
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Well Worth It!

Oh boy!  There isn't anything like the feeling of finishing a quilt!  It's one thing to make a quilt from start to finish...that is rewarding in itself.  But making a HUGE custom quilt and having it come out as planned, well it's a relief to say the least! 

I stress from start to finish.  Did I pick the right colors.  Will my customer love them. Should this piece go here?  Will my customer love that.  How should I quilt it.  Will my customer love it.  Time for a wash.  Will it please not know the feeling.  One more hurdle to go.  One more bit of time for stressing out.  Although I have sent pictures throughout the entire process, will my customer love it in person???

It isn't any secret that I love to make abstract, improv quilts.  And it is totally subjective. People like what they like.  When I first started making and selling my work I wondered if there were others who would like what I do.  Insecure quilter!  

So, this was the first post I did on this massive quilt:  Officially It's BIG.  The start of the process.  A big undertaking!

And here she is!  A massive bundle of joy, stress and accomplishment!  Thankfully my customer gave me the thumbs up to 'just do what I do'.  It helped my mindset a little bit!  

Let's talk stats!  This is a for a queen size bed.  The final measurements ended up being 90" x 96".  White background was requested because the bedroom is dark, which is why I was freaking out about bleeding in the end!  I barely had enough room to pin the top to the back, but after moving a piece of furniture or two, it worked.  

Because of the size and the fact that my machine couldn't handle anything much bigger, I decided to quilt it using organic vertical straight lines.  Varying widths.  Simple.  Effective.  

Did I mention how heavy this quilt is?  And how big it is?  It wasn't easy.  I will admit I had some sore arms and shoulders!  I intentionally made it much bigger than the finished size (but of course).  I knew that I would need some 'play' when it was time to square it up. Smart cookie!  Actually, I learned that lesson from a previous quilt!

This size of quilt is also hard to photograph!  I enlisted my son and daughter for help.  A couple step stools, a couple tall people and a camera.  I also have a hard time getting good shots of white fabric.  It more often than not ends up blue-ish.

This quilt is the biggest I have ever made.  There was a lot of blood, sweat and tears put into this one.  But in the worth it.  Its gratifying.  

What is the biggest quilt you have made?  What was the biggest challenge you had during the quilt making process?

Linking with:

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Diamond Quilt Finished!

Briar Rose.  Paper Piecing.  Diamonds.  Goal Achieved.  I am so happy with this quilt! Making goals and achieving them is so rewarding!  Paper piecing has been on that 'list' for some time now.  This was the perfect pattern to hone my paper piecing skills.  I certainly highly recommend it for those who want to learn or those who want a fun block to make!

I first blogged about this Diamond quilt here:  Diamond In The Rough. You can get a good idea on the process.  This post:  Hitting A Goal has links for the pattern!

Putting the blocks together wasn't so bad.  Paper piecing is great for perfection...or nearly perfect in my case!  Regardless...I'm happy with it!

60" x 85"

I ended up making 96 blocks.  Each one 5" x 10".  Bordered with white and a spring green and finished with a white binding.  

Quilting it was challenging!  I had this idea...which failed big time!  Have you ever started quilting a quilt, but it didn't seem right?  And instead of stopping right then and go a little more thinking maybe it will work?  Yep, that's exactly what I did!  Instead of only having to rip out a few lines, I had twice as many to rip out!  Lesson learned!  When you think it looks bad, it is!

I ended up doing a pretty simple diagonal diamond pattern in the end.  It fits.  It works.  Its done!

Briar Rose + Quilt = flowers!

The back is white and yellow.  I pieces some angles to mimic the diamonds.  Why the heck not?

Do you paper piece?  Do you have a favorite block or project?  I would love to do more one day.  For now I can just be happy I followed through on a goal!

Linking to:

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Winner Is....

Wasn't that a fun few days of pure giveaway bliss?!  Sew Mama Sew knows how to put on a party!

Thank you every one for stopping by, leaving a comment or two!  I certainly appreciate that you took the time to check out my giveaway!

The winner was picked using the 'Random Number Generator' and looky here...this is it!!

I will be notifying #25 by email!  

Love the purples in #6. I could make my daughter a twirly skirt that she would adore!


Friday, May 16, 2014

Blogger's Quilt Festival Entry #2

And for my second Blogger's Quilt Festival, I'm entering this beauty in the Original Design Category.

This was so much fun to make!  I used hand dyed fabrics (again).  I blogged about this one here:

For each block I used 4 different shades.  Let's see:  blue, pink, purple, yellow, orange and green!

I used a beautiful gray to highlight the hand dyed fabric.  Then machine quilted 1/2" V's in four different section...that in my opinion, made it!  It measures 32" x 43".  

After it was washed it was pure heaven!  I'm a huge 'crinkle' fan!

Blogger's Quilt Festival In Full Swing!

