
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Treading Water

It's Wednesday, NO Thursday!!  Do you ever feel like you are barely keeping your head above water?! That's my week so far!  

With custom orders and my husband's birthday surprise, I've been in the waves, under the waves and over the waves!

Husbands are a funny lot!  I always struggle with what to surprise him with for his birthday or any holiday.  This year I decided to make him his very own Lava Flow.  Our dream vacation was Hawaii a few years back and I know he fondly dreams about it all the time...more like obsesses over it!

I messed around with it, adding and taking away...cutting and trimming.  And eventually ended up with something I was happy with.

Turned out, once he figured out that it was Lava, he really loved it!  Men!

I was asked if I could make this mini in 18" x 36".  She will be moving in to her new home by the ocean and wanted something to hang over the sofa.  I needed a challenge, so began I did!

I got out the BIG mat for this project!  Wouldn't it be fun to have a cutting table this big?  I guess I do, but I mean to leave up forever!

I started with a wall of strips!  Having yardage was such a help.  I could cut a strip from selvage to selvage and be sure it would be long enough.

The most aggravating part of this process was cutting the curves.  Only because this girl needs to change her blade!  

I am over the moon happy with this!  But the true test, will my customer be happy?!  I sent a few pictures and much to my relief, she was thrilled!  Sweet!  Can't wait for the quilting!

It's funny how everyone has a different vision.  One lady told me she loved these, but to her it reminded her of mountains.  The Blue Ridge Mountains.   And another custom request was born.  Try #1.

This is the first version.  She thought the white and grey looked to beige.  In this picture it kinda does.  I wanted a little texture, so I used 2 different whites and several greys.  In person it looks more white!  Plus, she wasn't happy with the dark blue ~ too much!

No problem, just whack off the bottom and change it up!  Try #2.  I was sure the top would end up being okay in the end.

She wasn't sure.  I didn't want her to be unhappy with it.  Sometimes it is hard to mix two visions together, but we'll get there.  Whacked off the top and stuck with one white a few grey.  Try #3.

Less white, maybe a little blue.  Better, but more blue please.  Try #4.

The entire time, I'm getting a bottom here, a top there and putting them together for the fun of it!  

We still haven't quite reached the perfection!  I will keep going until it is right.  After the grocery store, the dentist, the laundry...I hope to get this buttoned up!


  1. How fun to be doing a series of these - it will be really great to see the finished quilts together and how different color choices can make the quilts read. And I am so happy to hear your husband loved the lava quilt! :)

    1. It is amazing how just a small color change does completely change everything. I love making these pieces, it's just hard to meld my vision and my customers vision in to one cohesive piece!

  2. What a stunning sight these larger versions must be Jayne! What a perfect thing to make a statement in a room. I love every version and I'm sure the second customer will be happy in the end. You sure are working hard.
    Lava Flow is a really cool birthday gift for your hubby!

    1. I've been toying with the idea of making larger 'ocean' pieces, and after making this one I think it may happen! As for the mountains, I fixed it this morning, but haven't heard back if it was good or not! I'm bound and determined to make it right. Who doesn't like a good challenge!!

  3. I like them all just as they are.

    Don't let your customers lead your vision. This is where you can get into trouble with custom orders. If a customer likes my work in general terms, then like any artist I will take an order, but within my vision. Ends lots of hassles and you get more respect as an artist. Just thought I would tell you what has worked for me for the last 25 years.

    1. Thank you so much for the wonderful advice! This smaller project became a challenge, and one that I was going to conquer! Thankfully, the last version worked and everyone is happy!

  4. I love your projects. I'm a fan of yours! 😊

  5. I have always wanted to try my hand at curves but never found courage. while reading your post and looking at the pictures, I felt so excited about the process and the colours you have used. I tried to guess the colours in the next picture before seeing the picture. So much fun! It really looks like these curves are fun and quite improv. Love them!

    1. You have got to try curves…they aren't as hard as it may look! I have a tutorial for basic curves on my blog, and hope to get one that is a little more detailed and advanced together soon. I love making these pieces and knowing that each and every one is unique and different…I can't describe it, but it makes me smile!!

  6. Love the lava - you nailed it! And yes, I do have that struggling feeling, but for me, it's more like mired in mud. Ugh!

    1. I am so happy 'Lava' came through as, well Lava!

  7. Replies
    1. These pieces are near and dear to my heart! I enjoy making them and love how each one (no matter how many times I piece them) are always different and unique!

  8. OMG Jayne, I just LOVE these! I love the free from, the fact that you just "whack some off" and it's not's repurposed! Personally I love Try #3, the third from the bottom. However, that Lava quilt is something else (think I might've mentioned this before...)

    1. You so made my day! It was a long process, but finally have the thumbs up so there will be no more whacking! Honestly, I didn't freak out about it! I knew that I could use the bottom, the top or anywhere in between and put together something completely different and cool! I love having the freedom to cut something apart if it doesn't thrill me, and then making it into something else! Maybe that is why we all save each and every scrap?!

  9. These are all gorgeous, Jayne! I'm so amazed with how flat all of your pieces are, considering both the curved seams and how close the seams are to one another. I can't really pick a favorite version, I think they are all stunning and beautifully executed in their own way!

    1. I sometimes get surprised at the results. I guess that is why I love doing curves/ocean pieces all the time. Never are they identical, each unique. the color possibilities keep me going back for more too!

  10. I saw the lava quilt earlier on Flickr. It's really incredible! Your wave quilts are stunning, Jayne. I like every single version you posted here. That's a lot of work and it definitely shows!


    1. Thankfully the fifth try worked for the custom one! I wasn't about to let the pieces that I changed go to waste either…I take that as a challenge too!

  11. My favorite place ever is Volcano national park! As soon as I saw your mini (before I read the description of of) it reminded me of the lava flows at night, beautiful!

    1. Anywhere in Hawaii is my favorite place, but we were most impacted with flying over the volcano! If I ever get to go again, there will be much more exploring of the National Parks. I am so happy that my vision came through!

  12. I'm interested in that large grid mat with the 45 & 60 degree angle markings. Do you know where it can be purchased, or the manufacturer of the mat? Thanks for your help! Beautiful work!!


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