
Sunday, August 30, 2020

Sweet Dreams :: Woven Stripes

How can it always be that I have a stack of quilts that need quilting?!  They stack up so fast!  I guess when you are on a stash busting mission there are bound to be a backlog every once in a while.  

My woven stripes stash was bound to get the 'busting' was only a matter of time.  'Stash Busting Woven Stripes' I shared my design idea and how I tackled the blocks as well as how I prep the thin woven fabric to maintain its shape.  At that time I had all the blocks, sashing and setting blocks pieced together.  But I wasn't quite done yet!

47" X 62"
At the time I was hesitant to say I wanted to add a border to finish it off.  It doesn't matter how much prep work you do to wovens, they are still going to distort!  Starch is great, but wovens have a mind of their own.  I added a 3 1/2" border using Kona Chocolate and by the time I finished I could see how wonky and wavy it was going to be.  But I stuck to my guns and decided to pin it anyway.  If after quilting it was still awful, I was fully prepared to cut it off and chalk it up to a lesson learned.

Somewhere along the way the quilting gods shined upon me and the border ended up being a non issue.  Don't ask me how or why...I was just thankful it happened!  


I always have a moment of panic when it's time to quilt woven fabric.  The stretch is real and I never want puckers!  It didn't happen!  Whew!  All that worry for nothing!

The backing is Kona Pickle which I love so much!  A few extra blocks placed and pieced and it was ready for quilting!  But how should I quilt it?! 

I stitched in the ditch around the blocks and sashing to start with.  Then decided it would be best to quilt each block with straight lines.  Although you can't tell from the photos, I used 
8 -10 different thread colors throughout the blocks.  The lines are all random which seems to fit with the fabric and design.  The saving grace was the border quilting.  I quilted 1/2" lines that seemed to anchor the border and take care of any wonkiness much to my surprise.  

I had planned on using the same brown for the binding, but after the 3 1/2" border I didn't have enough.  The next best thing I could come up with was using more woven stripes, and I just happened to have a big piece that would work perfectly! 

Washed and dried!  And DONE!  There's something about these stripes and chocolate brown together that scream comfy, cozy warmth!  It's a good combination!  I could see myself in front of a blazing hot fire wrapped in this quilt! 



  1. I'm so glad that the border and quilting went on well and the quilt is finished. Thanks for the photo of the back to help us really see the design translated again. :)

  2. Hi Jayne - WOW! This is stunning. I have only made one quilt with this woven striped fabric and it was misery. SO many waves and puckers. But this is a work of art. It is just beautiful. Love the Kona Pickle backing - very fun to see the quilting from the back. :-)

    1. Wovens can be a challenge to piece and quilt as they have a mind of their own! It was stressful, but I’m happy it’s in the done pile!

  3. Whew. Love when it all works out ok! Love the colorful cornerstones on this one!

  4. I loved this quilt when you showed the top recently, and it's even more fabulous now!

  5. The quilt glows! I have some of that woven fabric; I might let it sit on my shelf a bit longer, until the fear factor has worn off - haha! I cleaned my quilt space yesterday, and just when I thought I had made a dent in my quilts to be quilted, I ended up completely discouraged to see I had hardly made a dent. Then I decided to tidy up a scrap bin, and ended up finding a stack of batik pieces left over from another quilt - so far I've made a runner and two minis, and I'm not done yet. Might as well add a few more UFOs . . .sigh.

    1. I know the fear factor all too well with wovens! The stress is real, but it’s done thankfully! I finished quilting a few quilts just in time to have a couple more to do! It’s a vicious cycle!

  6. I love your quilts and am beginning to recognize your quilts in the Linky parties just by the image. I love the richness of colours in this quilt. Question: when you quilt the blocks do you start and stop each line or do you travel and turn the quilt and go down the next line? If you start and stop, do you have to bury all those threads or do you use the “fix” or “knot” on your machine and just trim the threads close? Thank you!

    1. Thank you Kat! I quilted each block separately traveling along the side. I did have to bury the threads from the start and stop positions.

  7. That's just beautiful, Jayne! I love the rich color, and the quilting looks just perfect for it. I have a backlog of unquilted tops, too - I think we have been piecing like crazy in these stay-at-home days!

  8. Lovely finish Jayne. I need to get out my stripes one of these days. I know I am not looking forward to the inevitable stretch. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  9. that's a perfect snuggle quilt for sure!

  10. What a beautiful quilt. I'm not sure I'm up to tackling wovens but love the way the chocolate brown setting makes those blocks shine. So happy for you that this came out great. I love seeing the quilting from the backside and those extra blocks really keep with the continuity of the quilting.

  11. You are right! The first thing I thought of was how cozy that quilt looks! You always do a fabulous job at the quilting!

  12. I done quilt is the best kind of quilt! I'm glad for you to be tackling your fabric stash, and pile 'o tops. Thanks for sharing the challenges of working with woven fabrics. You've convinced me that I don't need to buy any! :-)

  13. Gorgeous Finish. Thank you for sharing your process, your anxieties and your solutions. A slice of pickle does brighten everything :-) I have a box of woven stripes saved for Jayne-inspired quilts :-)

  14. I love how this turned out. A really cool back - and your last-minute binding is perfect.


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