It's that time of the year again!  The fun, inspirational and 'oh so lovely' Blogger's Quilt Festival!  Last year was my first year to enter a couple quilts.  I had just started blogging and it turned out to be a wonderful way to connect with other bloggers and see some incredible quilts!

This time around I am entering this quilt in the

This baby quilt features hand dyed scraps.  Bella gray on the front and Bella Aqua on the back.  I machine quilted a trendy geometric straight line design using gray thread.  The lines are 1/2" - 3/4" apart.  Depending on the section.  This one measures 32 1/4" x 44 1/2".

Here is the original blog post I did:

The flowers are a beautiful purple/lilac Clematis.  I saw the lovely blooms and couldn't resist using them in the photo! 

I have to say I am in love with this one! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Officially ~ It's Big!

My current work in progress is BIG!  Big, big, big!  This officially the biggest quilt I have ever made!

I'm working on a custom queen size quilt right now.  An improv, abstract, mid-century modern type quilt.  Huge.  In the end it will measure 90" x 95".  Immense.

This is the beginning.  A few blocks to get the feel of where I want to go.  From here, well its a lot of tiny piecing.  The block sizes are every size imaginable.    

This quilt is inspired by a previous quilt I made.  My 'Green With Envy' Improv quilt.  This one was way smaller...tiny compared to the one I'm working on now!

I tried to get a couple WIP shots.  My project wall isn't in the best place to get a full size view.  I could move the wall...

I have one more panel to make today.  One more piece to the puzzle.  Hopefully one more day of meticulous piecing and placing.  

With that said...I better get off the computer and get to work!

If you haven't already, please feel free to enter my Sew Mama Sew Giveaway!


Monday, May 12, 2014

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway!

I cannot believe I almost missed this!  It's one of the weeks I look forward to every year!  

Twice a year Sew Mama Sew has a fantastic week long 'meeting place' for a chance to find new blogs, new and interesting ideas and to meet some wonderful bloggers!  

Its a fun time!  Lots of giveaway supplies and handmade goodies...lots of commenting...just plain fun!

Here's my deal!  

I am going to giveaway one Fat Quarter Bundle of fabulous hand dyed fabric.  Hand dyed by me!  This bundle equals a delightful 1 yard total!  I'm pretty sure there will be some other goodies added as a sweet little surprise too! 

These bundles are also available in my Etsy Shop, Twiggy & Opal

You have two chances to win:

#1.  Leave one comment telling me the number of your favorite bundle combination.

#2.  Follow my blog and leave another comment saying you have done so.  If you already follow my blog leave a comment saying so.

• This giveaway is open to EVERYONE. 

• If you’re a “no reply” or an anonymous commenter, include your email address in your 

• Giveaway ends May 16 at 7 p.m. CST

• I will pick one winners using Random generator and then announce the winner on my blog
  and notify via email.
Good luck!

Thank you for stopping by!  


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Triangle Kick (WIP)

My initial thought was to use up some hand dyed scraps.  Lots of little bits and pieces.  Pieces I couldn't bear parting with.  Even though I have been getting better about scrap collecting...meaning letting go sooner...I just don't have the will power to toss my hand dyed beauties!

While I was waiting for fabric to arrive for a custom quilt, I took the time to sort these scraps.  Pink, yellow, aqua, blue~some purple, green and peachy delight!  Not trying to be too fussy or precise, I pieced sizes big enough for triangles.  Such a lovely stack they made!  

This aqua and gray was the first!  Its a baby quilt.  Baby sweetness!  Very simple design, but delightfully trendy and hip!

Why stop there?  With a stack of triangles and a renewed energy...I decided 'let's go with yellow next'!  C'mon baby!

I am in the process of sewing the binding on this one...but I like it!  Some of the light yellow pieces in the triangles match the background, so it looks like there are different sizes of triangles.  There are not!  

And lastly, yummy pink and pewter gray!  How about that?!  

The quilting on all three are geometric straight lines.  I used 1/2" - 1" lines randomly throughout.  Small quilts like this are a breeze to quilt the 'heck' out of!  I'm still finishing up the pink and yellow baby quilts.  Hand sewing on bindings is a happy place for me!  I love it!  

I cannot wait to wash them up, see the crinkly quilting come to life!  I'm not sure which combination is my favorite or which I am going to say I love all three equally!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Blogger Slacker...

I have been such a blogging slacker lately.  And a flickr slacker...and instagram...and facebook!

All these things to do, places to connect.  I will try harder, be better about it.  Juggle. Focus.  

This past week I have been working on a custom quilt.  Queen size, improv, abstract with a Mid-Century vibe.  I have a design wall full of pieces.  Every size imaginable!  Here are a few  for your viewing pleasure!

Right now my progress is at a standstill.  The background fabric has been ordered and now its just a waiting game!  Ship, ship, send, send!!!  Once it gets here I will be ready to go!

This is the inspiration for the custom quilt.  I'm excited!  It has been a long time since I've improved a quilt!  

I'll keep you steady!