
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Lovely Blog Award

I was so surprised and super honored when Cynthia at Quilting is more fun than Housework nominated me for the Lovely Blog Award.  I wasn't sure what the deal was and after reading Cynthia's post it was clear I wanted to be a part of it.  I have followed Cynthia's blog for some time now.  She is amazingly talented from top to bottom with a big dose of down home warmth!

If you are nominated there are three rules:

1) Acknowledge the sweet person who nominated you
2) Share 7 things about yourself (deep dark secrets?  or maybe a few things no one knows)
3) Nominate 10 other blogs/bloggers for the award 

This is super hard sharing something about myself.  I'm not that interesting!  The moment of things about myself.

  • I never wanted to quilt.  Furthest thing from my mind. Thankfully I had a very pushy and persistent daughter! She pushed, pulled and encouraged me.  She encouraged (and still does) me to let go, go for it and follow my gut.  I have always been inspired by her.

  • I once lived on an old alligator farm in Florida with my family. We had to feed them regularly or they would not be happy. At one time there were baby alligators in the tub, alligators ready to jump in the pool and one that was a massive old beast called 'Johnny Tractor'.
  • I have eight siblings.  Four brothers and three sisters.  They live all over the place from Oregon, Arizona, Montana to Minnesota.
  • If I could become anything, it would be a detective.  Maybe not, but I love watching crime shows and delight in the process of solving crimes.  
  • I'm a homebody.  It's my happy place, my comfort.  Plus, I can stay in my PJ's all day long if I want too!  I am a creature of habit. 
  • My favorite movie is The Wizard of Oz.  There's no place like's a classic that I will never tire of seeing.  Magical!
  • I was born in International Falls Minnesota.  I hate cold.  I lived in Florida, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Oregon and currently Tennessee.  I love hot.  Even numbers, potatoes, and being barefoot.  And I love my sewing machine!  

And so, nominating my 10 blogs!  There are so many inspiring and fantastic bloggers/blogs that just picking ten may be tough, but here are mine:

There you have it!  


  1. Wow. I am so honored by the nomination! You are too kind. And about those things nobody knew about you... wow, 8 kids in your family, aligators... too funny. And I hate the cold too! You are smart to move South.

    1. I admire your work so much and was so happy to have found your blog! That nomination was an easy, no brainer for me.

  2. Thank you so much for the nomination! :D <3 I'll try to sneak in a post before the movers get here!
    I love the story about the alligators! Sounds like you could fill a book with alligator adventures. Also I didn't know you live in Tennessee! Our cross country trip may take us into Tennesee. We could hang out if you want. :) Although I understand wanting to stay at home, too. I am a total introvert.

    1. You are so welcome Anne! I have always loved your blog and at times felt like a stalker visiting it!

  3. What a lovely post, Jayne. And thank you so much for nominating my blog! It's so nice to get to know you a little more. Love the story about the alligator named Johnny Tractor. Other than that... We seem to have a lot in common. I love the Wizard of Oz, wearing my pj's and investigative crime shows, too.

    1. Thank you for inspiring me all the time. I love your blog and picking it as one of my 10…no hesitation!

  4. Thank you so much for the nomination and what an awesome post! That is so awesome that you lived on an alligator farm!

    1. The alligator farm was crazy! There is something unnatural about having to keep your eyes peeled for stray gators on the prowl!

  5. Thank you so much for including me!!! It will be a while before I can reciprocate. We're headed out on vacation, but I'm adding it to my to do list for when I return. :) And I think your blog is pretty darn lovely as well!!! And how fascinating that you lived on an alligator farm!

    1. I am so happy to have found your blog and wanted to share it with anyone who happens to stop by ~ it was my pleasure and I would never expect or want you to feel obligated!

  6. Ah Jayne, you had me laughing! "Even numbers, potatoes and being barefoot" and I cannot imagine living on an alligator farm. Johnny Tractor...That is something else! How great that your daughter got you into quilting, because now we get to see the wonderful results!
    You nominated Lorna, which I wish I had known we could do that and we shared Amanda.

    1. I don't think I can put into words how thankful I am that my daughter strong armed me in to quilting! I never knew I would love it so much or that I had a talent! I maybe should listen to her a little more! I may have veered off the 'rules' a little bit for nominations. Now I feel like a rebel!!

  7. Alligator farm! Egad. Wonderful the support and encouragement we get from our daughters, no? And now from my darling 6-yr-old grandson! He loves quilts! I love hot too, and I was born in a place very similar to yours, brrr.

    1. That is exactly what I thing when I remember about the alligators! So many things could have gone wrong…Dad! We are very lucky to have supportive daughters.

  8. It was great to learn more about you Jayne. I finally got an opportunity to check out your blog list and discovered a few more to follow. So much inspiration out there!

    1. I don't know who started the Lovely Blog Award~but it was brilliant and fun. We sometimes don't share little 'tidbits' about ourself. There really are a lot of great blogs and quilters out there that we wouldn't normally find. I so appreciate that you put me in the mix!!


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