
Sunday, July 19, 2015

Eye Candy ~ Shop Hop Procurement

Being a restrained fabric buyer has worked well for me.  That was until today!  You can't blame me, it was inevitable, something that could not and should be on a short leash today of all days!

Today was was the day many of the ladies from our guild threw caution to the wind and went on a Shop Hop!  My first ever...hopefully not my last, just not too often.  

It was so much fun, a lot of driving, tons of fabric to see and hotter than Haites!  The hottest day of the year so far.  Did we let that stop us?  Did it put a damper on the excitement?  Oh, hell no!

We hit five shops in and around the Nashville area.  Believe it or not, I have only ever been to one before.  

Our first stop was The Quilting Squares.  We were greeted with smiling faces and donuts! Then of course, there was fabric to look at.

I warmed up with a couple Grunge Fat Quarters and a few Low Volume pieces.  Plans for these?!

The second stop was the highly anticipated visit to Craft South.  If you aren't familiar, it's Anna Maria Horner's new brick & mortar shop!  My eyes were popping out of my head with all the gorgeousness!  One day I would love to take a class there!  

The yellow is perhaps my favorite color ever, Honor Roll ~ Misguided Gingham, a beautiful ruby pink Fat Quarter bundle and two others that I couldn't say no to.

For the third stop we visited The Fabric Studio.  This small shop packed a punch!  While I only ended up with a couple pieces, I could have easily went wild instead!

Echo and polka dots!  I'm looking forward to cutting in to both of these!  I'm a sucker for polka dots and this color combination caught my attention!

The fourth stop, I actually didn't buy any fabric!  Instead I bought a quarter inch ruler and the ever handy Frixion pen.  Boring!  Quilters Attic had a wide range of fabric to make your eyes pop out!


Our last stop of the day was the most anticipated.  I've been here before and have to admit it raises my anxiety level to the top!  Stitcher's Garden.  The infamous Stitcher's Garden! This place is packed to the rafters, I kid you not!  Every think imaginable is in this space, notions, feed sack, batiks, solids, civil war...Kaffe, Amy, Anna Maria, new stuff, old stuff, red stuff, blue stuff!  Not one piece of fabric is ever on sale, the fat quarters perhaps could be a Guinness World Record!  The owner knows where every bolt is, if she has it or not and one of the only shops that rips their fabric! 

I will say, this trip was my first in ages and I was pleasantly surprised!  It was the cleanest I have ever seen it!

What I ended up getting was a few shot cottons.  I couldn't remember if I had those colors or not.  And two fat quarters.  

These were not from the Shop Hop today, but I just received them last week!  Super gorgeous!

Four new Peppered Cottons for good measure!  They are so gorgeous in person, I could eat them up!

Long day today!  The best way to finish it off, is with an ice cold frosty beer!  Awww...the dog days of summer!



  1. I have never been on an official shop hop, but it looks dangerous! Perhaps my guild will hit the road someday for a little retail therapy of the fabric variety. If I were to pilfer any of your collection for my own stash, I would choose the pink bundle from Fabric South. I cannot say why, but I've been drawn to the pinks lately.

    1. It could have been much worse, but I was trying to limit and budget myself. All in all, not a bad haul for the day! It was a fun way to spend the day, plus being with a group of fabric addicts was so much fun.

  2. I have never been on a shop hop, either, but it looks fun and sounds dangerous to the pocketbook! I think you showed amazing restraint and your purchases will be fun to see turn into beautiful projects.

    1. It could have easily put me in to bankruptcy! I tried not to buy for the sake of buying, and it worked for the most part! I'm happy with what I ended up with and it was such a fun time!

  3. Looks like you had a great day and picked up some beautiful fabrics. And, after all that hard shopping, you deserved that cold, frosty beer!

    1. I will say a nice cold beer at the end of a shopping day refreshed me! It was a fabulous day! I think everyone had a fun time and acquired a lot of great fabric too!

  4. Omg can I please come visit and go on a shop hop with you?!!!!

    1. Any time Anne! You are always welcome here!

  5. Replies
    1. It was a great way to spend the day! Fabric and friends!

  6. That sounds like a wonderful way to spend a day! I tend to do mini shop hops when I'm on holidays as the stores where I live are no where near as amazing as the ones where I holiday :)

    1. It was a great, fun and exhausting day! I think we all had so much fun, built up our stashes and cannot wait to do it again one day!

  7. Looks like you went a little wild on your shop hop! But then again, isn't that what they're for? Lovin' that Cotton & Steel.. I am such a sucker for the basics!

    1. I was holding back on fabric buying for a few weeks in anticipation of this hop! Worth the wait! Being a new cotton & steel fan….I'm becoming a sucker for them as well!

  8. Buying fabric is so much fun! Be careful... you might get the whole bug. Very contagious. Of course, I have several of those beautiful fabrics you just bought. Great minds think alike!

    1. You got that right! At least my taste in fabric is getting better…or so I like to think!

  9. Buying fabric is so much fun! Be careful... you might get the whole bug. Very contagious. Of course, I have several of those beautiful fabrics you just bought. Great minds think alike!

  10. Wow Jayne you got some spectacular fabrics! Now you have some serious creating to do. FUN!!!

  11. That sounds like so. much. fun! Worth every penny! Now, I can't wait to see what you do with all of those lovelies!


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