
Sunday, October 25, 2015

A Stash For Seven Sundays!

How could I not?  When I saw this entire box full of a magical rainbow, my heart skipped a beat.  My mind said 'Don't Do It', then it said 'Do It'...over and over again.  

Good, Bad.  Yes, No.  

Modern Solid Fat Quarters.  Denyse Schmidt.  Yea, baby...I said yes!  

This was my first ever Mass Drop purchase.  I look every once in a while, but it has never gone any further than that.  I signed up to receive a notice if this particular box was going to be offered again. Eventually it was.  I still wasn't sure I was going to buy it, so after a couple days I went back to check on it.  Did you know you can commit to buy an item only if it hits the lowest price?!  I was happily surprised and decided to commit to it.  And yes, it hit the lowest price!  

Just what did I receive?  75, count 'em...75 Fat Quarters!  I do believe my solid stash is very well rounded now!

Break Down:
Cost:         $119.00
FQ Price:  $1.59
Per Yard:  $6.35
Yardage:  18 3/4

I'm sure there could be a better price per yard out there.  I thought it was very reasonable and did I tell you there are 75 Fat Quarters?!!

Naturally, I have to stare at the colors for a while.  Ooh and aww, touch and pet them.  What many of us do when we buy a collection and are to afraid to use it!  The obvious thing to do is make a rainbow quilt...way too obvious even for me!  We'll see.  I've only had it a couple days, barely enough time to take it all in!  


On another note, I've been busy in the evenings making more EPP Plus blocks. (tutorial available @ Wild Olive Blog

  I used all the Loominous fabric!  Now what to do!  

I don't want to go much bigger, so I don't think I'll invest in more Loominous.  I'm playing with layout ideas and the more you play, the more I become unsure!

Solids on the outside, alternate solids or all mixed together?  I will have to make some partial blocks to fill in the gaps around the edges, and then maybe slap a border on it and call it done!  

I'm always open to suggestions!!  This is another episode of wanting to try something, but not having a plan!  Someone should smack me!



  1. Your plus blocks are looking fantastic! My favorite arrangement is the top photo for some reason - just speaks to me today. (I bought a box of these solids also and love having all those colors at my fingertips.)

    1. I have to agree that the top layout is my favorite as well. A few adjustments here and there of course! I'm excited to bust into my box of solids, but for now…I'll just stare at them for a while!

  2. My friend bought that box from the same Massdrop as you. She lets me pet it sometimes.

    1. Oh how funny Nicole! You have a very good friend! It's a gorgeous box of color, and hopefully it won't sit too long!

  3. I'll be interested to see what everyone else says about the layout, because my immediate response was that the first approach, all mixed together was by far my favorite. (To the point where I wondered why you were even considering anything else, when that looked so incredibly good.) But then, when I pulled up this page, the third layout suddenly looked good in an odd way--like something floating on the surface of a pond. So, that's my feedback. Not much help, I'm afraid. But I do think the first is best.

    1. Thank you for your opinion Beth! I tried a few layouts, but am leaning towards the top one as well. With a few changes along the way and grey around the outside. I like that it is more random and mixed up!

  4. Lovely box of goodies. You need to pet it some more before using it!!! LOL

    1. Believe me Anja, this box is getting some love! By the time I use it, it will most likely be a dirty, sticky dingy mess from all the touching!

  5. I vote for the first view also.

    Then immediately, before I even read the rest of the article I thought to myself, wow that is beautiful and not normally the colors i would use, but if I was that talented I would add bright white as a background border (using white for the partial blocks and adding an area of white for a border also) I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.

    So it looks like the plus blocks are sitting on top of a white background

    Thanks for listening to my idea. I am a beginner self taught (for about 10 years. This is the first time I have ever put my opinion out there.

    Sorry if it sounds stupid

    1. Your opinion does matter!!! And thank you for sharing your idea! I didn't even consider white as a background, that gives me something else to think about now. I was leaning towards grey around the outside, but there are other options I haven't even thought about!

    2. Thanks Jayne for making me feel so welcome.

  6. I think I have a really bad case of fabric envy going on here. Fantastic collection of solids there

    1. I couldn't resist! The price and timing were just right to snatch this box up!

  7. I went back and forth on that box so many times! I can't wait to see what you transform that rainbow of fabric goodness into!

