
Sunday, October 18, 2015

Small Stash ~ EEP Plus

Back in July I bought a scrap pack of Loominus on my first trip to Craft South.  The bag has been pulled out, touched, and put back...many times!  I was never sure what I would do with this pile of gold, but knew one day something would happen.

Loominous Traffic
Pool Shot Cotton
The colors, design and feel of this fabric is amazing. Look at that sheen!!  

When an idea came to me, it was Loominus Traffic in the Forest colorway that grabbed hold of me.  I also knew I would need more.  Which I believe is the whole idea of scrap packs!! They can suck you in!  

While looking for something to do during the evening (again!), searching Pinterest for a good English Paper Piece Project, I came across these Plus Blocks.  And that was when the idea hit me that Loominous might be perfect.  The tutorial and printable templates are available here: Wild Iris Blog.  

I knew I would be able to fussy cut pieces for this block and make an interesting geometric design.  Just in case I wanted to add more, I grabbed the blue and grey.  To be honest, I haven't a clue what I'm making, why I'm making it or where it will lead!  

The hardest part of this template is making sure the fabric lines up correctly.  Otherwise, they are super fast!

Basting the four pieces of the plus blocks together is amazingly easy.  

Well, at least this part is!  We'll see how I I feel when it's time to put the pieces together!  I love how they have turned out so far.  Fussy cutting can be a challenge!  And the waste! That's the hard part!

Playing around with ideas.

Will I use the blue?  Maybe.  Or the grey?  Perhaps.  

For now I'll just keep my hands busy, my mind occupied and continue to make more.  It won't be big, that is a given!

English Paper Piecing wasn't something I thought I would enjoy as much as I do.  It's a technique that I am sure I will continue to explore, maybe even work up to something a little more complicated down the road!  

Do you EPP?  What is your favorite design?  Yea, I'm looking for ideas!!



  1. Loominous fabric is on my wishlist and this post just might push it into the shopping cart. I love these little pluses. Now that the weather has cooled, I will be in the mood to get my EPP out.

    1. Loominous is just gorgeous and feels amazing! Winter is a great time for some hand sewing. Wrap up in a quilt, hand stitch and watch football…one of my favorite winter activities!

  2. ooh, that's a fantastic use of loominous! I have itty bitty scraps of it, but not that particular print. I really love EPP but have yet to actually finish a project with it. lol

    1. Loominous is so amazing! I always start EPP projects with nothing in mind…one day I will try doing it the other way!

  3. I love the way the geese point in the first version, and lining up the stripes in the second is fantastic, too. It will be fun to see where this leads you. :)

    1. I thought the first version was the best too! Both sides of the fabric are different, so the possibilities are endless! I just hate wasting fabric with fussy cutting! Or maybe I just need to let go!!

  4. Lovely fabrics! I love your EPP! I've just new to that game :)

    1. I haven't been doing Epp for a long time. I usually try one design, jump to the other…just to see what it is and if I like it!

  5. yes! I love EPP and the plus blocks struck my fancy too. your fabric is perfect for it indeed! can't wait to see what it becomes.

    1. I love the Epp Plus block. Its so much fun playing with the fabric to see what different designs I can make!

  6. Gotta say, EPP is not my cup of tea, but it sure is fun seeing what you're doing with it. Fussy cutting I like, and I'm especially drawn to your geese block. Those Loominous fabrics are awesome!

    1. I never thought it would be something I would like either, but it grew on me! The Plus block is one of the easiest I have done and the Loominous fabric worked so well with the template!

  7. What awesome fabrics. Great job on the fussy cutting. EPP is not my passion, but I have some hexies on the go -- figure it will keep me occupied over the winter while watching tv.

    1. The Loominous line has some really gorgeous colors, but the feel and sheen of this print is what I really like! Exactly on the EPP for the winter! It's the perfect time to stay warm and do a little work!

  8. What fun! I made my very first hexie flower last week...I don't see much EEP in my future :)

    1. I think I may have felt that way the first time I tried EPP! I always thought 'why would anyone want to do this?'! Then the bug bit me…and I fell in love!! I have especially enjoyed playing with the design of the fabric on these Plus blocks!

  9. Isn't that clever working with the design of the fabric! I've dabbled in EPP, only hexies, but I was lazy and didn't actually attach them together and opted to sew them down onto a wall hanging ( I still have some hexies lying around and might need to do something with them again.

    1. I've had the best time playing with the fabric lines and the Plus block! I'm sure this will become just a mini wall hanging. Thanks for sharing your link, I did the same thing with my hexies for pillows!! I love that method for hexies.

  10. Oh this looks so fun. I'm sort of diggin' on the plus thing myself, lately. I keep coming up with ideas for x or + designs - must be in the collective consciousness. Very clever use of the fabrics. And BTW, I would use all three colors - it works!

    1. I tend to jump in feet first and think about what I'm going to do later! Oh fun! I'm still on the fence about all three colors, I like them all together…guess I'll see how many blocks I can get out of the fabric I have first!

  11. This is almost too clever for words! Love the idea, love the fussy cutting, like the idea of winging it with EPP - almost makes me want to play.

    1. I have a little bit of cleverness once in a while! The EPP Plus block is so easy…I'm enjoying having something to do in the evenings where I don't have to fight and tug at! Mindless…is a good word for it!

  12. This looks like lots of fun. I like it when the fabric design lends to the piecing design. Those are some neat points too!

  13. I have never done EPP. IT looks cool. Most of all I love these gorgeous fabrics. Might have to get some!

  14. What a creative way to use that Loominous print! I just bought some of that over the fall break weekend. Can't wait to dive into it. I think I'm going to use it for clothes for me or my daughter though. :)

  15. Looks beautiful and fun! Something new instead of hexagons. x Teje


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