
Monday, June 15, 2015

New Bloggers Blog Hop

There's this little thingy, thing going on!  It's called the New Blogger's Blog Hop. It's a wonderful way to meet new bloggers (who quilt), learn some mad blogging skills, ask some serious technical questions (lots) and hopefully gain some new friends in the process. 

So, let's begin...starting, Jayne!  (Argh!  Get ready for a picture!)  I'm not a fan of getting my picture taken, but here it is!  
I started quilting in 2005, kicking and screaming.  Sometimes, we as parents have to do things for our children, just to make them happy, or in my case so my daughter would stop asking me over and over to let her teach me to quilt.  She is the culprit, she made me do it!

From that first quilt, you know it! I was hooked.

Once I learned, grew and seemingly found my artistic calling, I never looked back!  I love getting in the zone!  Thinking outside the box, putting a twist on a design, bold, bright, unique ~ that's what I like, that's what I LOVE!  Give me solids or give me...solids!

I live in Tennessee, just outside if Nashville.  We moved here 20 years ago from Portland Oregon.  I have a super supportive husband, two grown children and a sweet little pit bull mix dog!  A good life!

I think a good way to learn more about who I am, is through my quilts.  Quilters tend to put their heart and soul in their work.  It's a lot like standing in front of an audience in your underwear! 

Some old, some new!  My latest finish is this Black + White = Illusion quilt.  I finally got to make a black & white quilt!  One thing checked off my never ending, always growing bucket list!

Black + White = Illusion
I've been working on a birthday present for my husband, waiting until the last minute too! It's so hard to figure out what to get him every year!  Our favorite vacation was finally going to Hawaii a few years ago.  So, I decided to give some lava a try, taking inspiration from our trip, and made him his first Mini Quilt!  

Let's The Lava Flow

I started blogging as a way to ~drum roll~ document my quilting journey.  While that's still true, it has become much more!  I've met so many delightfully kind and talented people, icing on the cake!  I've learned tips & tricks, methods & madness, and inspiration & awe!  

My favorite quilting mantra is don't give up!   Getting part way through a project, looking at it and gagging...try to work through it!  Usually I say a few choice four letter words, take a deep breath and power through, reminding myself over and's only fabric...and guess what, most of the time it turned out great!  You just never know what you will get. 

Blogging tip:  
Don't let the fear of writing stop you!  My first few posts took forever to write. After which I insisted my daughter proof read and frankly, just fix them!  Eventually, she all but refused to do it, and I had to sink or swim!  I highly recommend hitting the 'check spelling' button, but even so mistakes happen!  

Quilting tip: 
It's better to buy more fabric than you think you will need.  It allows for cutting mistakes, or maybe you need more blocks than you thought, and of course it's always nice to build your stash!

I found this funny quilting tip:
For smoother sewing or pinning, run the needle through your hair to oil the metal a bit. Have you ever heard of this before?!

My question to you:  
If you could spend a week quilting with anyone, who would it be?!  A designer, a friend, a blogger?  I would love to spend a week quilting with my sister, Debbrah.  And my daughter. I envision hours of fun, rolling on the floor laughing, serious girl talk and maybe a quilt or two!  

This is my 'Hive' for the New Quilt Bloggers!  Sewcial Swarm.  Very fitting for our lovely hive of blog-ettes! Our 'Queen Bee' is Terri Ann @Childlike Fascination !  

Sewcial Swarm - 2015 New Quilt Bloggers

I hope you get a chance to check out the other blogs in this week's Blog Hop!  

Robyn of Hoops & Thimbles

Shayna of Wife. Mom Creator  

Francine of MochaWildChild    

Huge thank you to our host's!  Cheryl @Meadow Mist Designs, Stephanie @Late Night Quilter, and Terri Ann @Childlike FascinationYvonne @Quilting Jetgirl.

Thank you for your time, effort and organizing this event!

A few facts about me:  
I am a Virgo, my favorite tool is a Hera Marker, I love avocado's, if I was 30 years younger, I would fill my body with tattoos (I have three), I swear like a sailor,  I am accident prone, I love Improv quilting the best, I always have 'white noise' in the background. 


