my Wonk on sooner than later and you can bet I'll be tagging you. HAHA! ~smile~ Roseanne

  21. I am all for some scrap busting right along with you. It sure can be a slow process but a very fun one indeed. And you already know how much I love your wonky tutorial.

  22. Reminds me of the way a baby will tilt her head to examine something - very thoughtfully.
    Absolutely Adorable. Love the pieced binding.

  23. Fun, fun baby quilt! Love the circle quilting!!!


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