
Sunday, July 26, 2020

HRT :: Finished and Happy!

I've had my Half Rectangle Triangle quilt finished for a while, but only recently was able to get some photos of it.  It's always a challenge finding the time and getting the right light these days.    

51" x 67"

If you remember from my previous post Stash Busting HRT,  I discovered how simple making HRTs is when you have the right tool.  I used 
my HRTs using the Creative Grids Perfect Rectangle Ruler,  seriously a game changer for me.  Trying to line up HRTs can be a challenge for some of us!  By using this ruler I achieved perfection with each block and didn't have to trim a single one!

When it came time to quilt or to make a decision on how to quilt this, as always I went back and forth with ideas.  In the end I went with my usual tried and true favorite solution...good old straight lines.

After quilting in the ditch vertically between the blocks, I randomly selected rows where I added 1/2" lines.  I really like 1/2" lines!  However, I didn't want to do the entire quilt.  So, I again randomly selected rows and added lines from 3/4" to 1" or more just for filler.  

Just when I thought I was finished I had a brilliant idea!  For added interest and I guess because I hadn't punished myself enough, I went wild and added some diagonal lines here and there.  Now I was really done!

At least done with the quilting!

There was the back that needed addressing.  I had a good stack of blocks leftover decided the best place for them to end up was on the back of the quilt instead of the back of the closet!  The perfect solution in my opinion!  


I still had scraps of the Alison Glass Handcrafted fabric leftover, which I will tell you were not wasted!  I'll share that project after it's quilted...spoiler looks much like this quilt!

It feels good to work through my stash and while this fabric I love, I didn't want it hanging around any longer.  I say it, you say it, we all say it...I'm determined to use my stash.  

My next stash busting adventure is going to involve a bucket of woven stripes!  Can't wait to deplete that stack!


Thursday, July 23, 2020

Blue Baby 'Geo Pop' :: Top Complete

It's been a while since I sat down and got a blog post on the books!  It's not that I haven't been busy making and sewing, it's just that I haven't taken the time to share.  There are many things that I make that I never share.  Most are intended for my Etsy Shop and are made to replenish my stock.  I would bore you to death if I showed everything! 

Then there are things that are well worth sharing if for nothing else that to inspire!  

It seems much longer than a month ago when I share my pink/coral/peach 
Baby Geo Pop quilt:  Girly Delight.  When my sister asked if I'd make a baby quilt for a friend using blues, I couldn't resist doing 'Baby Geo Pop' one more time!

What I love about this design besides the graphic nature, it can be completed in less than a day!  The most time consuming part is cutting, sewing and trimming the half square triangles.  I happen to enjoy the entire process of HST making.  I think because I know that whatever color, whatever print, whatever layout or whatever size...they are always going to look great.

For a smaller quilt using solids, I try and use 10-12 different shades or colors so that I have a good variety.  I'll cut 2-3 squares from each of those colors along with the exact amount of the accent color and begin by pairing the squares together.  You know the, sew, cut in half, press.  I almost always press my seams to one side, that way I can use my 
Bloc Loc Ruler.  It makes the process easier and saves a lot of time.  I doubt I'd make so many HST quilts if I didn't have that ruler.

The good news is I finished the top!  There isn't really any bad news!  I've got a good month or two before it needs to be finished for the baby arrival, so for now I'll set it aside.  Quilting it will happen, I just don't know when.  I like that feeling!

I like blue.  I don't love it, but I like it.  When the top was finished I have to say I went from like to love!  Crazy how that happens, but I'm sure glad it did.  

You might not believe this (or it might not be a surprise at all!), but I think I want to make another one except a lap size!  When was the last time I used yellow for a quilt?  I guess stay tuned is in order!

The Geo Pop pattern is available in my Etsy Shop:  'Geo Pop!' .  Now it's time to plan my next adventure in HSTs!