  1. Hi Jayne. It was fun reading a little more about you. Love your quilts. Each one is gorgeous. You as well : )

    1. I overcame my fear of posting a picture of myself…which may never happen again! The Blog Hop has been a great way to explore, learn and meet some fellow bloggers!

  2. Hi Jayne! Great post! Your photo is beautiful and I love the look on your design wall! I love your quilts and would love to have, get inspiration and sew with you one week! x Teje

    1. The design on my wall is my left over hand dyed scraps using the block tutorial I posted recently. Still a work in progress! I would love to sew with you too! Besides our once a month Guild meetings, I never get a chance to sew with other people!

  3. Hi Jayne! I love your post today, so much great info about you as a person, blogger, quilter and artist. I love the gift for your husband, it's such a beautiful design with those subtle curves. Your quilts kind-of make me want to donate all my prints to charity and jump on the solids only bandwagon (it won't happen quite like that but you get what I mean!) So happy to have you as part of the hop!

    1. I felt like that about all my prints! That part of my stash was sorely lacking! It wasn't until recently that I started to build a beautiful (not hateful) stack of prints ~ jumping on that bandwagon! I've decided it was time to delve in to the 'other side'! Just a little!

  4. Such a beautiful face on the pretty blog!! Now I feel like I know the woman behind the words.
    ;-) Thank you for posting your photo. Your work is lovely, but you know how much I admire your style. Your post today gives insight to the real you, and I appreciate you opening up with this post for the New Bloggers. Very cute button design, too!

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words Julie! I have a hard time talking about myself, now quilting is another matter!

  5. Great to learn more about you. tough question - I think it would have to be Denyse Schmidt - I just love her fabrics so much I am contemplating a whole FQB!

    1. I love Denyse Schmidt too! I've been a fan for a long time of her fabrics and work!

  6. Your work is beautiful! I love all the bright colors. It makes me think I might need to add some solids to my fabric collection. I also have two pit can never have a bad day with those babies loving you.

    1. Solids are certainly my comfort zone, but I've recently decided I need to mix it up with some prints too! Just a few! Pit Bulls are amazingly sweet dogs. They get a bad rap, but my experience has been nothing but good!

  7. I really enjoyed your post and getting to know more about you! Great question - right now I'm a pretty solitary quilter and I would be thrilled to be able to have a sewing retreat and sewing time with other passionate quilters! Maybe the best answer would be the other co-hosts for this blog hop so that we have time together in person, too. :) The lava mini quilt you made your husband is stunning, and I hope he loves it!

    1. Like you, I sew alone (except family running around)! Not that I don't mind, just once in a while it would be fun to have like minded company. My husband did love the mini quilt! It was a big surprise to him and his first and last mini quilt I'm sure!

  8. hi Jayne, you have such an eye for colour! I've previously pinned your Outside the Paint box and optical illusion quilts, but I just wanted to tell you again that I'm happy to have found you and your site on the new Quilt Bloggers hop.

    1. I love working with bright and bold colors most of the time. There are just so many possibilities!

  9. Great post Jayne! It is always fun to learn more about you. I loved seeing some of your quilts again - they are all so lovely!

    1. You always make my day with your comments Cynthia! Thank you so much! I hate to let all my secrets out at once…maybe I still have some personal surprises!! LOL!

  10. darn, I think my comment disappeared and now I can't remember what I said! Anyhow, I liked getting to know more about you and seeing some of your projects. I will definitely be t \rying the pin the hair thing as my hair should be a goldmine for oiling pins lol.

    I love to spend time sewing with my girlfriends - so any or all of them would be great to hang, sip some wine and do some stitching with!

    1. I'm always excited when I can share new and old quilts. The pin in the hair just made me laugh! That sounds like a wonderful time with your girlfriends…sewing and wine!

  11. I love the illusion quilt! That is definitely one thing on my bucket list... although I think I need more of a pool than a bucket for all the things I have on my list.

    If I could spend a week quilting with anyone, the first person that comes to mind is my daughter. That is going to be a while though, consider she isn't two yet. I just can't wait for the day when she is old enough to do real crafts with! And I really hope she wants to sew with me.

