
Friday, October 16, 2020

BOO! The Craziness Continues

I've heard a few times just how crazy I am, and this is one of those times when I full agree with everyone who ever said so!

We all know I like to make small things like mini mini quilts, tiny houses or small improv.  I love taking on the challenging task it can often lead to.  Part of what makes those things work is my stash of scraps I keep on hand.  That being said, I often have a stack of fabric that I tuck away from a project in hopes of using it one day.  

The other day I came across one such pile and decided it really wasn't worth my time to use it and promptly tossed it in the trash.  It felt good...until it didn't.  Guess who dug through the trash and recovered the scraps?!  I kept thinking about what I could do with the scraps if I had kept them, one thing led to another and before long I was so deep into it that my head was spinning!

18" x 18"

Go me crazy!  I made a pixelate ghost.  It just happened and for the life of me I'm not sure how.  I'm also not a big Halloween fan, but here we are! 

I started cutting the trash scraps into 1 1/2" strips and soon learned I would need many, many, many more in order to make this pixelated ghost.  Instead of making 600 tiny squares and sewing them together one by one, I sewed strips in sets of 2-6 strips and subcut from there.  

The painters tape was used to make sections in which I could layout the pieces and minimize possible mistakes.  Working with a small section at a time helped immensely!  

Eventually I was able to sew each section together and end up with this adorable pixelated ghost.  It wasn't easy or quick, and it sure isn't perfect.  I know the goal in each and every quilt we make is mastering those perfect seams.  Perfection.  I threw that goal out the window half way through.  I tried, I hoped and I moved on.  It wasn't going to be perfect and frankly I was completely fine with that. 

Moving on from piecing I grabbed a wool batting scrap got ready for the quilting.  I love wool batting as long as I don't have to quilt it, but thought I could handle it for this one small quilt.  

What better way to deal with imperfection than by quilting imperfect pebbles?!  I sense a theme with this ghost!  The proof is in the pudding as to how funky imperfect my piecing turned out.  

Knowing from the start that this was going to be a challenge and there would be issues, I decide I'd share anyway.  I don't mind sharing my quilting flaws and hope that you don't mind seeing them.  Who's perfect?  Maybe next time I'll do better...or maybe not!

Besides, from a distance it looks fabulous and if I were to wash'd never know!  



  1. Here you go again with that creative hat! Aren't you just tickled you dug those scraps out of the trash!

    1. I’m on the fence about the dumpster diving of the scraps! When does the madness stop?! Considering Halloween isn’t my favorite time of the year, I was surprised I went there!

  2. How do you always come up with the most creative ideas?? Your little ghost is adorable!

  3. It's a sweet mini quilt. I'm no longer a huge Halloween fan myself, but I'd happily hang up a sweet blushing ghost like this one. :)

  4. That is so cute! Admittedly, though, those little pieces kinda make me shudder. LOL

  5. Wow! I understand the guilt that goes with throwing scraps away. I just don't know that I would have ever come up with this wonderful idea. I love the way you used the painter's tape to keep things organized. Most of us will look at the forest and not the trees so the imperfections are not noticeable at all. I've dealt with my fair share of both scraps and imperfections this week. The solution is not what is approved by the quilt police. Anyway, Jane, you continue to amaze!

  6. Great quilt! Literally from trash to treasure. Using these scraps brought out your creativity. And IMHO we all worry too much about being perfect.

  7. Hmmm. May I agree with your "crazy" assessment? :-) I couldn't have tossed the scraps either, but I don't think I would have immediately started a project with them. And especially not Halloween (I don't like the holiday either)! But good for you to work out how not to waste those scraps, and make them into something cute. Truly, he's (she?) is a cute ghost.

  8. Love this!! I used the painters tape to create sections when I made the QR Code quilt.

  9. Love your ghost! I laughed over your dumpster diving. . .yah. . .been there. . .done that too! I'm glad to not be alone!

  10. The pink cheeks on your ghost are just adorable! Sometimes we just *have to* try these crazy things!

  11. Trash scraps....I love it!

    This little ghost turned out so cute! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  12. Votre fantôme est charmant, j'adore ses petites joues roses !

  13. "Trash to Treasure?!" Love it! I agree that the pink cheeks were the stroke of artistic genius on this one and, while I totally relate to the quest for perfection in every seam, this is not one of those projects where missing the mark of perfection detracts in any way. Rather, this is the kind of project where the fact that you were striving for perfect piecing this time is going to make you that much better NEXT time, when it might count more. Like how doing your best in your daily workouts makes you stronger and better when the marathon rolls around. Or so I'm told. I personally believe that running is unnecessary except FROM enemies or TO the bathroom. ;-)

  14. She’s adorable! I’m positive , she is a She Ghost! Love the idea of the blue tape! Genius!

  15. I like this blog. Thank you for sharing this information.


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