Saturday, July 11, 2020

Stash Busting :: HRT

I've been enjoying stash busting this year!  I finally got to the point where I need to unload some fabric and the easiest way to do that was to make as many quilts as I can.  Scraps, Feed Sack, Polka Dots, and now I'm getting in the cream of the crop fabric.  Fabric that I still love.  There really isn't any reason it should sit on a shelf for months or even years.  If you love it...why not use it?  That's the million dollar question!

I don't know when exactly it was, but last year I won a bundle of Alison Glass Handcrafted on Instagram.  It's exciting to win a giveaway and even better when it's a fabric line you love.  I knew I'd eventually get around to making a quilt with it in due time.  That time finally came and I couldn't be more excited about it!

A good old Half Rectangle Triangle quilt (HRT)!!  I have made HRT's before, but it was always labor intensive and frankly too much work!  I'm not ashamed to say it... the 'old fashioned' way made me have to think too hard!  Cutting, angles, piecing and trimming, it was too much!   

So, when I saw a post from Cynthia at Quilting is more fun than Housework, where she had made a HRT quilt using the Creative Grids Perfect Rectangle Ruler, I pounced!  Could it be that easy?  The answer is a resounding yes!  

I was able to cut both pieces needed at the same time, choose the size I wanted my block, sew it together with ease and not have to trim or square up my block.  It couldn't be easier!


I wanted to get the most out of each print so I made my blocks 3 3/4" x 7" (3 1/4" x 6 1/2" finished).  The background is Moda Pewter.  At first I was a bit hesitant about using grey, but it didn't take long for me to come to terms with the decision and ever so happy that I did!  

Did I mention I didn't have to trim my HST's?!  That's probably part of what made this such a rewarding quilt to make!  

Some of the fabric in the Handcrafted line are large prints like the triangles.  After a little strategic cutting to get the most out of the print part, I also cut HRT's that were just solids.  It gave me more variety and when it came time to layout the blocks it ended up being a good idea. 

As for the layout...when I downsized my space I also had to go with one design wall instead of two.  Thankfully with a little painters tape I could stick the blocks on the sides while I was placing the blocks.  Not ideal, but it works.  

This quilt top ended up having 187 Half Rectangle blocks in it.  17 blocks x 11 blocks, which ended up being roughly 55" x 71".  A good sized for a lap quilt.  

As strategic as I was with cutting, I still had good sized pieces of fabric leftover.  And if you know me...I didn't waste a second on using them up!  I love to use every scrap until they are gone!

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Drunkard Path :: Petal Power!

I've got another finish!  This time it isn't a little mini mini or a small wall hanging, it's an actual real life lap quilt!

The quilt top has been finished since the middle of April (Solids + Scraps), yet I let it simmer and stew until I had a semi formed plan on how I'd quilt it.  Yes, it took a while as many of my larger quilts do.  But I think it was worth the wait!

48" X 63"

It was very enjoyable making each and every Drunkard Path block.  For some reason curves and circles are fun to make.  Plus, I was able to a lot of my blue/green scraps as well as some neutral scraps too!  That's always a win!

The quilting isn't mind blowing, but it fits nicely with the design.  I used your basic white thread and made vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines.  Sweet, simple and finished.  

After I quilt a lap quilt that I've put off quilting for far too long, I always wonder what the heck took me so long!  I don't suppose that'll change anytime soon.  But it makes me wonder why!

Some of my favorite colors are in this quilt.  Kona Wasabi, Sour Apple and Pool.  But honestly, if it was in the scrap basket and the color was in the 'theme' I threw it into the mix.   

And with a little ingenuity I was able to incorporate the remaining DP blocks into the back.  Scrappy with flair!  It's a good way to use every block, every scrap and come away with a double sided beauty!   

Although it wouldn't be a true scrappy quilt without the added bonus of a scrappy binding!  So yea, I did that too!  

Now that I'm banished to the kitchen nook for my sewing, I have to plan when I can get photos of projects.  My one stipulation after turning over my old room to my son as that my photo wall has to be accessible for whenever I need it.  So far so good!  In truth, he understands and probably feels worse about me being displaced than I do.  He's a good boy!