    1. I hear you on the 'pool', there is no end to inspiration out there! Oh how sweet, start grooming your daughter now and she will be your quilting buddy forever! I was the opposite, my daughter wanted me to start quilting!

  12. It was nice getting to know you better. I would spend a quilt week with my friend Annie. I wish my daughter would quilt.

    1. Friends are always nice to quilt with! I love quilting and if I had anyone to quilt with…I would be happy! Maybe one day your daughter will get the bug too!

  13. I'd like to spend a week quilting with you. You sound like a good time. I love to laugh. And, Nashville is a cool town.

    1. You are way sweet Wanda! I've been known to have fun…laughing and quilting just have to go hand in hand

  14. Your blog is fun to read. Looking forward to more :)

    1. Thank you for stopping by Sandra! This Blog Hop has been such a fun experience!

  15. As you know Jayne, I am a big fan of your work. God Bless your daughter for getting you into quilting! Your latest quilt, Lets the Lava Flow is really awesome!
    Just so you know, I often dislike my own projects at some point in the process too, but also like them a lot better given time and distance. So yes, Don't give up!
    I'd stab myself in the head if I ran a needle through my hair. LOL I've thought about getting a tattoo on my wrist.
    I would quilt with my Mom if I could have her back for a week.

    1. Sometimes we get a sewing block, get stuck or not loving what we are working on and need to step away. Most of the time coming back to a project with fresh eyes and mind is the best way to approach it.

  16. Hi Jayne! I really need to visit Nashville one day. I love your Sunset, Sand &Sea minis - beautifully done. That lava is great too. The fabric shapes and quilting complement each other so nicely. Playing with solids is fun. I have heard that hair tip! I've also heard to stick them in a bar of soap. Hmm...who to sew with for a week? I have to pick just one? Um...Angela Walters, Vanessa Christenson, Allison Glass, Anna from Noodlehead....etc.

    1. Great picks for a week of sewing! I would take anyone of those too…there are so many that inspire me, I don't think I have enough paper to write them all down!

  17. Your lava mini is awesome. I just learned about the Hera marker. Have to go find one.

    1. I love the hera marker. I freak out when I use pens/markers. I'm always afraid the ink will be permanent and never come out! The hera gives me piece of mind!

  18. I love your pieces! Especially that fun Confetti pillow!
    Oh, and I have heard to run the needle through your hair! My grandma would have me to do that with crochet hooks when they would get "stuck" in the yarn. I do it occasionally with my sewing needles but usually I don't have trouble.

    1. I've been wanting to make another Confetti Pillow, little tiny squares mesmerize me ~ kinda like a fishing lure!! I had never heard the needle through the hair and certainly never a crochet hook!

  19. Hi Jayne, I found you through the New Blogger Hop, I'm in the Sew Fabulous hive. We lived on the Big Island for a couple of years, so your Lava Flow mini really caught my attention. All your work is beautiful, glad to have found you!

    1. Hawaii left a huge impression on my husband and I, the beauty was breath taking! How lucky you were to have lived on the Big Island!

  20. Loved your post. You really didn't need to tell us that you love Improv the best. It shows in your work. You do it so beautifully. You might need to take your talent on the road and share it with others. Just a suggestion cuz you sound like you'd be an amazingly entertaining instructor. I met my husband while working in a nuclear plant and I made him a little atom mini to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the day we met.

    1. I have had a fun journey through the years, finding my artistic style, trying new things, just learning! There is so much more to learn and try…if only I had more time in the day! Teaching is an area I wish I was comfortable with. I did a Curves class for our quilting guild a few months back and have come to the conclusion I may never get over my fear of public speaking!!

  21. Aloha Jayne! I love reading your blog posts and have the perfect name (if you don't have one already) for the quilt your made for your husband -- 'A Tribute to Madam Pele'!

    1. When I gave my husband his 'lava' quilt, we were talking about Pele , what little we could remember. I think that would make a wonderful name for his mini! Hawaii and all it's beauty left lasting impressions on both of us…you are so very lucky to have that each and every day!!

  22. Love your confetti cushion and your optical illusion! Love how your blocks are coming together from the post you had the other day - I haven't got round to trying it yet but after seeing that I'll push it up the to-do list!

