
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Mini & Mat

How is it that I didn't get one piece of fabric for my birthday?!  In all honestly, right now I don't 'need' anything.  I want.  I wish.  But, I'm set for at least this week!

What I did get instead, while not fabric it is related:  a folding cutting/ironing mat and a mini iron.  How could we quilt without a cutting mat?  Or a great steam iron?  You got it, we couldn't!  I suppose we could, but imagine the results if we didn't have our 'tools of the trade'! 

When asked what I wanted for my birthday I couldn't think of a thing!  Nada!  Nothing!  After thinking about it for a while, I thought....hmmmm....this set up might be nice to have next to my machine when I do Improv piecing.  Both items are available at Craftsy.

Not that I'm lazy, but sometimes working on a project (improv), I must get up 237 times just to iron one little seam.  It wears on you after a while!  Plus, I can take it to my guild meetings too!

The Mat is 12" x 18" and folds up very nicely.  It appears to be nice and sturdy, no slipping and sliding as it lays on the table.  

How about Mini?!  Small and compact.  Steam or no steam, variable temperature settings, nonstick soleplate.  

I fired it up as soon as it arrived and I have to say I'm impressed.  It heats up quickly and has good steam, everything a quilter needs!  



Not bad at all for a little bitty iron!  This iron needs to sit upright when not in use.  I'm worried about that.  I just know I'll forget, leave it down, burn my new mat!  Darn my Oliso iron for getting me use to leaving irons sole plate down!!  

The folding mat and iron will be yet another tool to make my quilting life easier.  If it saves a little time here and will be worth it!

Sunday Stash  


  1. Have you seen the silicone iron rests? It might be too big, but I bet you could use a silicon trivet...

    1. What a great idea about the silicone iron rest! That could very well be the solution and prevent any accidents with the mini iron! I'm going to look for one!

  2. Replies
    1. I think they are tools I will use. I like gadgets, but having them actual be useful is another matter!

  3. I bought myself that little iron earlier this year and I have been impressed with it too. Nice and hot, good steam. I too used it for improv piecing right by the machine-nope I am not lazy either, but sometimes I have to get up way too often, my hips start hurting! I have it on my tv tray that I covered with the silver ironing board fabric.

    1. I think it will be the perfect solution to the hundreds of trips to the iron! I know what you mean about the hip, mine is my knee! Plus, not having a dedicated sewing room makes me think of better solutions to my area. Hopefully this iron and mat will be a good one!

  4. It's not fabric, but both will come in handy, that's for sure. They would be perfect to take on retreats!

    1. I'll have to buy my own present in the form of fabric! I can't imagine my husband ever in a million years doing that!! I've heard that many people take this very set up to retreats. I've never been on one, but I think it would be one of the first things packed and ready to go for one!

  5. That little iron is a great idea - sometimes I just need smaller iron, you know...Aren't we lucky to not be able to think of anything we really want! I think in general the trick is to enjoy what we already have...but still it's nice to enjoy something new, too.

    1. I'm hoping it will come in handy, be very useful and make me more productive (and less sore!)!! We really are fortunate. There was a time when 'trinkets' were all I wanted and lots of them! Thankfully back then I wasn't aware of quilting! If I have one day with no cooking, I'm a happy, happy lady!

  6. I have that iron and love it

    1. I think it will be perfect for what I have in mind, plus it will save on far too many trips to the big iron!

  7. A belated happy birthday! There may have been no fabric, but that mat and iron combination looks great: especially the iron - for exactly the reasons you state. Think how much time we waste leaping up and down to iron a single seam at a time.

    1. It was a fun day in so many ways!! With my sewing set up there are too many obstacles to get around, so a mini set up will be the perfect solution I think! It does get old getting up and down to press seams!

  8. A small iron and mat...what a great idea. Getting up and down can get old after a while, so I definitely see where this would come in handy.

    1. I'm counting on this iron and mat to save me time and wear & tear on the knees! If I had the perfect set up (not on my dining table!) maybe I wouldn't need it, but I think it will come in very handy!!

  9. I've always wanted one of those. It would be great for sew ins and workshops. Can't wait to hear how you like it.

    1. I think it will help with time, wear and tear on this old body and with improv!

  10. This is why I can't have an oliso. I too love my mini iron. It works so well. I still have yet to invest in the cutting mat/ironing board combo. Seems like it could come in handy though.

    1. I wasn't sure I could get use to the Oliso iron at first, but it didn't take long! I think the cutting/iron mat will be a worthwhile investment. And the little mini iron…who knew something so small would have such power!!

  11. Lovely birthday present! I've been thinking that a combo cutting/pressing mat would be handy for Sew Ins. But I think I'm going to need to upgrade to a wheelbarrow to get everything to and from the car if I keep things up! My trouble with the Oliso is that I can't get others to stop putting it down upright.... it drives me bonkers. :)

    1. Getting up and down and up and down to press a seam, gets old very fast. I envy people who have a dedicated sewing room, but we must work with what we have!

  12. I didn't get any fabric for my birthday, either, until I ordered some online weeks later. I am my own enabler, hee hee. Your iron is super cute, and I'm glad you are enjoying it.

    1. Honestly, I would be scared to see what my husband would have bought for fabric! He does know his limits and knows to leave the fabric buying to me! I think the iron and mat will be the perfect solution for me!


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