
Saturday, June 26, 2021

Ups & Downs :: Back on Track

It's been a while, but I'm back with a new project to share!  I'm not sure what happened to me or why I haven't posted lately.  It's weird because I've always loved writing blog posts and couldn't wait to share whatever I was working on.  I suppose we all need a break every once in a while.  

Since my last post I took my machine in for a deep cleaning.  While I could continue to piece things together, I couldn't quilt any of the pieces until I got my machine back.  It took two weeks and nearly went to three but one of the ladies who works at the shop told the tech that 'Jayne needs her machine today' and lo and behold...I got it back!  It helps to have friends in high places.  

What I'm sharing today I haven't quilted yet.  It's in the queue and I'm excited about the possibilities!

I'm back to my comfort color combination!  Pink, orange and yellow!  It's always filled me with happiness and has never failed me in any of the projects made with these energetic colors.  Coming up with a design or idea might take a while, but the colors never!

It started with a simple improv curve.  I was off to a great start and eager to make more!

And so I did!  Four perfectly imperfect curves that fed my need for a little improv magic!  These were the easy part, the hard part was figuring out what to do with them and what to make next.

There's improv where you have a concept and there's improv where you start and figure it out as you go.  I'm mostly in the latter category!

I thought a nice fit with the curves might be some small inset circles.  Once again, not perfect which was very much intended.  After a while even these changed form!

I also pieced triangles that at first I wanted to pair with the inset circles, but after sewing a circle to the top of a triangle it was plain and simply wrong.  What I love about improv is if it isn't working...slice it up and try something else.

I often stare (or glare) at the parts and pieces of an improv project for an undetermined amount of time until something makes sense and the design become clearer.  

The inset circles become double inset circles, the triangles become their own feature or in extreme cases I won't use them at all.

When I'm struggling with a design, walking away for an hour or a day is often the best thing to do.  The break often brings clarity to a design idea.  Fresh eyes!  Fresh mind!

Eventually I made the decisions needed to bring this quilt to an end.  Designing as I go, scraping ideas that aren't working and in the end feeling good about what I've done.  Some improv comes together easily and sometimes it doesn't.  Half the battle is not giving up!  Who doesn't love a good challenge?!

I fell in love with the center circle and would love to explore more of that on a larger scale.  Right now this wall hanging before quilting is 16" x 17".  I'm considering making circles that are that size!      



  1. There's just something about those colors, right?! I love the energy from those combinations of orange/yellow/red/pink. I honestly think I could make improv curves every day - they are relaxing and fun. This little beauty is definitely sunny side up!

    1. I keep going to this color combination and try as I might…I just can’t stop! It’s the first time I’ve done this type of improv curves and I have to say I’m hooked.

  2. I love the end result! also fun to hear your thought process along the way

  3. I always crave sherbet when I see you working with these colors. Summer perfect. The imperfect curves are delightful! I know what you mean about blog breaks. Sometimes I think blogging creates a lot more blog activities--responding, commenting, etc.--which I enjoy, but sometimes I just wanna quilt. I think that's what keeps me from blogging regularly. Selfish, no? But true.

    1. This color combination always seems fresh and mouthwatering to me! You are not selfish at all! Blogging takes a lot of work. I sometimes feel like I’ve hit a wall and by taking a break I can rejuvenate! Hopefully my break is over and I can get back to it!

  4. Jayne, omg, this is gorgeous! I love it. Thank you fir the inspiration!

  5. It's a stunning piece, Jayne. The colors are so bright and happy and definitely are your signature palette in my mind. :) Yay for your machine being back home.

    1. Try as I might, I keep going back to this color palette over and over. Never thought I’d have a signature color palette though! It’s amazing how much better my machine sounds and runs now. I’m excited to machine quilt again!

  6. I loved this piece when it popped up in my IG feed, but I love it even more now that you've walked us through its evolution in the blog post. So glad your sewbaby is home and ready to quilt with you again!

  7. Aaaand Jayne is back in the saddle!! Nice to see a post from you:)

  8. That is so fun and happy! You're inspiring me to try some improv curves again!

  9. I really like the balance of this design. And I agree that there is nothing like gazing time to work out a design problem.

  10. Super cute mini, Jayne!! You really know how to use solids. LOVE your hot little quilt!

  11. Such fun. And I agree... walking away is the best way to move forward.

  12. Hi Jayne. Your improve play is always exciting to visit and has become a visual inspiration for me. I have gone from saving photos to “Inspiration” on Pinterest to the realization that I can do what sings to me as well. This current project you are working on surprises my muse because I would never purchase or enjoy any of the colors you utilized yet I love them in this piece. I does make me look and think outside the box of my stash of fabric selections. My quilting journey has opened up beyond the written patterns of others. Now time will tell if my print fabrics will make their way into my improve play, as squinting to get an overall assessment of an individual fabric’s color is giving me a headache which is not enjoyable! Thank you for sharing your work and thoughts as you piece and place elements together. Your input has brought out a designer in me. I am grateful for your investment in me. Jayne, your gift is the best I have ever received.


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