
Thursday, January 9, 2014

About My Mom

My Mom is a funny lady.  She has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. We have always had a great relationship even during my so called 'rebellion' years.  I wasn't that bad...but I'm sure I had my moments!

Growing up we moved a lot.  From one coast to the other, and a few places in between. My dad was a entrepreneur!  He had huge ideas, huge plans and a huge heart.  Adventure was always just around the corner with him!  We had an interesting life with him ~ to be sure.

A traditional family we were not!  

Over the summer I was able to visit my Mom, who now lives back in Minnesota.  One thing I love and can count on (and look forward to), is talking about the good 'ole days! Her days, our days.  Its amazing what you learn that you didn't know before!

Me and my Mom.
She is having a hard time getting around, at 82 (83 in less than a month) it is to be expected.  Age will do that.  It also begins the process of letting go. Things that are dear to you, things that have touched your heart.  When I opened my Christmas gift from her, I knew she was passing on something very special.  Her gift to me was carrying on the memory.  

This gift may not look like much.  A battered boot and some crazy dolls.  But to her (and to me), this is her childhood.  She loved her Daddy very much, and speaks of him a lot, so often with a twinkle in her eye.   

Included in this special gift was a letter.  She told the story of this little boot, and of course included some of her humor.

This letter is tucked into the boot with all the little dolls.  I will be keep it safe and sound for her.  Sharing the memories.


  1. Girl, this is so neat. I sure would have loved to keep my mom around as long as you have!

    1. I am very thankful to have my mom around. Mothers and daughters do have a special bond!

  2. Oh, that gives me chills. She is a hoot with that poem.

    1. She has written crazy funny poems for as long as I can remember!

  3. You made you uncle billy cry on this trip down memory lane

    1. Uncle Billy and my Mom have that special bond-brother sister. It was so heartwarming to see this summer! Billy, Marlene and Mom! My 3 musketeers!

  4. Sounds like you and mom have a very special relationship. Cherish it and enjoy her as I'm sure you do. Enjoyed your story. Thanks for sharing.

    1. We do and thank you for your wonderful comment!

  5. So now you'll be the keeper of the memories. What an honor, but also bittersweet. I hope she keeps passing things down to you for another 20 years or so.

    1. I will happily be the keeper of these memories! Thank you!


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