
Friday, December 11, 2015

Clear Vinyl WIP Bags

My how a week flies by!  Last week I shared a piece of clear vinyl I bought from, hoping to use it one day for some WIP zipper bags.  Well, we all know how things like that go! You get something for a future project and think... not now... there are other things that must come first, but in the end you cannot help yourself.  You keep thinking about it, you gotta do it...

WIP Bags
So I did.  One bag led to two, two led to three, three led to 'why can't I do it like this', which led to 'I think this would be better'...which led to I am out of clear vinyl now!!  Seriously! Good news:  My itch has been scratched!

Here it is, the clear vinyl.  It is 8mm thick, medium/heavy weight.  Honestly, I didn't know what thickness to get.  I just popped this in the cart and thought it would be fine.

I also mentioned that I was going to buy the pattern for the vinyl bags from Amanda Jean @ Crazy Mom Quilts.  Which I did.  I couldn't very well think of how to make these by myself, and the pattern helped immensely!

As always, the hardest part was picking the fabric!  Why...I don't know.  They are just bags! Eventually I settled on fabric and a zipper!

According to the pattern directions, I needed a 12" zipper.  This one will need some cutting, but it will work.  The zipper will have zipper ends. 

11" x 11"
I got so 'in to it' that I didn't take pictures during the process.  So, yeah.  First zipper pouch. It works.  The zipper opens.  That's a good thing!  But notice the horrible pucker on both sides of the zipper!  Yikes!  I felt like I must have done something wrong.  I reread the directions and wondered what I did wrong.  

The binding was attached like a normal binding.  I even machine stitched it!  Kind easy when it's a clear project!  

I was still feeling pretty good regardless of the flaws.  And I sure as heck wasn't going to give up!  I ain't no quitter!

Day two.  I was giving it another go!  Fabric, zippers, zipper ends for two pouches at once. Check and check. 

Zipper casings attached.  Everything is going according to plans!  Yes!!  Let's move on to the zippers...there has to be an easier way, something that won't pucker!

This time I folded the vinyl away from the casing.  That way I have fabric, zipper, fabric...which should make things go much smoother all the way around.  I found that vinyl is super sticky and it slips and slides.  I'm sure that's what caused of puckers!
8" x 8 1/2", 14" x 14"
It appears folding back the vinyl was the solution.  No puckers!  It still isn't perfect, but I can live with this.

Of course, this has now led to my version.  As much as I like and appreciate the pattern, and I could never have thought of this on my own, I wondered how it would work 'my' way. Just a slight variation...

I didn't feel the zipper tabs were needed.  They look good and all, but they also limit the opening size.  Surely I could skip this step.

So I did.  I also moved the zipper closer to the top.  Either way is fine.  I just wanted to give it a test run.  
13 1/2" x 15 1/2"

You see that I totally went bonkers with this clear vinyl thing.  I was hooked!  (kinda like mini mini quilts a couple months ago!)

Project bags stacked high with WIP's, important fabrics, little blocks and scraps!  You could use them for anything...anything!  

You might be thinking a good old Ziploc works perfectly fine, why go to all the trouble and time for these?  I say why not?  Look at them!  Color...cute...variety!  

One yard of vinyl goes a long way! 
Sewing with vinyl or oil cloth can be tricky.  It sticks, it slips and slides. 

  • You need to use longer stitches when sewing with it.  Small stitches may cause your vinyl to tear away like a perforated piece of parer.  
  • Go slowly and gently pick up the vinyl as it moves through the machine to prevent sticking.
  • Fold the vinyl away from the casing when installing the zipper.
Let's talk about cutting vinyl!  Believe me when I say it's tricky!  You can't see it very well with a ruler on top.  It sticks to the rule and shifts easily.  I have a plastic vinyl on the backs of my rulers and it made it nearly impossible to cut accurately.  I ended up flipping the ruler over which didn't solve the problem completely.  

I found that cutting the back piece was best done after the front was complete.  Inevitably, you have to trim up the front and it seemed to always be a different size that the back.  

My take on these bags and the pattern:  The pattern is well worth buying, especially if you are like me and need a jumping off point.  I wouldn't have known where to start!  That being said, you could easily figure it out with out a pattern.  (me, not so much)  Personally, I like the bags without the zipper tabs.  Easier access when opened up and they look clean and finished without tabs.  Buy the pattern, give it a go!  


