
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

In A Galaxy Far, Far Away

Oh, Technicolor Galaxy, you look so pretty nestled snugly on a shelf...far, far away! Remember this project?

Pile O' Fabric

I kind of got behind.  Way behind.  The hardest part of this project for me is bringing out the kit, fabric, templates every month for one block.  I thought I would wait another month and have two to work on.  The next think I knew, four months had passed and I was light years behind!

I felt like I needed a big, swift kick in the butt!  The butt kicking came from Jenn at A Quarter Inch From The Edge!  She didn't exactly kick my butt!  She did however, encourage (ever so gently), motivate and nudge me along.  Thank you Jenn!!

This is where I ended back in March!  See how fast time gets away from you?!  

I began with Block #3, Piano Keys.  

Once the fabric was selected for the blocks, it was on!  As always, picking the fabric took the longest!

I enjoyed making these.  I went with solids on top and prints on the bottom.  This block is paper pieced and pretty simple.

Block # 4, Scattered Geese.

I did not enjoy this one very much.  I love geese, I love paper piecing.  I was overwhelmed with all the pieces!  Once all the pieces had their 'geese', the sections had to be sewn together.  My seam ripper was used on more than one occasion.  There ended up being a section or two that were upside down!

Block #5, Arrowheads.

After block 3 and 4, this less complicated block was a welcome relief!  Applique time!  You know the drill!  Choosing the fabric!  Tick, tock, tick, tock...finally got that figured out!  This involved cutting fabric squares, ironing the fusible web to the back, cutting the arrowheads out, peeling the backing off, arranging and then iron those suckers down.  Done!

Block #6, Orange Peel.

Fortunately for me, when I ordered supplies for this Block Of The Month, I bought the orange peel stabilizer templates.  Good and bad about this one.  Good: they are glued down.  Bad: a lot of scissor cutting and prep! I found it super hard to get perfect points and clean edges.

They are done.  They are not perfect.  But they are done, done, done!!  Except for the quilting, but that will be another story!

Some where along the line, I found a couple mistakes!  Can you figure out what they are? The entire time I kept reminding myself to make sure I placed the colors in the correct place. I didn't.  The violet and gold/green arrowheads ended reversed.  As of right now, they will have to do.  

I thought it was a good idea to save up four months worth of blocks and do them all at once. That was not a good plan.  It was exhausting.  Mentally, physically.  I was overwhelmed with 'gotta get this done' thoughts and it took away from the pleasure of learning new things and enjoying the process.  Plus, it led to rookie mistakes (color flow)!  

Do you think I should redo the two arrowheads?  Once you see the mistake, it stands out like a sore thumb! 

I decided it was worth the time and effort to make this right ~ I would have been disappointed in myself had I not done the right thing and fixed the arrowheads!  Thank you for the advice!



  1. Wow! What great progress you made. It really is looking great! I hate to redo blocks but you might want to consider redoing these. I think this stunning quilt will be worth the extra work.

    1. It was brutal! Being caught up feels good now that it is over. I totally agree that this quilt deserves the extra work and I fixed the problem on both blocks! It would drive me crazy if I didn't take the time and make it right!

  2. Oh, color order. I say give it a rest and then come back to it in a few days. Personally, I would probably redo them if possible. You got so much done, though!!!

    1. I was so sure I had it right with the order! I fixed the problem and know that it was the right thing to do! I don't want to have any regret when its finished!

  3. Playing catch up on a project like this is so hard. It looks wonderful. Even though you pointed out what was wrong, it really doesn't jump out at me. If you give it some space maybe it won't bother you as much as it does now when you a cranky with it. Ultimately though, if you see it every time you look at it you'll never be happy with it and should reset those pieces.

    1. It really was exhausting catching up on this one! I decided to take a deep breath and fix it!

  4. It took me a minute to figure out the error you were talking about it. I hate to re-do things, but I think this one would drive me crazy. Think about it for a day or two and then decide. Kudos on getting so much done!!! It looks awesome.

    1. It was bad enough playing catch up and then to see where I messed it up! Kicking myself!

  5. At least it's not the orange peels that need a re-do!

    1. If it had been the orange peels…I would just let it go!!!

  6. You've done an amazing job! I would redo the arrowheads if I were you. Otherwise, they will always drive you crazy. The extra work is worth not having regret about it later! Again, I am so impressed. This is turning out beautifully!