    1. The timing was right to grab this box! I missed the first drop, but wasn't going to let this one pass me by again! One day I'll stop looking at it and use them!

  8. I saw that drop as well and looked at it a few times but decided not to. Of course, had I actually figured out the cost breakdown, I might have relented!

    1. I like that you can commit only if it reaches the lowest price. That tipped me over the edge. Especially after I did the breakdown of the cost. Maybe next time you can get in on it!

  9. Hi Jayne! I'm so happy for your to have that treasure in your hands! Really good prize and all those beautiful colours in one box - heavenly! For your exciting eep project you could esily pick colours from your new solids, but I know you are not ready to cut them yet. On the other hand they are special fabrics for a special project like this is. x Teje

    1. The box is delicious Teje! You are correct…I'm not ready to cut in to them yet! I want to, and I will, one day! I know I'm not the only quilter who has to stare and touch a collection for a while before cutting in to it!

  10. Okay, first of all, those colors are so beautiful - haven't you opened up the box and fingered the fabrics? I definitely would have done that immediately! And second of all - love the cross/pluses. I like the first arrangement best by far, if it counts for anything. And I'm glad you're using all the colors - it really works - you are SO talented!

    1. They are gorgeous and yes Ma'am…I touch, stare and sigh when I see them all together!!! Perhaps some will make them in to a project I am testing for someone!

  11. Oh, and another piece of unsolicited advice - I would keep the first arrangement and use some sort of darker or lighter solid background to fill the empty spaces - leave it kind of it's floating. LOVE IT!

    1. As for the EPP Plus blocks, I am going with the first layout. I like that it is more random. I'm debating using the grey around the edges. I think that would allow the blocks to stand out more. We'll see! I have a lot more stitching to do! And we all know things can change!

  12. For the EPP, I vote for a mix, I think it is much more visually interesting that way. I also bought the Denyse Schmidt FQ bundle earlier in the year. I split it with Renee @Quilts of a Feather, and it has been fun to dip into the bundle now and again. They have a great hand and a nice feel. I might need to explore where to purchase yardage...

    1. I remember when you got your Modern Solids, I was so jealous and knew I needed to watch for the next drop! I love the colors and the feel is amazing! I've decided to go with a mix on the EPP Plus blocks. Visually it is the more interesting! Thank you for the advice, you are always very helpful Yvonne!

  13. I love your EPP piece. Like, really love. I don't think I have the talent to where I would have put those three fabrics together, but perhaps as I admire others', my own eye will improve over time. Anyway, I do definitely have a preference for the first layout. That's the one I went, "Ooh and Ah" over :) And your box of solids has been tantalizing me from Massdrop, too. It's so gorgeous! And it is a very good buy, I think. I just couldn't afford it right yet, but maybe it will come up during a time when I can. So, enjoy,moor those of us who can't yet! I'm so glad it's in a house who truly appreciates and pets it properly, if it can't be with me, haha!

    1. The first layout is my favorite as well! I had to play around, you just never know what you will come up with! English Paper Piecing is something I have only recently tried and fell in love with! The Plus blocks are the easiest I've ever done. Not sure how much fun sewing all the blocks together, but its fun! I've had my eye on Mass Drop waiting for the DS Modern Solids to come back for a while, like you I had to wait for the right time and it just happened to be the right time!

  14. I bought a charm pack of that set of solids, and they are amazing!! Would love to get the FQ bundle but am on pretty strict no buying fabric rules at the moment. (BOOOO)
    I love the way the EPP is turning out! I'm glad you're going with the first layout. You're probably already working on it, but I feel like it could use a strong pop. Like a dark, dark grey. Not a lot, just two or three. :) Although it's gorgeous as is, so feel free to ignore me! :D

    1. Who wants to be on a fabric fast?! I have been eyeing this box for so long. The timing was right for me, and I may actually use them…one day…in the future! As for the EPP Plus blocks, they are really a lot of fun. I need mindless work in the evenings and these fit the bill! Super easy! I always welcome advice, so thank you for that! When you speak, I tend to listen! Yea, this whatever it is I'm making, will be the first layout and have plenty more grey surrounding it!

  15. Oh! I just read another comment where you said you were going to do more of the medium grey. Nevermind, if that ends up being your base, the other colors will pop and that will be fantastic. Please ignore me! :D

  16. So jealous of that box! I want one so badly!!

    As far as your EPP goes I definitely prefer it all mixed in.


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