
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Stained Glass ~ Play Time

Thank you all for the lovely birthday wishes!  I appreciated each and every one of them!  If I could have, I would have shared my cake with you!  

I decided it was 'Play Time' on Saturday!  I could after all do whatever I wanted to...being the birthday girl and all!  With an idea brewing in my head for some time, I knew it was time to have fun and play with it!  I have to give credit to Yvonne @quilting JETgirl, her Rainbow Scrap Quilt inspired me to get on the ball and get my idea on the wall! 

Solids scraps are always fun to play with.  Lord knows I have plenty on hand!  For each block I picked 4 to 5 different shades of each window.  There wasn't a specific number I planned on making, but you know, once you start a rainbow...there's no turning back!  

The size for each block varied.  From 4" to 7", but that wasn't important.  I knew I would be adding, cutting, changing things as I went along.  The joy of Improv, right?

At first, I was going to connect all the blocks with just black.  I debated, added black strips to some of the sides, but I wasn't feeling it.  After adding black to each side, I was stuck! Which means it was time to stop for the day.  Plus it was time for food, family and cheese cake!  

Bright and early the next day...

...after dousing myself in coffee while wondering what to do next,  another idea popped into my head.  I do love when that happens!  By adding the colored strips to the outside, I could make the black frames not only stand out, but 'wonk' the hell out of them!  (truly a technical term)  

By this time I was feeling it and loving it!

I worked for a while on layout ideas.  There were possibilities.  Endless possibilities.  

I settled on this layout, which I really, really like!  The shape of the layout reminded me of a surf board.  

Working from the center out, and picking a row, I added black to the top or bottom of each block and connected them with a strip in the middle.  The sides would prove to be the easy part!  I wanted to keep the blocks staggered, wonky or uneven.  I had to plan ahead to some extent to maintain the design.

Which was well worth it in the end to me!  I rushed to sew the sides on, flew through sewing the rows was after all Sunday, and you know what that means, right?!  Football! First game of the season was not going to be watched over the top of my sewing machine!  

The next day was spent on quilting.  How to quilt it, what to quilt, thread know, the usual decisions that weigh heavily on your mind.  I came to the conclusion that free motion quilting inside each block was the best idea.  Bring on the rainbow!

Each block contains a section of pebbling.  Other than that, I didn't have a plan.  

I was playing around, doing all kinds of different designs.  FMQ mayhem! 

While I maintain that I'm not great at free motion quilting, it was easy to overlook the flaws after seeing the back.  

If I were a quilt back, this is what I would want to be!  Colorful, playful and bright!

I cannot wait to wash it and see the results!  Bring on the crinkle magic!

With the binding nearly finished, I couldn't be more pleased with how it turned out.  I'm excited to start another Improv project, the ideas are filling my head!  I thought getting this idea would clear my brain clog, but it only added to it!  You know the routine!



  1. This is so beautiful - especially the quilting designs! It feels very playful and well designed without being overwrought, which I think is so difficult to achieve with improv. Well done!

    1. I had fun playing with FMQ on this one! Sometimes you just have to have fun!

  2. Great piece! Love the saturated colors and design. So glad you found time to play!

    1. I think having playtime once in a while is refreshing! It doesn't seem like I get enough of that! I couldn't be happier with the results!

  3. how exciting! I enjoyed the whole post of how you got there. The finish is great! Going to send a link to my group to come and take a look. LeeAnna at not afraid of color

    1. It was so much fun and what better way to spend your birthday than doing whatever you want! Thank you for sharing with your group!

  4. What a lovely way to assemble your scraps and then to add such perfect FMQ: congratulations!

    1. The FMQ turned out much better than I thought it would, then again it's a rainbow of fun…can't go wrong with that!

  5. Oh, I just adore such modern, wonky, and improv style quilting! (I ask myself how to do the same, but still do not have an answer). I really like the stark contrast with the black... a great birthday project! Herzlichen Gluckwünsch zum Geburtstag!

    1. The black was just perfect for the colors! I had so much fun and Boy oh Boy do I have ideas now!

  6. Yvonne has given me some great ideas also; I really enjoy reading her blog as I really enjoy reading your blog! Your wonderful rainbow stained glass blocks are spectacular! This seems like a great way to use up scraps and I love using scrap fabric. Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful creative day!

    1. thank you Brenda! Isn't it great to share and find inspiration?! Yvonne and so many others have done that time and time again for me!

  7. Oh, I love this. Great inspiration to add the color borders. That really made the quilt sing! But my favorite part is the pops of colorful quilting on the back- sheer awesomeness!

    1. I love that improv let's you do whatever you want! Playing it by ear, changing this and that…I just love it!

  8. It turned out beautifully, Jayne! The colored thread and quilting on the back is lovely, and I really like the second solid colored border you chose to use.

    1. Thank you for inspiring Yvonne! Your project was just the push I needed to try my idea!

  9. This is so beautiful, I have to admit, I haven't had the guts to try improv yet... but your colours and how you've brought the blocks together is genius and you've inspired me! Thank you!

    1. I hope you take the plunge and try some improv! You have to just go and do…which is super hard at first! Thank you so much for stopping by!

  10. Oh wow, this looks incredible...

  11. You are the master! Your improv and brights have hit another one out of the park!

    1. It was all about fun with this project and fun I had! After getting a dose of inspiration from Yvonne, I couldn't help myself!

  12. It's gorgeous set off on the black background. I also did some improv work today, and am with you on it not taming the monster. I think we might just be feeding it.

    1. There's nothing like Improv!! Especially when it turns out the way you see it in your head (or close to it)! I think you hit the nail on the head Julie…we are feeding it!

  13. Kudos!! This is an awesome project. The black background was an excellent choice.

    1. I sometimes never know where an improv project will take me! Half way through I knew it was going to come together just the way I had envisioned it!

  14. You are so creative Jayne! I admire your ability to just let go and see where it takes you. Maybe one day...

  15. This is super fun!! You have got the solids thing goin on, always!! And the vertical setting again, perfect!!! Looks and sounds like you had a great weekend! :)

    1. It was the perfect way to spend the day for me Sarah! I may celebrate my birthday once a month just so I can have a 'play day'! (minus the getting older part)

  16. So much I love about this! The stark contrast of the colors against the black. The pebbled quilting. The thread standing out against the black backing. Just beautiful!!

    1. Yet another fabulous quilt top! The back looks great too!

  17. Fantastic. Love the whole thing and I think your FMQ is gorgeous. Well done. :-)

    1. I'm not the best with FMQ, but I sure enjoyed playing around with it on this project!

  18. Great work Jayne. It looks terrific!

  19. This is just wonderful! I, too, was really inspired by Yvonne's rainbow quilt. It's one of my absolute favorites, as is this! Improv is so hard for me and you both make it look so easy. One of these days, I'm going to make one of these!

  20. Love it! And all the fun, colorful quilting! Absolutely wonderful!

  21. What a fun colorful project! Nice improve style too!


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