    1. It has been a resounding 'fix it' on the color placement of the arrowheads! I took everyones advice and did.

  7. I really love your choices of colors!!! And I did get a giggle when I looked for your 'mistake', that ALWAYS happens when I'm in a rush!! But I wasn't laughing at you!! XO!!

    1. The easiest way for me to do this project was to go safe! Color wheel all the way baby! Laugh away, I did until I got mad about it! The worse part was I tired to be so careful, trying to avoid that very mistake I made!

  8. Wow!!!! This is fantastic and I truely felt in love with this project. Now, i know, what I can do with my 72 FQ by Kona Cotton. *gg* But the time...... :( It's too hot outside to sew anything.
    Greetings from Germany!

    1. This project has been amazing. I've learned so much and while it can be daunting, it will be so worth it in the end!

  9. This is just stunning. you will be thrilled when it is finally finished. x

    1. I will be very happy when this is finished! In the mean time, I need to remind myself to enjoy the process!

  10. It's gorgeous and I think you'll always be glad you fixed the arrowheads. I took part in PoF first Skillbuilder and finished 12 of 20 blocks, just like you I played catch up, swore I'd stay up-to-date, didn't, then gave up. One day I'll pull those blocks out and finish it or at least do something with the 12 I have! Keep going now, this quilt is stunning and worth it - Chris :D

    1. I'm not sure I will do another BOM. It's easy to commit to it, but amazingly hard to keep the focus! I am very glad I fixed the arrowheads. I would have felt like a failure if I let it go. It will be an exciting finish…just a long one!

  11. Jayne, this is amazing!! I applaud you for making the blocks right that you had switched!

    1. In the end I just couldn't ignore it! After putting so much work into it (and much more to come), I had to make it right!

  12. Its looking fabulous!! Your color choices are spot on :)

    1. I am very happy with this, problems and all!

  13. This is so beautiful! Where in TN are you located? I am in Germantown (suburb of Memphis).

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

    1. It's been trying my patience, but is going to be worth it in the end!! (at least I keep telling myself that!)

  14. Ahhh... seam ripper sewing can be such fun! All the blocks look fabulous, but I have to say that the applique arrows and orange peels are my favorite. Great idea with alternating solids and prints!

    1. Long and winding road with this piece!! I hope to quilt the pieces today, we shall see!

  15. This looks great! I drooled over this pattern when it came out and am kind of regretting I didn't join in. Yours is lovely.

    1. When it first came out it was hard not to drool over it! I jumped at the chance to learn new techniques and skills! It has tried my patience a time or two, but will be worth every ounce of frustration in the end!

  16. Replies
    1. Its a big challenge, but an amazing design! That makes up for it!

  17. This is just stunning. And I can only imagine how overwhelming it was to get all of that done at once! To be honest, I keep going back and forth between the photo at the top and the one at the bottom and I still can't figure out where the mistake is. But I'm like you, I probably would have fixed it just because I knew it was there!

    1. Thankfully the overwhelming feeling is gone…for now! I just cannot let myself get so far behind any longer! It was a very good idea to fix my mistake, especially before it actually becomes a finished quilt!

  18. Ohh, this is fantastic!!! I totally agree with the catch up thing. Which is why I never seem to finish a QAL -- I always get behind and it seems so monumental to catch up. I'm glad you did catch up though!!!!

    1. It really did feel like an insurmountable thing to play catch up. It seemed the right thing to do at the time waiting so many months, but I highly do not recommend it!

  19. Wow, this is just stunning! If it makes you feel any better about having left it to sit for four months, I just finally pulled out a quilt that's been sitting with only 6 completed blocks for the last five years. So it could be worse. :) This is going to be truly beautiful when you're done - keep at it!

    1. Oh my! I couldn't image a quilt sitting for 5 years! I've had several project my daughter has abandoned that I have finished, but I'm a die hard start to finish kinda gal!

  20. Wow! You have caught up quite a lot! I really like your quilt. It looks sooooo nice. I liked the "mistage" in the arrow colors. But if you wanted to change it, I totally understand. One has to do what feels right :)

    Though I have read once, one should put a mistake in every quilt. This would have been a nice one. Still looked balanced and to me it didn't "pop".

    I am quite behind as well and am happy to have planned a sewing day next Thuesday. May need some cheering, too. So hopefully linking next week with progress myself.

