A couple years ago I designed a paper pieced block in EQ8 that I used to make a quilt. Somewhere in that time span I had redesigned the block but it never made it as a quilt let alone a single block. Once I saw it again I became inspired and decided it was worth exploring one more time.
I found a stack of beautiful hand dyed fabrics that I knew worked well together and began the journey of paper piecing. I love the perfection of paper piecing, but as you can see the center of this one is not perfect! My idea didn't pan out as expected because when the pieces meet in the center it's super thick! I have way too many points meeting...it was a terrible mess!
Having 16 points meeting in the center is not a good idea anyway you slice it! Back to the drawing board for me! I wasn't about to let this block go down without a fight.
5 1/4" x 5 1/4" |
Try number two was a little better as far as the center thickness goes. I modified one of the sections by basically cutting of the points. The center was better, but...
...I didn't like how the points are cut off. And if matching up the center wasn't hard enough, matching the center points and the 'octagon' center was more of a challenge than I wanted. Back to the drawing board again.
6 1/4" x 6 1/4" |
The third block version was much better and it's possible it might be the last one. The jury is out on that decision! I've got some fine tuning to do before I'm satisfied.
Even though the center isn't perfect, I ended up finishing all three blocks into mini's just because I could! Back to the drawing board...