
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

It's a Gem :: Rainbow Runner

My first completed quilt of the year!  Thankfully I choose to make a runner which made the finish quick and easy.  But a finish is a finish, and a first is a first!

15 1/4" x 47 3/4"

The fun part was using scraps, making odd inset circles and quilting it.  All in all it was fun from start to finish!

There was little doubt how I would quilt it, which is always a good thing.  I knew I'd add a little color with coordinating thread, but not so much that it became overwhelming.

Matchstick quilting was exactly the way I was going to take the quilting.  Dense lines from side to side using black thread.  I marked a 1/2" section through each circle that was off limits to black thread!  Those sections would end up with matching colored thread.    

Once the hundreds of black lines were finished I could begin the fun part.  Before that happened I had an idea!  Wouldn't it be cool to have the quilting go right off the edge?  In order to do that I had to trim the runner and sew on the binding.  I'll admit that it was a little tricky and that the back of the binding isn't gorgeous, but the front...that turned out perfect!

I also didn't feel the need to do any more quilting inside the circles.  Lines through the center and around each circle was it!  Less is more...except there is the matchstick quilting which is more more more!  

All these photos were taken after I washed and dried this runner.  If I'm selling any of my quilts, I always wash each one beforehand.  The exception is mini mini's and the occasional wall hanging.  Why?!  We all know how a quilt can shrink and change in appearance after washing.  I would be shocked if I were a customer and saw the transformation!  By washing first they get the true measurements and can't be shocked...or even ticked off!  Self preservation on my part too!

Now it's time to move on to another project.  I want to make a quilt but I'm having a hard time coming up with a design.  I know it needs to be purple!  Great first step!  I might be leaning towards log cabin blocks...we shall see!



  1. I love the bright gems against the black in this one, Jayne! The way you quilted it with the lines of color running through each gem is a neat idea!

    1. The black background has a way of making the colors standout and I love that. I don’t know how I came up with the idea of the lines of color going through the center and extending through the binding, but I love that added touch!

  2. Clever idea, running the quilting lines right off the quilt. Love that idea! The bright pops of color against the black make me think of those Lite Brite toys when I was a kid.

  3. I really like the lines of color you added in the quilting. It's such a fun touch! And I completely agree about prewashing when gifting or selling a quilt. I don't want anyone worried or upset at the change, either.

    1. I’m pleased to have this as my first 2021 finish. It was a great start I think. We’ve gotten use to quilts shrinking after a wash, but it would be a shock to non-quilters if they encountered it on their own!

  4. I love the matching colored lines of quilting. and you know I love matchstick quilting overall! stunning

  5. Matchstick quilting. How can you stand quilting ALL. Those. Lines?!?! I tried it once. I gave up after exactly TWO INCHES!!! Your new runner does look really pretty, Jayne. I absolutely LOVE how those gems sparkle;

  6. Well done! I love the quilting. You did an amazing job.

  7. Clever detail to add the contrasting thread. Is that Kona black?

  8. Really fun. I especially love the colored stitching AND that you went into the binding. Love the look.

  9. Oh, I love the way you used your scraps!

  10. I love the blobbiness of the colors. What a fun quilt! Very creative.

  11. She glows and shimmers. Fit for a Queen!!!

  12. Beautiful!! it really does look like gemstones and rare finds... but don't laugh - they could be dinosaur eggs... I am not sure why I saw that at first - but I must be in the wrong era. This is a really great finish and a great way to start the year!

  13. I’m glad to see your quilting on this runner! I have a small quilt that has crumb blocks on a gray background, I am planning on similar color matched quilting! Great minds! ! Now you have spurred me on to get that done!

  14. I love those organic circles and the colored quilting thread that went off the edge. Thank you for sharing!


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