    1. I knew if I didn't buckle down and catch up I may never stay on track! It was a daunting job doing 4 months worth.

  21. I say when something bothers you enough to mention it, it's probably good to redo it to your satisfaction (which I see you have already done). But it took a bit for me to notice what was wrong, and it probably would have been fine to leave it as it was since they were across from each other and could have been planned. Non-quilters or colorists wouldn't have noticed and it would have been an little "I spy" for those in the know. What an amazing amount of progress, though! Way to go even if it was daunting.

    1. I just couldn't let it go and had to fix it! To some it was glaring and others didn't really notice. I think it would have been the first thing I would see and to not make myself crazy, it had to be right!

  22. Yes, those blocks were a LOT of work - and rework. But so worth it! They are all looking so fine. You should be proud!

    1. I am very proud of this one and if I had let the mistake go…I would have gone stark raving mad!! (more so than usual) It's a nice feeling to be caught up on which means I can get on to other things!!

  23. Wow, it's looking fantastic! Part of me wishes I'd joined in with this, but the cost of buying the kit and all the additional parts needed and having it shipped to England would have been too much for me. I think I would remake the arrowhead blocks, I think it might bug you forever if you don't.

    1. I ended up fixing both arrowhead blocks and it was well worth it! This quilt has been so much fun and frustration too!

  24. I am in a similar boat on a quilt-along and I feel so overwhelmed because I'm behind as well. I'm reminding myself to just have fun. :) Yours is looking fabulous! I really enjoyed the pictures you were sharing on instagram!

    1. Isn't it hard?! I was so sure I could manage this along with everything else! Yes, the key is to have fun and now that I'm caught up I'm having lots of fun!

  25. It is absolutely gorgeous!!! I've enjoyed watching your progress on this one.

    1. I couldn't believe how fast I got behind! Really four months, time just flies! I hope to be a little more regular from this day on!

  26. Amazing! I am stopping over through NTT and this quilt caught my eye! It is absolutely stunning, keep up the beautiful work, it will be so worth it in the end.

    1. I'm always drawn to the brightest, bold and of course, rainbows! It will be worth it in the end. I need to keep reminding myself of that!

  27. Love this. I sort of wish I was doing it but I know I would be really crazy if I tried it. :) Yours looks great!

    1. Believe me it is driving me crazy! I should never have gotten so far behind! A few more months left and I can brag that I actually finished!

  28. Well done for getting caught up and not being too intimidated by how much you had to do. It's looking stunning. I love your fabric choices.

    1. I can admit now that I was freaking out about the work involved. I will never get that far behind again ~ it seemed like the right thing to do at the time!

  29. This is absolutely stunning! You have no idea how many BOM I have that are in boxes and never started.

    1. This is only my second BOM and thankfully I got caught up. I can see how easily it could end up on a shelf after a few months!

  30. It is beautiful project but a LOT of work for sure! Thanks for sharing your good and bad with us.

  31. I think I kicked your butt a little too hard... you've now blown right on past me! That said, I've made a couple design choices that are slowing down my Orange Peel progress. You'll see what I mean this week. Your blocks look fabulous. And don't feel too bad about flipping the colours on one of your Arrow Heads. It happened to me on a couple blocks!

    1. Sometimes a good, hard kick in the butt is good! Between you and me…it got a good kicking!

  32. Beautiful work on this quilt. I love the fabric choices! it's often the part that takes me the longest time as well.

  33. I love this! It's turning out so well. I have resisted doing this BOM, and I'm trying to avoid starting new projects, but this just looks so cool! Well done, can't wait to see how it all looks together.

  34. Jayne, I feel so much BETTER after reading this post!! I, too, am in this BOM and am just as behind as you were. I also have not finished quilting the star points. I'm a new quilter and want to do this quilt justice. I was hoping to have time to practice FMQ before doing the actual quilting.
    Color selection has been a challenge for me. I went in a TOTALLY different direction - Liberty, Oakshott and a multitude of others........I love the selection process - but have found it especially challenging with this quilt. I wish now that I had done the color wheel!!
    I am determined to catch up to you - minus the quilting, by the end of this weekend. We shall see. I have learned so much already, but feel anxious right now - this is my first BOM, and I swore I would stay current...I didn't know it would be so hard :)

  35. Wow. You must be the most patient person in the world. I love this ... inspiring color wheel. Thanks for sharing.


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