
Saturday, February 22, 2020

Pin Basting Made Easy :: Kwik Klip

I have always been a pin baster.  For me it's the best method to secure and prepare my quilts.  It isn't an easy process, but few methods are.  Pin basting requires space, time and a willingness to get down and dirty!  

It isn't always easy getting on the floor to pin.  It does a number on your knees!  But it is a good way to stretch and stay limber!!!

All that being said, I couldn't baste all my quilts if it wasn't for one tool.  Kwik Klip.  Have you heard of it before?  I've had mine for a good decade or longer.  It basically helps you open and close the pins efficiently, cuts basting time down, and most of all saves your fingers from getting sore.

Not all pin basters are familiar with this tool.  The reason I'm talking about basting and this amazing tool is because after 29 years production of this tool has ended and 
Paula Jean Creations, maker of the Kwik Klip, will be closing in June.  

I feel it's a tool that is actually helpful, useful and a must have for pin basters.  It isn't expensive.  A yard of fabric cost more than Kwik Klip.  It blows my mind that they have been around for 29 years!

I use these curved pins and that tool all the time.  Year after year.  Tried and true!  


Insert the pin through all three layers of the quilt sandwich.

Place the pin in the groove of Kwik Klip and clip pin closed.  Simple, fast and safe!  If you want to see it in action, check out this How To Video.  

My fingers thank me every time I baste!  If you pin baste and you are not familiar with this tool, I highly recommend investing in it before its too late!

Now's the time to get one, possible the last chance!  To entice you even more, here's a coupon code for 15% off of Kwik Klips and Quilter's Delight Pin Covers:  Get15pjc

Another method is spray basting, which I've done a few times.  For me it's not in the cards as it can be quite expensive.  I make a fair number of quilts...okay, a lot...and it is cost prohibitive.  Pins I can use over and over and over!



  1. Replies
    1. It really is! I don’t think I would be as enthusiastic when it came to pinning if I didn’t have this tool!

  2. Thanks for the post and the link to a video. I've had this tool for years and never used it correctly!

    1. Oh no! Now you know and hopefully it’ll make pinning so much easier!

  3. I have the pins, but have never seen the tool. Thanks for the info.

  4. I love using my own Kwik Klip whenever I pin...what a great tool it is...I used to use a spoon...the grooves in this make it so easy,,,hugs, Julierose

  5. Great tote, but at 65, my crawling around the floor days are over! I spray baste, now, out of necessity.

  6. 15% off - Get15pjc - discount code to order you Kwik Klips and Quilters Delight pin covers!

  7. I've had the Kwik Klip on my Amazon list for years. Just clicked 'buy' lol... (the link didn't work.)
    I'm wondering if the pins affect your floor finish?

  8. I use a marble underneath the quilt sandwich, it makes putting the pin in and closing it so easy

  9. Thank you so much for this post. I am a novice quilter and greatly appreciate this tip. I just ordered mine! Many thanks!

  10. Jayne, you should link this to Kathleen McMusing's Tips & Tutorials linky. I got the Kwikklip and promptly stashed it in a place I was sure I'd remember. Ahem. It'll turn up, I hope. I need to get the pins now though!

  11. If you pin baste, I wholeheartedly agree that the Kwik Klip is the ONLY way to go, Jayne!!!

  12. Thanks for the heads up and the coupon about Kwik Klip. I ordered one for myself and one for my sis.

  13. I bought the Kwik Klip years ago, and then found it two years ago when cleaning up my sewing room. I love it, and it has made pin basting so much easier on my hands.

  14. I've seen those on blogs, but never purchased one! I'd better get on that! Thanks for the tip, Jayne.

  15. I have one of those tools I bought a couple decades ago. I still get it out and pin baste if I am quilting on my small machine. Now my longarm means I don't have to crawl on the floor any more.

    Thanks for sharing your tips with Oh Scrap!

  16. I am a pin baster too and Kwik Klip is most favourite tool. Best find ever!


  17. It's the only way to pin baste! Now with this news, I feel i should order a second one in case I lose the one I have!
    kakingsbury at verizon dot net


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