
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Blue Baby 'Geo Pop' :: Top Complete

It's been a while since I sat down and got a blog post on the books!  It's not that I haven't been busy making and sewing, it's just that I haven't taken the time to share.  There are many things that I make that I never share.  Most are intended for my Etsy Shop and are made to replenish my stock.  I would bore you to death if I showed everything! 

Then there are things that are well worth sharing if for nothing else that to inspire!  

It seems much longer than a month ago when I share my pink/coral/peach 
Baby Geo Pop quilt:  Girly Delight.  When my sister asked if I'd make a baby quilt for a friend using blues, I couldn't resist doing 'Baby Geo Pop' one more time!

What I love about this design besides the graphic nature, it can be completed in less than a day!  The most time consuming part is cutting, sewing and trimming the half square triangles.  I happen to enjoy the entire process of HST making.  I think because I know that whatever color, whatever print, whatever layout or whatever size...they are always going to look great.

For a smaller quilt using solids, I try and use 10-12 different shades or colors so that I have a good variety.  I'll cut 2-3 squares from each of those colors along with the exact amount of the accent color and begin by pairing the squares together.  You know the, sew, cut in half, press.  I almost always press my seams to one side, that way I can use my 
Bloc Loc Ruler.  It makes the process easier and saves a lot of time.  I doubt I'd make so many HST quilts if I didn't have that ruler.

The good news is I finished the top!  There isn't really any bad news!  I've got a good month or two before it needs to be finished for the baby arrival, so for now I'll set it aside.  Quilting it will happen, I just don't know when.  I like that feeling!

I like blue.  I don't love it, but I like it.  When the top was finished I have to say I went from like to love!  Crazy how that happens, but I'm sure glad it did.  

You might not believe this (or it might not be a surprise at all!), but I think I want to make another one except a lap size!  When was the last time I used yellow for a quilt?  I guess stay tuned is in order!

The Geo Pop pattern is available in my Etsy Shop:  'Geo Pop!' .  Now it's time to plan my next adventure in HSTs!



  1. The variety in blues makes the accent color really pop out, Jayne. I'm glad you have time to finish it and don't feel like you have to race to finish. :)

  2. This is a gorgeous design! I'm not usually a fan of blue, but for a boy, and given the variety of values you've used, it's great. Nice for you have an outlet to share your makes. I just keep accumulating! I'm worried for my children who will someday, when I'm gone, have to go through all my stuff to figure out what to do with it. W-a-y too many quilts for a Floridian!

    1. I love how the blue one turned out and while I’m not a huge fan of the color I ended up falling in love with it! If I didn’t have my shop I’d be swimming in quilts! It allows me to keep creating!

  3. LOVE your Geo Pop in blue, Jayne!!! (And I'm not even a big fan of blue.)

    1. I’m not a fan either, but I love how this one turned out! It’s been fun playing with different colors with this design!

  4. The quilt really looks good in blues, Jayne! Love the photo on the hammock, which looks incredibly inviting. Yellow is up next?! Can't wait to see!

  5. it's beautiful in blues! what about a teeny tiny version? hmmmm

  6. It's a great pattern, one you can change in so many ways. I can't wait to see how you quilt it!!

  7. Wow! I love it! I’m not a blue person, either. Interesting to note that I’m just finishing up the binding on a blue quilt, a special request, and have experienced the same feeling as you...I loved it when it was a completed top! I’m going to your Etsy shop next to see what’s new. Stay sweet!

  8. Jayne, your posts are totally worth waiting for! I know I operate on the other extreme: I need to write about EVERYTHING, and I'm writing for myself, to process, to work things out, and to record all the details where I can find them again in the future. I would probably do well to give more consideration to what will/won't interest readers!

    Your Geo Pop baby quilt in blues is just as lovely as the last one. I'm glad you wrote about your Bloc Loc HST ruler, because another blogger recommended that tool to me oh, must have been over a year ago, and I did order one, but never got around to using it. With my current Spirit Song quilt that's on my frame (SO CLOSE to finishing the custom quilting!) it's made entirely of 2" and 4" HSTs. I made it using AccuQuilt GO! HST dies that are supposed to be so perfectly accurate... and discovered that the die cutter is not accurate enough for ME! I was surprised to see the extent to which fabrics can stretch as they go through the rollers of the die cutter, some fabrics more than others (Kaffe Fassett Collective, I'm pointing at YOU!) and how the resulting HSTs were not actually identical. It made for some piecing challenges, struggling and swearing to get them all sewn together properly with points intact, and throughout the ordeal I kept thinking of that Bloc Loc ruler my friend had suggested, wishing I'd gone that route instead!

    Question for you: Do you have one particular line of solids that you use, and if so, how do you handle your color selection? I am spoiled from my interior design background, where I had access to large memo samples of every single fabric under consideration that I could rearrange and match up to other furnishings, trims, etc to my heart's content to ensure I was spot-on with all of my selections before ordering. I love working with solid fabrics for quilting, but I don't have a local shop that carries a full line of solids, so I ordered one of those Kona Solids swatch cards a couple of years ago and I try to use that in conjunction with my EQ8 software to design. But only having a little 1" sample of each fabric, and having them all glued down onto the card in a particular order, is really hampering my style and resulting in a few color mistakes and reorders. I'd love to have a giant charm pack sample kit from Kona Solids with one 5" square for each color, each one labeled, with a grommet hole so I could organize them on rings: yellows, blues, reds, etc. So often in design it's not so much about choosing one perfect color as it is about the relationships between multiple colors.


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