
Friday, October 2, 2015

Snapshot ~ Polaroid Blocks

Good Old Instagram strikes again!  I guess I can officially say that I've done a swap (or two)! This swap is for those adorable Polaroid Blocks.  Blocks that I have wanted to make, but never quite got around to making.  

There are a million and one swaps out there.  This one appealed to me because it was just that:  blocks.  No bells, no whistles, no extras, no pressure.  Make a block and mail it in a greeting card.  Groups of twenty were put together, addresses's a go!  

The block itself is so simple!  Not to mention super fast, especially if you chain piece them.

Someone shared how they fussy cut their blocks for a Polaroid using a frame like this.  I thought it was a great idea and of course, had to make one myself!

And it worked perfectly!  

Here's a little tutorial for those of you (like me!) that have yet to make one!  Sew on each side, press seams away from the center block, sew on the top and bottom...Done! 

You can piece one block at a time or chain piece a zillion at a time!  I chain pieced over 25 blocks and it went really fast...really fast...did I mention how fast chain piecing was??!!

3 1/2" x 4" Polaroid Block
What took the longest time was picking out the fabric for the inside!  Do you know how many cute little snapshots there are on fabric?!  It was crazy fun!

Here are some of my favorites:

Love the little houses!

Be still my 'Heather Ross' Heart!  Your fabric is made for Polaroid's!!

I cannot wait to start getting blocks in the mail!  It'll be fun ripping open the envelope and seeing the surprise inside!

And what's better than a little 'Quilting Porn' centerfold shot of this stack?!  

I'm not sure what I'll make when this swap is finished.  

Have you made Polaroid blocks before and what did you make with them?  I'm looking for ideas!!  Help!!



  1. These blocks are SO adorable!! I have just this morning put myself in fussy cutting hell. . . It didn't start out that way but you know how these things go!! LOL

    1. Maybe you need to make Polaroids instead of your fussy cutting madness! Sometimes starting something seems so right and easy…then it becomes too complicated! Good luck with your fussy cutting, can't wait to see what you are up to Judy!

  2. Super cute! Fuzzy cutting at it's best!
    (Btw. your link at Crazy Mom is not working, found you via quokkaquilts)

    1. I was doing too much too fast this morning…thank you for telling me about the link! Polaroid blocks are super fun! Not sure what I will do with them, but hey…I finally made them!

    2. - Yes, the link works now :0) -
      Oh, I'm sure you will turn the blocks into something fantastic. I really enjoy flicking through your blog, beautiful work!

  3. I have not made a Polaroid quilt yet but have considered it. I saw some blocks made with floral prints and fell in love with them. Maybe one of these days it will come up on the list. Your blocks look great!

    1. The blocks are pretty small! I'm not sure I want to make an entire quilt this time, maybe a nice mini for my wall! They are really fast, fun and easy to make. The hardest part is picking the fabric! Too many cute pictures to choose from!

  4. Awesome blocks!! I've never made any myself.

    1. One day you will I bet! They are really quite cute and super fun to make!

  5. I've not made any yet but this has certainly tempted me! I love your little owl - I have one sitting on my shelf. Sadly it is just one - someone else's leftovers! Love your blocks.

    1. I had been tempted for so long to make them too and finally I couldn't say no! It's fun finding the little pictures and they go together so fast!

  6. Jayne your Polaroid blocks are adorable! That's a really fun way to swap too. Envelopes full of surprises, arriving at your door. I love it!
    I'm making a Polaroid quilt too and Jenn (Quarter Inch From the Edge) and I just did a swap too. I've been piecing the side, top, and bottom strips in super long sections and then cutting them apart. Also, I'm doing a lot of blocks in a 3.5" size too and will be mixing the rows up. They look more like the older Polaroid photo size.

    1. Well, if you need some extra blocks…I have some I'll swap with you! I knew Jenn was collecting and make these too! Strip piecing is the way to go with these. It so fast! I want to see your quilt!! Most likely I'll make a mini out of these swap blocks! Not too sure I want to do an entire quilt this go around!

  7. These are super cute. I love how quickly you can make polaroid blocks.

    1. Thank you Diane! They really are fast! I have a hard time getting to some of my bucket list projects, but when I do it makes me so happy!

  8. So fun! I don't know that I have that many cute prints to fussy cut from, but I bet if I cared to get addicted to yet another swap I would find otherwise... *stay focused, Yvonne, stay focused...*

    1. They are fun Yvonne! I thought this was yet another fun and low pressure swap to try! Staying focused this past week has been difficult…mini mini mania hit and hit hard!

  9. Wow, thank you for renewing my enthusiasm for polaroid blocks, and the great idea with the window frame for cutting! Like you, I would spend *hours* in this step, and I'm betting this makes it a lot faster. Hope your swap mates appreciate these cute little beauties!

    1. It does make it faster to choose fabrics with the frame for cutting. I seem to always take forever when picking any fabrics!

  10. Love the white background choice! Awesome progress.

  11. Fab blocks. I've been collecting bunny fabric and i now have a massive stack waiting to become polaroid blocks... i just need to remember to order some white fabric!

  12. Jayne, I saw that swap link up, and had to tell myself, "No!" Adorably cute, these would make a perfect 'sick day' quilt for a Little. Even though I didn't do the swap, I really enjoy seeing all the fussy cuts people are making. I love your H.R. prints in there, and was thinking Tula Pink would also have some fun ones.

    Julie @ Pink Doxies

    1. I don't usually do swaps, but I've found a couple that appealed to me. I thought this one was perfect! Quick, well put together, low pressure and lots of time. Since they are being sent to swap partners in a greeting card, there isn't any pressure to add those 'extras' every other swap does.

  13. What a genius idea for the fussy cutting. Gives you an idea of how it will feel with the polaroid frame. :) And thanks for the little tutorial. Your fabrics are darling and I'm going to try not to rush to my sewing room and make these now. Too many cute distractions. ;)

  14. I haven't made any Polaroids yet, but I can see that this would be like eating potato chips (or chocolate). Your blocks are adorable, and I can't wait to see what you get back.

  15. Hmm. this does look like fun! Easy, peasy fun. What could be better...

  16. Oh these fussy cuts! Every time I see these cute blocks I want to makes some too :)

  17. You are absolutely correct. No better word to describe these little polaroid blocks than Quilting Porn. Now, where can I get that Heather Ross fabric???
    Sew Preeti Quilts

  18. Gotta put them on a baby quilt with camera fabric!


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