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Click here to enter:

Sew Mama Sew ~ Giveaway Day


  1. These are super cute, Jayne. I totally agree that cutting vinyl is tricky - so slippery. And sewing it can be tough as you learned, too. I read somewhere to use the paper backing when sewing - not under the needle or feed dogs, but under the portion of the vinyl that needs to slip along your sewing table to keep it from statically grabbing as it goes along. That tip helped me a lot.

    1. I know I went over board, but I'm like an old dog with a bone sometimes! I've heard that about using paper, I also have a teflon foot that I've used with oil cloth. For now I've itched my scratch…however I think there will be more in the future!

  2. Good job, Jayne! I pattern tested this for Amanda Jean. I experienced similar frustrations but I love the look of cute project bags. Also when I was cleaning out the guest room closet I found yards of vinyl on that long round cardboard tube. What? How could I have forgotten purchasing that?

    1. Oh you did?! I wonder if I misread the instructions on the zipper part. It turned out fine with a little adjustment in the end! When I first saw these bags, I knew right away one day I wanted to give them a try…I did…and went overboard with them! Very fun pattern and they make me happy seeing them filled up! One reason I jumped right in was because I bought the vinyl and knew if I didn't use it right away I would stick it in the closet and forget about it, much like you did!

  3. These project bags are on my list to make too. But I wanted to wait until I worked my projects down to a reasonable number ;)

    Thanks for the tips!

    1. We have way too many things in common Cynthia!!! I hope some of my tips help you out if you ever get to make these. I think you should, they are too festive and happy not to!

  4. I used bits of Noddlehead's Road Trip Case pattern as my jumping off point for vinyl bags. Though I've yet to be brave enough to make one entire of vinyl. I tend to do one side quilted and the other side vinyl. These are lovely!
    P.S. The eagle has left the nest... and gone to the post office!

    1. Now I need to check that Road Trip Case out! I'm pleased with how they turned out. There was a few hiccups along the way, but not enough for me to throw in the towel! I thought about a fabric backing like you do. Maybe the next go around I will try it.

      I'm excited for that eagle to land…I have a little eagle sitting here waiting to grow wings (postage)!!

  5. Very cool! I say why not too! Those are great for holding WIPs. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

    1. I really had way too much fun making these bags…once all the problems were solved!

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you Karen! A fun distraction for sure!

  7. These are awesome! I've been toying with purchasing the pattern. Thanks for the review.

    1. I highly recommend making these WIP bags! Imagine how gorgeous that pile of WIP's will be once they are contained in pretty little pouched Anja!

  8. Great pouches, would make terrific gifts for quilty friends!

    1. They would be perfect gifts for friends! Too bad I ran out of vinyl! I think if I make them again, they will be much better now that I know some tricks!

  9. So much cuter than zipper bags! Sign, another project to add to my aspirations list.

    1. They really are cuter than ziploc bags! I apologize for making your list longer…these are worth it!

  10. Coming from a girl with tubs FULL of "good ol ziplocs"...I absolutely say, with you "WHY NOT"!!!! Uber cute...officially on my to make list!

    1. And I'm not saying ziploc bags are a bad thing…but the vinyl bags are much cuter and more inspiring! I hope you get a chance to make these Sarah!

  11. Love this! And it's so funny because as I was reading your blog post, my sweetie came out of the kitchen with a vinyl showel lining (clear one) that somehow doesn't fit the rings we have on the curtain rod. He wanted to return it, but I stopped him! I might use it to make WIP bags!!! How is that for timing?! :-)

    1. I was told once that shower curtains work great for bags! I may grab one and try a few different ideas I have since making these! That is so funny you stopped your husband from returning it…innovative!

  12. *shower lining (not showel)!! :-)

  13. Very very cute. I have some vinyl I bought for positioning appliques. Hmmm, if it is thick enough, I might try this project. BTW, I already have colorful zippers. Thank you for sharing your project.

    1. It sounds like you have all the parts and pieces for these bags! I love how they turned out, especially after a few changes.

  14. I like your modifications, but I'm not sure I can visualize the folding away from the casing part. So, if you ever make more I'd love to see how you did that. :)

    1. I will for sure be making these again! I have a few new ideas I want to try out! And when I do, I'll make sure I have pictures to show how I did the zippers/casings!

  15. Jayne, these are wonderful! Thanks for the idea and the instructions!

    1. You are most welcome! I hope it all made sense and maybe you will get a chance to make them as well!

  16. Thanks for the tips! I've been meaning to make some also :)


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