
Thursday, March 5, 2015

A Seed Taking Root

My ideas are driving me crazy!  Some little seed takes root and before you know it I'm cultivating, weeding, and watering it!  

I would love to hear how others create and come up with their ideas. (really, tell me!)

In the beginning I had a black and white stripe vision.  Fine and dandy, but pretty basic and boring really.  

I've done a few projects lately with black and white.  And a few with skinny 1" strips.  My brain was screaming at me for something different.

Time to try some curves!  I've made a couple before, just for practice and nothing quite as elaborate as these.

You might be saying to yourself, why not use stripe fabric?  Sure it would be faster, quicker and easier.  I love a good challenge and love to push myself.  I'll take the time to 'make' my fabric, flaws and all.  To me, it makes each piece that much more dynamic and special.

These are really fun to make too!  The curves went together easily ~ barely any fussing.  (I did fix the top of the circle, as it was off just a bit) Each section measured to about 8 1/4" which makes it much easier to sew the outside piece on.

There it is again, me saying 'you gotta have some color in this thing'! Going with my creative flow, I went with it.  I argue with myself all the time (crazy talk again)!

It kinda looks like a jelly fish at this point!  Again, I'm still figuring this thing out!  

I was so in the moment that I didn't get pictures of a few key steps.  

As you can see I used the rainbow stripes for another piece of the circle. Now that last spot needed to be filled.  What to do.  Another piece to the circle.  A square.  Maybe flip the circle.  

I knew that I wanted to use color and tiny squares.  Pulling it off was the challenge.  After hours of putting the puzzle of squares together, I decided to complete the circle.  

Not all of my ideas worked out!  I tried, it failed and it was quickly ripped off!  I'm sure you will see that wedge somewhere else though!!

It seemed like I needed (or wanted) to corral this whatever it is in! Logically, I went for black.  Just a simple frame wasn't doing it for me and eventually I came to this design.  

24" x 25"
Which has now become this.  I have to say at this point, I haven't a clue if this will become a quilt or a wall hanging.  It was something I needed to clear out of my head, that nagging idea that won't go away until I did something about it!

I can see it as a quilt, a very minimalist one.  What would you make this into?  For now, I'll ponder on it, besides I'm out of white fabric (drat!!) at the moment.  



  1. That is fabulous! I can't wait to see what you decide on it. For me, I get the ideas and as long as I put them on paper so I can dwell and work through it I'm fine. If I don't do that, it sticks with me and drives me nuts. Great job!!!

    1. Those pesky little ideas are great fun, especially once you get them figured out!

  2. Love it! Did you paper piece at all?

    1. I didn't do any paper piecing at all on this!

  3. This is wonderful, and exactly as I have been working recently! Trying things out, and changing them around when it isn't quite working. It starts with an idea in my head, and not knowing in advance how things will turn out or when it will be finished. I find it the most enjoyable way of working, and get energised by the possibilities!

    1. I do love working that way too! Especially when it all comes together the way I plan it!

  4. Couple suggestions. 1. You could make 3 more blocks and make is larger. I think he looks very cool as is, but maybe a little lonely. If you added 3 more, you could repeat the circle as is, but turn the circle each time. Would look cool. 2. Keep as just one block and machine quilt it in black thread with a super dense pattern. That black on white would look great. And here's something I do for solids - I but about 6 yards of Kona white and Kona black cotton at a time and I keep it on the bolt. That way I rarely run out of if! You can never have too muh white and black. Love your progress and can totally relate to that nagging voice!

    1. I love your suggestions and have thought about adding more circles too!

  5. Sorry, that's me being speechless. *flails for words*
    I love how this is turning out so much! I think I'd probably keep it on its own, since adding more could take away the specialness. Unless you made more that were each different? I don't really want to give suggestions. Your intuition and muse seem to be leading you exactly where you need to go. :)

    1. At least your being speechless was a good thing! You never know! I am leaning towards leaving it as a wall hanging.

  6. I love that you 'made your own' stripe fabric (-_-).

  7. Very striking! I really like what you've done

  8. I really loved both ideas!!! either way, I loved the confettii look the most!!!

  9. Incredible!! I love how you showed the process step by step with photos. How did you ever manage to line up the stripes on those two curved pieces so perfectly!


  10. This looks super, and its looking like it was made so well! I love the frame the most, it really makes it look special.

  11. Love hearing/seeing your process!! I've just begun to try to design in EQ7, and I find it a bit stifling to only use that medium, so after I've got a basic idea hashed out in the computer program, I do as you're doing and work out the realities and colors in real time, on the design wall. I need that tactile and visual stimulation! XX!

  12. I love the skinny strips and and circular piecing!

  13. This is wonderful! I love stripes and circles, and you've done a wonderful job of combining them.

  14. Wow. Good for your for tackling some curve piecing with stripes to match up at that!

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