
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A Simple Solution : Something Had To Be Done!

Everything is under control!  My Mini Mini Quilt obsession has subsided, at least for now! However, it left me with a conundrum.  How do I display them?!

Naturally, I needed to take care of the problem instantly.  I have plenty of wall space, but randomly tacking little pieces to the wall was not going to cut it.  If I had a dedicate work space I know I would have a fancy schmancy bulletin board, or a wall dedicated to minis...but I don't. I needed a plan B.

Presenting...Plan B!  TA-DA!

20" x 16"

This idea started brewing in my head a couple days ago.  I found an old unused frame crammed tucked inside a closet.  I couldn't tell you what happened to the glass, years have passed and it has been out of sight, out of mind.  I hadn't planned on using the glass anyway! 

The frame is 20" x 16", a good size to hold my current and future mini's!  At the moment, my addiction is under control, but I can't say it ain't gonna happen again! They are that much fun!

It had a perfectly sized piece of card board inside and for a moment, just one little moment, I thought I would cut a piece of foam board to replace it.  Then I remembered the last time I used a utility knife and promptly thought better of that idea!

This frame has little hinges with screws (not really hinges...corner things!), when you loosen the screw the pieces come apart.  

Once I figured that out, I picked out some fabric, got a scrap of batting and a piece of backing.

I layered all the pieces in the usual quilt sandwich and went about quilting 1/2" lines. Nothing earth shattering, difficult or fancy!  Just getting some texture for the background.  It was looking good!!  But I thought it needed a little more.  Some visual interest.  Random lines. Artsy, abstract, modern...bam!

Realistically this could be double sided.  Depending on your mood, season or holiday.  I happened to grab a scrap of not such a great lime green cotton fabric.  Mind you, I love lime green, I just didn't want to use a good fabric for the back. 

After all the quilting was said and done, I cut my background fabric the exact size as the piece of card board.  Some frames have more of a lip or over hang on the front and the size wouldn't be a huge issue.  This frame had a slight overage, I had to be precise.  Or darn close to it!

A little off I'd say!  It was going to be fine.  I didn't want the panel to flop around or slide down and thought stapler!!  Right at the edge.  With the edges and corners secure, I knew it wasn't going to move.

A blank canvas!  Bring on the Mini Mini's!  The other question was how to attach the mini to the frame.  It certainly was velcro...and duct tape is out of the question!  


No, not my finger!!  That lovely and very sharp little pin!  I wasn't looking for anything permanent and this seemed like the perfect solution.  The pin is tucked behind the quilt, yet holds it perfectly.  And...I can rearrange until my hearts content!

There it is, a solution.  A picture worth a thousand words.  Art.  A mosaic featuring creations from some amazingly talented ladies!

After I finished this, I searched Pinterest.  I maybe should have done that to begin with for more ideas!  From cardboard, cork board, ribbon and burlap...Pinterest has it all! 



  1. Great way to show off the minis!

    1. That's what I though Patricia! I needed one place to display all of them and this seemed like a great idea!

  2. Ha! Inventions's mother strikes again, and I love the idea. I may just make you a mini though so you have to rearrange the ones you have because I'm diabolical like that...

    1. I think it will work out just fine! I'm sure I will rearrange them over and over again…diabolical…you are so bad!! It will be a puzzle when some of the other mini's arrive! I may have to make another one!

  3. The display looks great! How many more are you expecting to receive (aka how full is that fame going to get?!?!?!)?

    1. I had to do something! I think I have 4 or 5 on their way, maybe more…I didn't keep track very well! Probably too many for the board, but it's a start!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you!! It was fun and a much needed solution!

  5. What a perfect way to display your mini's. Best idea ever. I hope the next time you are hit with the mini mini bug, I catch it in time. It looks like everyone had so much fun playing.

    1. I think it was perfect for these Mini Minis Tish! When ever you want to swap mini's, let me know! I would love to swap! I've slowed a bit, but still want to make more when time allows!

  6. I LOOOVE your idea!! So versatile, easy to change out. I haven't done any mini's even but maybe someday!

    1. It really is versatile Vicki! If I want to change the background, I very easily could! And being able to rearrange the mini's is important too!

  7. This is a really great idea, so simple, but yet just so right. Great thinking to do double sided - you can mix things up depending on your mood at the time.

    My mini mini obsession has not yet subsided, in fact it might be a little out of control right now. I wrote you back about trading... perhaps it landed in a spam folder. Hope I might be able to coax you into just one more.

    1. Thank you Allison! It is a simple idea and will work well to showcase all the gorgeous mini mini's!!

  8. Jayne, I absolutely adore your solution! It does make a sensational piece of artwork that as you see fit can be rearranged and create a whole new effect. Would you mind terribly if I made something similar for my two step daughters who are very artsy and would love this! Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful creative day!

    1. It turned out to be the best solution to all those mini mini's I'm collection. I love that they are all in one place…a big picture of quilt art!

  9. Replies
    1. Such a fun and quick project! Instant gratification!

  10. clever you!! I haven't jumped on the mini mini bandwagon. or the mini bandwagon. or really, any bandwagon ;-) But this looks fun :-)

    happy sewing, big or small things...

    1. Sometimes being clever is needed when presented with a problem! It turned out pretty good and perfect for me! I'm not usually a bandwagon person either…these Mini Mini's just grabbed me!

  11. I love it!! Now I want to swap lots of minis so I can have a display board.

    1. You better get on instagram and start swapping…it doesn't take long to get some takers!!

  12. What a neat solution! There's still some room on there, though. Just sayin'. Not trying to enable.

    1. Enabler…I love the idea of being able to add more or rearrange all the Mini's. I'm afraid I may not have enough room after the others arrive! I may have to come up with Plan C!!

  13. What a great solution for showing off your minis! As you add more, you can rearrange them and have an always fresh piece of art.

    1. I thought it was the best solution for me...for now!

  14. Well, isn't that just completely clever and perfect! Well done!

  15. I have a feeling.... This is going to be covered with even more mini minis. Looks fabulous, Jayne. What a wonderful way to display all the love!

  16. What a cool idea!! And if you run out of space, you could always get some decorative push pins and put them along the bottom, then attach additional minis to ribbons and hang them from the push pins. You can vary the length of the ribbon to fit a lot more off the bottom edge!

  17. This is such an awesome idea and a great way to collect and highlight your cute minis!

  18. Your mini obsession is hilarious! Maybe that's what we should swap! :)


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