    1. The confetti pillow was so fun! I hope to make another one very soon! The blocks will become a baby quilt. Thankfully I got to use up some of my precious hand dyed scraps!

  23. What a great post, so full of energy. From you're writing, I suspect you are too!!! Great photo!!!

    1. This has been such a fun blog hop! So many wonderful people and blogs ~ and learning a lot of good stuff to boot!

  24. Great to see you on the hop! Hope you get a lot of new followers. It's funny you mentioned the hair trick with needles and pins. My mother used to stuff all of her handmade pincushions with the hair from my hairbrush as a child since it lubricated all of the pins every time you use the pincushion. I used to think she was crazy but maybe she was on to something.

    1. The hair in the pin cushion…never heard of that! There are some pretty 'out there' tricks of the trade from back in the day.

  25. I love your blog and those quilts....they are beautiful! I wonder who I would choose to sew with? Hmmm......I never really thought about that. It certainly would have to be someone fun. Oh, and they would have to bring cookies too!

    1. Besides the cookies, wine would be welcome! I rarely get a chance to sew with people (the dog is always by my side), so anyone would be a welcome change! Sometimes you just need a little company!

  26. Hi Jayne! I too love the Hera Marker. It is one of my favorite tools! I panic when I go to mark a quilt and I can't find it! I don't know who I would like to sew with, I think some one from the past who would be surprised to see the way quilting has changed since humans started making textiles and the ways it is still the same. I am loving connecting with the other members of the New Quilt Blog Bloggers!

    1. The hera marker makes me feel safe! It would be fun to connect with people from our past, at least for a day!

  27. OMG Jayne!!! You have some serious talent, girlfriend! I love the optical illusion one! Is that your own design? And Lava--!! As for the pin through the hair, yep, used to use that technique ALL the time on diaper pins when my girls were babes. I really like my Hera marker too. A LOT. Just got one this past winter.

    1. The optical illusion quilt was one I had been wanting to make for a long time. I found the image on Pinterest and after making it, discovered it was a copyright design!

  28. Hi Jayne, yours is a blog I've visited before and always enjoy. Your projects are incredible -I find it hard to pick a favourite! I'd be quite happy spending a week quilting with members from my Quilt Guild.

    1. I enjoy quilting alone, but I would love some company once in a while too! My daughter use to quilt with me, but it has become less and less every year.

  29. That optical illusion quilt is nuts! Awesome work. As for your question...Jenny Doan and Eleanor Burns. Their youtube channels are what really drove me to try quilting and they both seem like they would be a ton of fun to hang out with.

    1. You certainly can't stare at the illusion for very long! Makes your eyes cross!

  30. Hi Jayne! I love your quilting style and use of color! That illusion quilt totally rocks! What a great idea for a black and white quilt!

    1. The black & white quilt was a very happy finish. Finishing it and crossing it off my huge bucket list! It was nice to do something that didn't involve color, but still…give me color!

  31. Hi Jayne! It's so lovely to get to meet you.

    I love your use of color! That said, your black and white optical illusion quilt is amazing. I think I may need to do something similar at some point. I'm yet to make a black and white quilt, and feel as though I should at some point.

    This might be odd, but I really wouldn't know who I'd want to spend time quilting with. It's such my escape from the world, that it would seem odd to include another person. None of my close friends quilt, but perhaps I could teach one or two of them. There are so many designers I'd like to meet, but I don't think I'd want to commit to a having to spend a week with a stranger.

    1. I had been wanting to do a black & white for some time, finally it happened! As it will for you one day!
      You know, I never thought about it until you mentioned it, but there are so many people who quilt for their 'ME' time. Thank you for pointing that out!!

  32. Hi Jayne, we've mey already a few times, mostly through WIP Wednesday, I think. Loved learning more about you and seeing more of your work. I adore your quilts, we definitely share a sensibility. I used to be a strictly solds girl, too but now am branching into prints. There are so many cool ones out now! If I could quilt with anyone for a week I think it would be a tie between Caryl Bryer Fallert, Weeks Ringle, Marianne of MariQuilts, or Hilary of Entrpy Always Wins. Or Amy Garro of 13 Spools; Icould list a few more I'm afraid. I have used the shsrpening pins in the hair thing for ages -it totally eorks, don't know why.

