
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Technicolor Galaxy Check In

I know this Technicolor 'thing' has been going on for a long time.  Such is the way of 'Skill Building BOM's'.  When you think about it, it's been nine months!  Yep!  Nine months!  I tend to finish a quilt from beginning to end and then repeat.  Having a nine monther...Let me tell you, it's hard!

Jenn @ A Quarter Inch From The Edge decided to have a check in for the project.  I love seeing what others are doing and what they have done so far.  Share & tell!

Last night I rummaged through the closet, pulled out my pile of Technicolor 'this & that' and snapped some pictures.  Okay, I went crazy on the pictures.  Why?  When I finish a block for this, I put it away until the next month (some times 2 or 3, and then play catch up). Which made me want to spread it out, look at it, take it in and revel in the craziness of it all!

I was reminded of how much trouble I had with the bias tape.

Excited all over again when I saw the rainbow quilting on the back.

The star points...need I say more?

My marathon of being behind on the Piano Keys, Arrowheads and Geese blocks, only to buckle down and get caught up.  (not easy at all)

Which brings me to today's status!  I went with a low volume center for my Hexie Flowers, they match the Orange Peels!  A happy accident!  Quilting will happen after the next block is finished.  (where is it?!)   

At this point, I haven't a clue how or if this will come together.  I'm a little freaked out, a little excited.  Hopefully I didn't screw up the blocks thus far, you know, cut them the wrong size! That would really not be good!

It was nice to revisit, play with it like a puzzle and look at it once again!  Progress!


  1. AIEEE that is SO GORGEOUS! It looks like it will fit together fine, too. :) Love love love this quilt!!

    1. I hope it all fits together! I'm getting anxious and nervous to find out!

  2. Beautiful job on your fabric choices. You have such an eye for color! It is going to be spectacular.

    1. I still say you cannot go wrong on rainbows!

  3. Oooh... so much fun to see what you did before we started blog-stalking each other! Your FMQ on the color wheel is wicked good. My Technicolor Galaxy lives on my design wall... I can't trust myself to work on it any other way! Thanks for linking up!

    1. Thanks Jenn! I can honestly say I had a blast quilting the center with rainbow thread. I'm kind of at the point where I want it finished now!

  4. I am doing the Technicolor quilt too. I am clueless as to how it will all finish too. I am two months behind.😞

    1. I was months behind at one point too! I'm happy to be caught up, but kind of ready to get to the end of it! I hope you get caught up soon!

  5. Replies
    1. It pure madness…but I'm loving the results so far!

  6. It looks so good all laid out together and I agree that the rainbow quilting is super exciting. The Bach promises to be as gorgeous as the front!

    1. It was nice to see it once again! I'm getting excited to have it finished. It will be my first QAYG project and something I have wanted to learn.

  7. This is just beautiful - love all your quilting.

    1. It's been a fun time learning new techniques!

  8. So pretty! I just love living vicariously through you on this project. What an awesome bonus to have the colorful quilting on the back!

    1. I sometimes wish I was living vicariously thorough someone on this quilt! It's a test of endurance I believe!

  9. Hi Jayne! Wow, these are just amazing! x Teje

    1. Its been quite the experience! A long 9 months of many new skills learned!

  10. Following your progress on this one has been so much fun! Your sections look fab - totally in love with the rainbow quilting!! :)

    1. It was fun pulling out all the sections and revisiting them! I think it will all come together, at least I'm hoping it will! I know I'm ready!

  11. Man, that is AMAZING! I just went and checked that BOM out. I might have to consider doing it in the future. Do the instructions tell you which solid fabrics to get?

    1. It has been a long and winding road with this BOM! The instructions give you advice on understanding colors, color wheels, color value. But choosing the colors is up to each person.

  12. All I can say is WOW! I'm super impressed!

  13. I love how you used low volume for the center of your hexies. I wish I thought of that. Yours is coming along nicely. I can't wait to finish mine. I get bored and distracted easily, but I know I'll enjoy the end result.

    1. The hexie centers were pure luck! I wasn't sure at first. Once they were finished I really liked them! I am so ready to finish this project! I knew going into it it was a long one, but I'm ready to end it!

  14. It looks awesome!! You've done a great job to date. Can't wait to see it finished.

  15. Hi Jayne. Beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  16. It looks fabulous, can't wait to see the next blocks

  17. It looks fabulous, can't wait to see the next blocks

  18. This is crazy beautiful. I San see why you want to revel in it. I'd be rolling in it ; )

  19. It's looking great! I wish I had got in on the fun now. Just curious, did you end up getting the kit or are you pulling fabrics from your stash?

    1. It has been fun learning, we all love a new skill! I bought the front kit, but have added some of my stash as well. In the kit, you can use whatever fabrics you want, wherever you want them. There was a pretty good variety provided. Picking fabrics is always the hardest part for me, so I went with the rainbow and the front kit! It saved some frustration!

  20. It looks amazing. I love the rainbow quilting.... great job!

  21. Ignore my older comment asking for an update! This is fantastic!
    I just posted my update here:

  22. Please pick me! I love your Beatles inspired baskets

  23. Please pick me! I love your Beatles inspired baskets


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