
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Fresh Start ~ First Project

Awww...the first project of the year!  I didn't waste any time starting something new and fresh.  A few days without the steady hum of the sewing machine going during the holidays was a refreshing and much needed break.  But in all honesty, I was itching to get back at it!

Let me introduce you to my daughter.  This is Britt.  She looks meek and mild.  But let me tell you she is a slave driver!  

When she saw the half-square table runner I made with hand dyed fabric (I blogged about it HERE), she was itching to make a quilt like it.  When I say she...I mean we.  She loves to coax me into projects!

We busted out the hand dyed bucket and began to cut, cut and cut some more!  We weren't going for a specific color scheme at all.  These beauties have been neatly folded and stored just waiting to be used.  I tell was so hard for me to give in and use these!  

Britt had a great attitude about the whole thing.  'Mom, its just fabric.  We can dye more anytime we want to'.  Yep!  We can.  So, my little 'sous' chef went to work.  She cut 2~8" squares of just about every fabric we had.  

Stacks color coordinated and ready to pair up.  That turned out to be rather fun!  You get some amazing color combinations that you wouldn't normally do.

We added a few Kaffe Fasset Shot Cotton just to mix it up a bit.  Paired, pinned and ready to mark and sew!  I did all the machine work, while Britt continued her sous chef duties and ironed.

She may kill me for this...but look at these socks!  This is the required uniform if you are working with me!

After sewing the diagonal lines and cutting them in half, the fun began.  (the agonizing fun) 

It was time to begin the layout of this quilt.  You know, it was rather hard!  There are some many possibilities for HST's and deciding was nearly as hard as cutting up the fabric!  I cannot tell you how many different colors we have in this one...let's just say a lot!  The finished block size is 7".  We wanted to be sure they were big enough to highlight the beautiful mottled textures of the hand dyed fabrics.    

In the end this is what we decided on.  I was excited to sew these  Depending on how you look at it...the design changes!  Does it look like a hot mess?! 

The next step will be figuring out a back.  I'm thinking I will do a pieced back for this one.  (No surprise!)  

Quilting.  Since I machine quilt (free motion quilting is still on my 'to learn list'), it won't be to complicated!  I would be happy to turn it over to anyone who would love to quilt it for me!  Just throwing it out there! :)  

One thing I am sure of, I do know that I want to add a bright binding.  Maybe yellow or turquoise!  Something that frames the quilt and stands out.

I am happy that my first quilt of the year is a bright, bold and fresh!  It makes me wish spring would hurry up and get here!  

WIP Wednesday 


  1. That HST quilt top is bright and happy! What better way to start the new year than working with your daughter making such a fun project! Great job, girls!

    1. This quilt does cheer up a dreary winter day! Thank you from both of us!

  2. It's awesome & i'm sure that it was a fun day for both of you. =)

    1. It was a great day! It helps when we get along so well too!

  3. Wonderful Post Jayne! I love what you've started and can't wait to see how it turns out...

    1. Thank you Michelle! I'll post a picture when its finished!

  4. I love this... I recently used this same HST layout to finish a UFO and I love how the triangles twinkle across the top. Those colors are so fresh looking!

    1. Thank you! I am on a HST kick and love the different looks you can achieve!

  5. You dyed all that fabric? It's beautiful! I've only had one foray into dyeing fabric and while it was interesting, I don't think I created anything that pretty! :-) I love quilting with my daughter too. Wish she had a bit more time for it! I love the layout of the HST too. No hot mess there. Just beautiful colour! Great work!

    1. We love working together! I'm happy she insisted I learn how to dye fabric too. Lots of great colors and textures with hand dyed fabric!

  6. Love, Love, LOVE!! (And I love the socks, too, Britt!)

    Jayne, is there no end to your creativity? You keep inspiring me to "go forth with wild colors!" Be sure and do a follow-up post when completely finished!

    1. You are so sweet Pam! I will be sure and post a finished picture!

  7. what a great pattern to showcase the hand dyed fabrics, LOVE it!

  8. How fun! Your daughter sounds a lot like me! I casually tell my mom I like something and she usually makes it for me! You are a great mom! :) I love the design! It's bright and happy! :)

    I am giving away a fat quarter bundle on my blog today! I would love for you to come over and enter! Happy New Year!

    Inspiring Creations Giveaway

  9. Hiya Britt! That is exactly the project you should be working on in the winter, chase all the blues away.

  10. Beautiful! I love having a helper! Doesn't happen often but always take it when I can get.

    1. It is great to have a helper! I know she won't always be around, so I will take advantage of it for now!

  11. Beautiful fabrics. How fun it is to quilt with your daughter. I am teaching my 6year old, sometime she loves to join sometime she doesn't.

    Love your quilt. I would be happy to quilt it for me. I usually free-motion-quilt on the longarm because the turnaround time is faster. Here is a link to see sample of my free motion quilting on the longarm:

    1. Thank you so much for the offer! I need to decide how I would like to quilt it!

  12. Beautiful! And your daughter is cute too :). Looks like a great project.

    1. It is a very fun project! Pretty straigh forward!

  13. Lovely quilt. This is great. You make me wonder if some nice solids or almost solids might not be he perfect thing to pair up with my growing pile of Kaffe Fassett fat quarters. I'm still trying to figure out what to do with them. I would have to think long and hard about how to quilt such a quilt. I think it would deserve something with some real movement. Swirls? I love swirls.

    1. Solids would look fantastic with Kaffe anything! I have piles of 'special' fabric that I'm trying to decide what to pair it with!

  14. Lovely quilt and very colorful socks.

  15. Looks like you had lots of fun with your daughter making this quilt ... looking forward to seeing the end result :)

    1. We do have fun together when we are creating quilts!

  16. I love it. It almost reminds me of an Amish quilt with the colors. It will be beautiful when done!

    1. thank you! I think the quilting will start this week...excited about that!

  17. Great article. It is so wonderful you have your daughter close to work with you. Mine is so far away and I miss her! Cherish every moment.

    And great fabrics!


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