    1. Not that I'm going to give up my solids...but there are some amazing prints and its great to be able to add some variety once in a while!

  33. Sorry wasn't finished! Just want to say I already added you to my bloglist before we started all this! See ya in cyber space!

  34. Jayne, I love your post and your aesthetic. I've never heard of running your needle through your hair. I might just try that to see if it actually works!

    1. I've tried hard to keep it clean! I never heard about the needle through your hair either, but there has been so many that have! It must work then!! Let me know if you try it, I would love to hear if it really works!

  35. Hi Jayne, it was nice to read a little bit about you. I love your quilts - the colourful ones are just so vibrant, and that illusion one... I love a clever quilt!

    1. I really love my solids and color or any kind is a welcome site!

  36. Your Lava Flow quilt is amazing! Your tip to buy more fabric than you think you will need is a good one. I signed up for Cheryl at Meadow Mist Designs' Mystery Quilt-a-long and ordered more than the recommended quantities of fabric. Never heard of your needle tip before. One of the bloggers I follow, Amy Smart of Diary of a Quilter seems like she would be fun to hang out with and also to learn from. I hope I get into her Strip Piecing workshop at QuiltCon.

    1. Sometimes I cut something wrong, or didn't quite calculate the right amount of fabric for a project, so buying a little extra works very well for me! I think that might be especially a good idea for those who aren't able to get to a fabric store or even buy on line.

  37. Jayne, I LOVE your style. I have been an IG follower for quite some time :) and am so inspired by your work. I also love my Hera. Now for someone to sew with, I don't know, from the sewlebrities maybe one of the following; Weeks Ringle, Carolyn Friedlander, Jacquie Gering, Gwen Marston (and I am hoping to on QuiltCon) among others. From people I know, my two closest friends, but they live in different Countries :(

    1. One of the best parts of blogging and social media…inspiring others! It is amazing to me how much is out there to drool over!

  38. Jayne! Your About Me Post is Fantastic! You are an excellent writer with your enthusiasm, personality and energy oozing through your blog! Don't be shy with photographs of yourself! You are beautiful and the smile in your photo greets along with meets the friendly energy of your post! Thank you for sharing and encouraging those of us getting the confidence to blog! I am a member of your Sewcial Swarm group! Thanks for your fantastic example!

    1. I think its important to be yourself when blogging/writing. I will never be a perfect writer, so I decided to just stick with what I know and that would be me!!

  39. Hello, Jayne! I love your bold color choices and the sense of playfulness in your quilting. I would love to spend a day quilting with my grandmother - she made me quilts when I was young, but unfortunately doesn't sew any more due to arthritis. In lieu of that I make sure to send her lots of photos of quilts I'm making.

    1. Wouldn't it be wonderful to quilt with your Grandmother?! I'm sure she would have a ton of knowledge to share, but mostly it would be an amazing memory!

  40. I have not heard of the hair oiling the tip of a pin yet, but yet it seems reasonable! ha! I honestly would love to just sew with anyone and everyone, no one really in particular. With that being said, if I REALLY had to choose, it would be either Angela Pingel w/ Cut to Pieces or Rita Hodge w/ Red Pepper Quilts - they both inspire me with their desire for creativity and pushing their limits while remaining true to themselves, fun and normal ladies.

    I am very impressed with your quilts and items you have made, that Outside the Paint Box is my favorite, along with Confetti... but then oh, that lava one... squirrel! Ack, you have so many pretty things! I love your work and look forward to getting to see more of it!

    *Stopping by from the 2015 New Blogger Blog Hop - New Bee's

    1. It has been such a fun experience finding new blogs and people through the Blog Hop! I know what you mean about sewing with anyone! While I'm sure I could pick tons of people, I would just love to have some company sometimes! The dog just doesn't cut it all the time! Thank you for the wonderful compliments! Quilting is such a creative outlet for me. I love the challenge of making something different!


Thank you for visiting my blog! I love getting comments, and try to respond to each and every one.