
Friday, May 29, 2015

Scrap It Out

I've been playing around with my hand dyed scraps the past couple days. Trying to think of something spectacular to make.  Or just something. Until I can get back to the dye pots (hopefully mid-June), I've made it my mission to whittle down the scraps pile before I let myself have fun. 

Here is part of the scraps.  They don't look very impressive, pretty dull picture really.  I should have staged it and pulled the bright ones out!  

First, I have to start with something.  It's taken me days to get a couple ideas together and made.  There has been little time to work through the ideas.  

My husband and I decided it was time to cut down and dig out the bushes in the front of the house.  There is a total of six and they are the size of a mini cooper car!  The years have been good to them, but they have been having issues.  We weren't sure how awful it was going to we took a chance. 

The first day we muscled one out and got a pretty good feel for the project.  In the process I got stung by a bee on my chin.  It was fine until yesterday.  All of the sudden it decided to swell up and itch. Honestly I feel like Dudley Do Right ~ although it doesn't look that bad! Just feels that bad!

Yesterday we got two pulled out.  I thought I made it through without injury only to hit myself in the shin with the shovel!  I bruise so easy and you can imagine the colors appearing right before my eyes, along with a sweet knot.  Visual:  think of Olive Oyl with goosebumps. (someone remembers, right?)

Today another two came out and I survived!  Just a blister and a few scratches!  Last day will be tomorrow!

Back to scraps...

I scraped together enough large pieces for a triangle baby quilt.  It will be layered and quilted at a later date!

I had pieces left from the edges of the triangles and many from previous triangle projects. Why not sew them together?  Make some Half Rectangles Triangles and see what sticks!

I ended up with several different sizes.  Seriously I haven't a clue what I'm making then or now!  But its fun and challenging!  

I could do something like this.

Or maybe even this.  This would involve partial seams though.  Do I want to go there again? You bet I do!  (at least to try it out)

Tried, easy and not too shabby!  I will make a tutorial for this one!  Still waiting for that brainstorm to hit ~ I'm leaning towards a sampler type quilt.

With my new found love of paper piecing, I wanted to try double geese.  These went together pretty quickly!

Medallion quilt?!  

Don't you love indecision?!  It is sometimes hard to have a concrete, solid plan. Being bound and determined to 'Scrap It Out' has its downside or up side?!  Depends on how you look at it.  Right now I'm playing and playing is good!  I'm on the up side today!

Who likes to 'Scrap It Out'?  Do you have a serious plan before starting?  



  1. Oooh....Your double geese are so cute!
    Sorry to hear that the bee touched you inappropriately...silly buzzy thing.
    Sounds like your piecing was a whole lot more fun than the gardening!
    Happy Friday! TGIFF!

    1. The double geese block is something I had wanted to try for a while now. They were really fun and easy to put together!

  2. I love the double geese! And your fabrics are so beautiful. I always have trouble deciding what to do with my scraps, so they tend to accumulate. Even with all the scrap and leader/ender patterns available (or maybe because!), I find it hard to decide on one, so my scraps just seem to accumulate. Sometimes I feel that the volume of scraps I end up with after making a quilt exceeds the volume of fabric I had before making it!

    1. If we only had the time to make everything we wanted…I'm a dreamer!!

  3. Totally remember Olive Oyl. She was my favorite!

  4. Totally remember Olive Oyl. She was my favorite!

  5. Oh, being a firstborn, I usually have a plan. Whether I stick to it or not, is usually where the fun happens. I love your playing! Isn't it just so therapeutic, playing? With leftovers, with colours, values, sewing back together cut off bits...I'm getting a bit giddy just writing about it lol!

    1. Every once in a while it is fun to throw caution to wind and play! I love the challenge of creating something from scraps and making it totally unique. It's always exciting when it comes together and doesn't look like you used scraps too! Yeah…that was planned…LOL!

  6. Your scraps are wonderful! Have fun playing and deciding. Let the creative juices flow!! Looking forward to seeing what you create with these beauties.

    1. I will post the results...unless it turns out to be one big fail, of course!!

  7. Hi! Now I'm even more inspirated and excited! I have to try something like this! I love all the blocks and solids are just perfect now! x Teje

    1. It is fun to play with scraps and see where it leads you. I''m hoping all these blocks will eventually come together and look like I planned it that way!

  8. Have to add still that usually I don't have any plan when I start.

  9. I love what you've done in the last photo (and the dyed scraps are just great).

    1. Thank you for stopping by Stephanie! The double flying geese is my favorite too!

  10. Love your top here! I haven't dyed any fabric in a few years but I do enjoy it. I need to pull out all my dyed stuff and actually make something with it!

    1. I know what you mean about pulling out your dyed fabric and making something! I have some stacks that need to be used too!

  11. So many options!!! And I love them all. And oh my need to be removed from all future outdoor projects. ;) Your poor body!

  12. I love to just sew shapes together to see what I end up with. I think a medallion quilt would be fun to create. Go for it!

  13. I have no plans for my scraps so far except to make something out of them at some point :) I like the idea of a medallion quilt, they're all de rigueur right now any way. Perhaps a la modern medallion book?

    1. You really have to be in the 'mood' to use scraps! I am hoping to get back at it today and hopefully make some progress. I was inspired by The Modern Medallion book, actually! Now to put it all in action…

  14. Sorry about the chin and shin! I love them all, but the paper piecing has my eye!

  15. Well I thought that bucket of hand dyed scraps looked like a dream come true Jayne and you went on to prove it with how you are putting them together!
    Oh my you have been getting beaten up out there. Poor you! I hope you heal even quicker than you bruise!
    I used to do a Dudley Do Right impersonation "This is Canada, Nell. Things are real up here." This is mother nature Jayne and bees are real out there, so be careful when you tackle that last bush!

    1. I'm back to the scrap pile today and hope to make more progress on what ever it is I'm trying to do with the hand dyed fabrics! So many options…if I could just stay with it!

  16. I see a lot of value in playing with your blocks like you're doing. Sometimes you find color combinations, and at others, original block designs you might want to take to the next level. I think it's good for your brain to figure out what to do with the stuff you've got instead of always buying the fabrics for a new quilt. You go, girl! I like your style.

    And I will not leave you any comments about a swollen chin. I was stung while mowing this spring, and couldn't wear jeans for a week. Itching and red, swollen, and very painful! I don't remember stings hurting that bad as a kid, so you have all the sympathy in the world from me. Witch hazel is a good compress with ice.

    Take care.

    Julie @ Pink Doxies

    1. I never thought about how trying to come up with ideas for scraps (or any original idea) would be good for the brain. But I have to agree with you. It is very stimulating!

  17. Your triangle baby quilt looks great. Also like the rectangle triangles...interesting concept. Thanks for linking up with TGIFF.

    1. The scrap pile is slowly going down, which means soon I can restock it with new hand dyed fabric!

  18. Where can I find the Double Flying Geese Paper Piecing Pattern? It’s wonderful! Thanks for posting!

  19. Is there a pattern for the flying geese?


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