
Monday, September 28, 2015

I Am A Mini Mini Quilt

Hook, line and sinker!!  That's what happened when I read a blog post by Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl ~  Mini Mini Quilts.  Like her, I was intrigued and right away had to check out this swap on Instagram using the hashtag #miniminiquiltswap.  

And that's when the madness began!  When I saw the swap, I was piecing my Heavy Metal quilt together.  Since there were lot's of corners to cut off, I decided they may come in handy for a mini mini quilt.  Normally, they make it to the trash...this time I just couldn't!

You can't have a swap with out a partner however.  That isn't any fun!  Yvonne and Michelle are my partners and we soon conspired on color, style and inspiration.  Just to get the ball rolling.  

Beware...Mini Mini's can be addicting!

I believe I was looking for a distraction and these came at the right time.  If I can put off quilting a quilt...I will!

I started with Michelle's Mini.  I wondered how small a chevron could be without being stupid crazy about it.  I trimmed up my half square triangles at 1" (bigger isn't always better) thinking I would see what happens.  

It was a little tricky getting things to line up, but they turned out pretty darn cute!!  And pretty darn small!

They look a bit distorted around the edges in this picture.  I need to take care of that!

Adding borders gave the chevrons a nice frame.  Plus it helped to increase the size, just enough!    

4 1/4" x 4 1/4"
Now a side note.  As I was making this, and having a grand old time in the process, I showed my husband, my son, my daughter what I was doing.  After they called me crazy, each one of them said 'it's a coaster'!  To which I said 'the hell it is, it's a mini mini quilt'!!

My husband had to take it a step further by asking if I was a  'Coaster Poster'.  Yes dear, I'm posting on Instagram, my blog and I may even share them on Flickr!!  His sense of humor is endless...I just want to smack him!  

Let's move on!

This one will become a ROYGBIV rainbow for Yvonne.  These little squares are so, cute!  I couldn't help playing and pawing them!

I was plowing ahead, marveling at the madness and so glad I wasn't messing up quilting the Heavy Metal quilt!

I tried this with a border in dark blue, but wasn't feeling it at all.  Off with the border!  Leave it alone, it's plenty cute enough!

The back in pretty interesting, don't you think?!  

4" x 4"

I don't often bind such tiny pieces.  But it is a mini mini quilt after all.  The chevron mini has the regular method of binding.  

For the rainbow, I used a method I saw on Crazy Mom Quilts a while back and thought I would give it a try.  It was a little tricky for me, but it worked well.  

I have never machine stitched a binding on from beginning to end, and really didn't think a mini mini was the time to start learning (a big quilt would be a challenge for me).  I hand stitched them to the back.  I had to.  It's my thing!  They are so small it didn't take any time at all either!

I didn't do a lot of quilting on either of these, just enough to call them quilts!  Mini Mini Quilts! I think I need another partner...I got the sickness!  



  1. I almost got swept up in the mini-mini craze but I was intent on finishing some of my other projects that have deadlines so I refrained. I love seeing all of them though! Those tiny chevrons are so cute and the rainbow one for Yvonne is cute too. I also love the one Yvonne made for you. More and more, I'm loving the rainbow quilts!

    1. I cannot believe I got swept up in this mini mini craze! Not something I normally do, but they were so cute! And fun as well! If rainbow quilts looked like an actual rainbow, I'd pass. But there are so many options. Can't say how much time I've spent looking at them, maybe too much!

  2. These are cute! Of course I like the rainbow one a bit better, lol.

    1. Rainbows…You cannot go wrong with a beautiful bright rainbow mix of color!

  3. Yikes....those are definitely mini mini....such tiny pieces. Never want to work with small pieces and never thought I would, but I want to play along...everyone seems to be having so much fun.

    1. Come play Anja! I'll swap with you!! I tend to go bonkers and see how small I can go! It is a lot of fun and I've enjoyed the diversion! Let me know if you want to swap!

  4. I love both of these, Jayne, and think you have caught the bug, too! I am definitely going to go check out the tutorial from Crazy Mom Quilts. I am so excited to get your mini in the mail today. :)

    1. I believe you are the ring leader to this swap obsession! I'll get your mini in the mail today as well! Thanks for swapping with me!

  5. They are fantastic mini mini quilts! Thank you for sharing and including your family fun and humor along with the details, it made your post even more enjoyable. Have a wonderful creative day!

  6. Everywhere I look, it's mini mini--and each one as cute as the next. As a beginner, they look like the kind of instant gratification I need! But they're so TINY!! Love both of yours :)

    1. Carol Ann Waugh has a perfect binding for tiny projects. Also works well on irregular edges. She uses rat tail cord. Here the video:

    2. I know the Mini Mini craze has hit! they have been fun and I needed something different to do. I don't think I ever do enough playing, so this was perfect!

      Thank you so much for the binding link! Very interesting and different way of finishing off a piece!

  7. I didn't bite on the mini mini quilt swap as I'm trying to finish up my Bonnie and Camille Log Cabin Swap due Oct. 1. But, I'm definitely going to make some for myself :) How fun just swapping with a couple of other people instead of a large group.

    1. It's so easy to get sucked in to some of these swaps! Since I needed a diversion, I bit! I liked the idea of trade or not, no pressure!

  8. Oh man, I wanna join in! I haven't been swapping for a while because I never felt like I was including enough in my package (all those extras people add, I can barely get my shit together enough to send the thing I made!) but this looks totally manageable.

    1. I don't usually do swaps of any kind. But this one seemed harmless enough and with the option to swap or not was a nice change from an organized one. I know what you mean about the extras! It seems like the surprises are more important than the swap item! What's up with that?! If you decided you want to swap a mini…let me know! I'm game!

  9. Those wee mini minis are super duper cute! And very tempting!!!

    1. The mini mini swap is one I can play! Little bitty quilts, pretty quick and oh so cute!

  10. How totally adorable!!! And hilarious..."it's a coaster"!!!! I'm on a bit of the same wavelength, as I just went from piecing 18" blocks to getting hooked on some itty bitty 1.5" HSTs!, set 2x3!!! I love littles :)

    1. Sometimes the family can be so funny!! It was super fun playing with these mini mini's! I'm not sure the I would regularly make little chevrons, but it was fun to try!

  11. These are super cute!! I am tempted :)


    1. I know what you mean, they are so cute its hard to resist!

  12. These are so adorable! I've recently been paper piecing two inch blocks and found them small. You are incredibly patient to be working with such teeny tiny pieces!

  13. Just beautiful! I don't know how you sew those teeny tiny pieces together!

  14. These are so CUTE! And so TINY! I don't have the patience for such tiny and precise piecing and my arthritic fingers wouldn't play along either. Great work. Nadine in No. Cali.

  15. Boy, did you ever say it?!? You're not kidding that mini mini's are addictive! I ended up making one, and had so much fun that I immediately made another one! I decided to paper piece mine since I knew that I would have better luck with precision.

    They both look great!

    P.S. I have a husband like that who when once he's on a roll... he just can't be stopped.

  16. Boy, those are some wee little pieces. Turned out great!

  17. I love that little rainbow mini! Great colors and such tiny little pieces!

  18. I just found the mini mini quilt swap today. I almost ran to my sewing machine and started busting some out. I didn't, because being less than a week out from Christmas I have other things that I should spend my time doing. But they are definitely on my list. I can totally see myself getting addicted. I already have an idea list 30 or so items long. Watch out 2016, you will officially be the year of the mini mini quilt.


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