
Monday, May 11, 2020

Oh What a Week!

This past week has been one long and stressful week!  One for the record books!  Last Sunday evening we had a serious storm come through that moved fast and furious.  The wind was some of the strongest I've seen.  The results were power outage for 16 hours but no real damage for us.  We walked and drove the neighborhood the next day and saw the true extent.  Trees across streets, in power lines and hitting many houses.  We felt very lucky!

Just when we thought things were calm and peaceful, another storm rolled through Monday evening.  We had no idea of its strength at the time, and were feeling lucky...until the very end...when we lost power...again!

The next morning we saw that a tree top had snapped off and there were numerous limbs strewn across the lawn.  Come to find out the two storms were the strongest straight line winds Tennessee had seen in a decade.  Quick and powerful storms are no joke!

We ended up not having power for 70 hours...that's just shy of three days!  Because we are an older neighborhood and the power grid is a mess, we could look out our windows and see neighbors with lights blazing.  Seriously!  Three houses down the street!

Thankfully that neighbor three houses down let us bring our freezer full of food to their house with electricity!  Thankful would be an understatement!  We also had a couple borrowed coolers full of food that we iced down in hopes of saving as well.  

While it was only three days, it felt like three weeks!  The stress of not knowing when the power would come on, whether or not the storm zapped appliances and did the food survive was getting to be too much!  

All that being said, I wasn't able to sew!  Luckily I had a couple quilts that were in need of bindings.  That simple task took my stress level down a notch or two.  

Because I don't have new and exciting project that I can share, I'm sharing my go to quilt design again!

Yellow sashing and a dark gray border, capped off with a light gray binding.    

I quilted both quilts using a gray variegated Aurifil thread, which works well with all the colors.

Turquoise sashing, light gray border and a dark gray binding.

I once again quilted 1/2" and 3/4" lines which at certain points created a grid of tiny rectangles.

When our power finally came back on it was met with a sigh of relief, a scream or two and a happy dance!  It was a miracle in my book!

I'm hoping to have something new to share for a change!



  1. Gosh this quilt is a stunner. I love everything about it. Sorry to hear about the storms and the outages, but so glad that you're back to normal sewing again :)

    1. One thing I am not is a pioneer woman! Its a relief to have everything back to normal again!

  2. storms are so scary and being without power for so long, yikes! glad you were able to bind these beauties and now can get back to sewing.

  3. glad you didn't have a lot of damage and that your food was saved. love that quilt and the quilting you did on it. I hate storms like that we get a lot of them in Arkansas and last week we had the same ones but it sounds like they picked up steam as they hit Tennessee

    1. We were very lucky there wasn’t serious damage and that most of our food was saved. You know all too well how powerful the storms can be too! I’m glad its behind us and hope it doesn’t happen again…ever!

  4. I'm glad you had such helpful neighbors and some hand stitching to do. May this week be better than last!

    1. It was pretty amazing how much we learned about our neighbors! That may have been the silver lining in the entire saga! This week has started off 100 times better than last week!

  5. Stunning colors in this quilt. Sorry about your situation with power. We've lost power for a week or more different times with storms or man made situations. Glad all is well in your world now. sew.likely

  6. OMG, I hope none of your appliances and electronics were zapped. Glad to hear the power is back on and you're okay.

  7. Oh, goodness, Jayne! I didn't that you were right in the thick of that storm. SEW glad to hear that you guys are ok!

  8. Having power out that long is no joke. It's amazing what we come to depend on that we don't realize until it's not there. So glad your neighbors were willing to help out so you didn't lose all of that food. So glad you had that bright, happy quilt to work on in the daylight hours so you had a teensy bit of sewing sanity. And most of all, just glad you and yours are okay. Here's to a better week, let's hope!

  9. Oh my...what an adventure you went through. Glad you didn't have any damage. I find the uncertainty of not knowing when it's going to be restored the most stressful. Good thing you had some binding to keep you occupied.

  10. Wow, Jayne. Such a traumatic week. Can only imagine the worry and stress. Love the quilt and wonder if you used all solids or ombres? Might have to work on something like that. The colors are marvelous!! Hope the worst of the weather is behind you for now. Great to have such wonderful neightbors!

  11. What a crazy scary week!!! I am so glad your neighbor could help you out so you didn't lose all the food - truly for us that would be a tragedy!! ( seriously) What weird weather right? Hope it is all fixed and back up and runing!

  12. Oh my, so glad you are all safe, so much strength in storms, we just can't imagine. Thankfully I have knitting, so if the sewing machine can't purr I do have an outlet for the creative juices. Stay safe!

  13. What a happy quilt. The colors just glow.

  14. Oh my goodness, that sounds like quite a week! Glad you could save your food and sounds like your house is okay, too. Your quilt finishes are wonderful! I use a lot of gray thread - variegated gray sounds like something I should check out!

  15. Wow! Super bright but fascinating

  16. Oh wow Jayne, no one needs that stress on top of everything else. Sure glad you had no serious damage. And if you are like everyone else you have food quite a bit stocked up that needs freezing or coldness.

  17. So glad you got your power back without too much loss or damage. We've been there, it's stressful! Your go-to quilts are wonderful, so bright and bold. Thanks for sharing!

  18. I really love that pattern, and the colors really pop! Sorry you've experienced such challenging storms and power outages, but what a wonderful thing to have good neighbors!

  19. Happy dance is right!!! Double happy dance! They're so colorful and beautiful!!!


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